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MORTGAGE SALE. ■ EFAÜLT having been made in the JgiJjP payment of a certain sum of money, 8ecured by indenture of mortgage. executed by Barney Davanny to Jacob L. Larzelere and George B. Daniels, dated, July the 21st, A. I). 18S7, and reconled in the regieter's office in the county of Washtenaw, Michigan, on the S28th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, in líber five of raorrgagea at page two hundred and eighty-three, whercon 13 due at the date of this notice two hundicd and elght dollara and forty four cents, which said mortgage has been du!y assjgned to the subsciiber. Notice Í3 therefore hereby given that on Thursday the third day of Fcbruary next, at one o'clock, v. m., at the Court House in th village of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, will be sold at public "auction tb,ft premises jn said mortgage described, beïng all that certain piece or parcol of land sitúate in the county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan and bounded and described as follows: it being the west half of the southwest quarter of section nutnber sevcn, ia townehip number one south of range number four east, containing eighty one and thir. ty one hundredth acres of land. FRANCIS M'CONIN, Assigneo. L. H. Hkwett, Atlorney. Dated Nov. lst 1841. TAILORING BUSINESS! jk M. NOBLE, would respectfully in. 7 forra the citizens of Ann Arbor and ita vicinjty, that he ha3 recently opened a shop in the Lower Town, immediately over the late mercantile etand of Lund íf Gibson, and opposite the eboe store of J. Beckley, & Co., where lie is prepared at all times to do work in liis line, with promplness, and in a neat and durable tnanner. Particular attention will be paid to cutting garments. Produce will be taken at the usual prices, for work done at Jiis shop . - . . Tho8e who have cash to pay for services o4 this kind, are particular invitod to cali. P. S.-Wanted) a boy from 12 to 15 yeari of age, as an apprentice to the, Tailoring Business. Ann Arbor, Octobcr 6, 1841. tfNEW GOODS. AGOOD assortmentof moet kinds of Goods that are needed are now opened and ready fot display or sale, at the store furmerly occupied by Degraffk. Townsend, in Ann Arbor, (Upper Town,) which willbe sold lo thoBe who wish to buy and pay money or almost any kind of Produce, by F. DENISON. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17, 1841. SOtf JV. B. Not knowing the pnces at which Goods are sold in this región, I must requeBt those who vish to liöow if they are cbeap to cali and examino for themselves. Pork, Wheat and Butter are taken in exchange for goods and at fair pricos. F. D. IN ATTACHMENT. In attachment, before C. W. Lane Justice. VVilliam Sperry. i vs. V Washtenaw county, as. Carlos Joslin, ) AN attachment having issued in the above entitled cause, and the defendant not havingappeared at the return thereof; notice is therefore hereby given that the sniJ cause cause is continued to the l3th day of November next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the office of the said justice in the viHage of Ypsilanti, in soid counly. WILLIAM SHERRY. August 4, 1841. 27-4w STRAYED AWAY, From the promises of the subscriben, residing in the village of Ann Arbor, (lower town,) on the night of thel7th inst ., a black line back forrovv cow, about five years oíd, with a 6inall white 6pot on her ibrehead, and one white hind foot. No other marks recollected. Any porson who will return said cow, or Sive information where Bhe uiay be found shall be reasonably rewarded. N. SULLIVAN. Ann Arbor, JVov. 24, 1841.TAKEN UP BY the subscriber, living in the town of Green Oak, Livingston Connty, on the-. 5th of October, inst.. a dark brown, steer, two years oíd; no other marks perceivable. The person, owning sucli steer, will come forward, prove property, pay charges and take hira away, otherwise he will be dieposed of according to law. JOHN MONAHAN. Green Oak, Oct. 12, 1841. CAUTION. ISRAEL E. GODLEY, an indented apprentice, about fourteen years old, having been coerced from the employment of the Bubscriber; the public are hereby cautiooed against. trusting said Boy on his ac count, as he will pay no debta of hie contractingfrom the pr tsent date. Z. WALDRON. Northfield, Nov. 17, 1841. 2w Produce Oï every Descrïptioiij MECEIVED in payment for Job work, Advertising and Subscriptions to tho "SiG?fAL of Liberty," if deJirered at the Office, immediately over the Stjre of J, Beckley, fa Co. ipri 28. DYE STUFF'S. INDIGO, Madder, Alum, Coperas, &c. for sale cheap at Ann Arbor, (Upper Towo,) by F. DENISON. Ann Arbor, May 12, 1841. JJIuuks ! JBhiEiks Blaiiks ! ! ! JUST PRINTED, on fine paper and in a superior style, a Jarge assortj ment of blank sqmmons, subptnnas, Executions, fcc. - For sale at thie office.. June $3, 1841. 9-tf PROSPECTUS. THE Pubüshers of the New York Tribs une, encouraged by the generoue patronage and hearty approval which has been extended to their Daily paper since its eetabiish. ment, and which has already rendered it the second in point of circulation in the city, propose to publish on and after the l8th day of September, a Weekly pdition on a sheet of mammoth eize, excluding all matter of a local or transilory interest, and cttlculated inainly for Country circulation. The Tribune - whether in its Daily or Weekly edition - will be what its namo.imporis - an unflinching supporter of the teo ple's Rights and Interests, in stern hostility to the errors of superficial theorists, the influence of unjust or imperfect lgi-lution, and the scheiiis and sophistties ofs!f.seekingf demagogiios. It will Blrenuously ndvo. cate the Pro'.ection of Aii.üncan Industry, againat the grasping, and to uh, bliglittng policy of Euroiean Govfrnntents, and tho unequal competition which they furce upon as, as also, against the present depressing system of State PrisoTi Labor. It will advocate the reslorution of a sound and uniform Na ional Currency; and urge a discreet hut deterramed prosecution of fnternal I.nprovement. The Retrenchment, wherever practicable, óf Governinent Expenditures and of Execuüve Patronage-, will be zealoualy urg ed. Ia short, this paper wiil faillifuUy maintain and earneslly advocate the Principies and Meaeures which the Pcople nppr(vt:d, n devolvingon Whijr stateomen theconductot iheir Governmeni. JJul a sniall ponion, however, of jts columns will be devotedto purely Political disMIS8Í011S. The proceedings of Congress will )e carefuüy rrcorded; thu Furein and Do mealic inleliïgence eaily and lucid' present ed; and whatever shiil) appear calculated tu retnole morality, mamtain social order, ex tend (he blessings of education, or in any way eubserve the great cause of human projress to ultímate viriue, liborty and happiiess. vil) Í5rjd a place in our columos. The JVeekly Tribune wil! be published every Saturday morning in Qnarto ibrin, on d v,ery large imperial sheet, (öl by 42 nches,) j md offorded to snbscribeis at TVYO DüL-' LARS a year. Six copies will be forwurd'd a year for Ten Dollars. Ten copies lor ïfteen dollars, nnd any larger numbcr ii: the atter proportion. Püymeut in ndvance will e mvariably required, and the paper etopped whenever tüe term ofsuch poyment expires, bubscriptions arerespectfuily solicited by GREELY U McELRATH, 50 Ann st. rew York, August 17, V4l . Ediloi-s of weekly Journals who desire an xchango wiih the Tribnne are reiuesled to ivc tliis Prospectus an insertion in theii olumns. YPSILANTI AC ADEM Y, , AND TEACHERS' SEMINARY. fj H . G R I FFEN, Principal, who for--"O merly liad charge of the Teachers' öminary at Ann Arbor, and abo at Gia=s kak e. The sixlh term of thU Institution will commence c;j Wednesday, THE 24TH DA Y OF NOVEMBER next, and continue eleven weeks. hile Uu's school is equaliy open to allofboth spxes, who wiáh to acquire a good English education, particular attention vnjj be given to those prep.inng to Teach. The J.aa-vuages not being taught in thia Seminaryrthe more exclusive and uninterrupted attention will be given lo itnpart a prnctical knowlcdgeofthe English Branches. Apparatus.- Tlie Insiilution is furnished with Chemical. Phüosophical and Astronnmical Apparatus, Surveying Instrunienls, &c. &c. to the amount of S300. Tuition. - In the Coromon English Branches, $ li, 50. In the Higher English Branches, from O4, 50 io $5,00. Extra Branches - Mrzzotinto and Chinese or Theorem Painting, $3.00 each, for 12 Lessons, tsught by Mrs Griffin. The tuition is to be paid at the middle of the term. No deduction for absence willbe made except for protracted eirkness, and no one wül be received for less than five and a half weeks. Board for $1,50 per week, including washing. Rooms may be had reasonable, where persons may board themselves. For further particulara enquire of the Principal. Ypsilanti, Oct. 27, 1841. 27-3wTHRESHING MACHINES, HOUSE POWER, MILLS, Sic. THE undersigned are manufacturingan will keep con&tantly on hand at ihei shop twoanda half miies west of An Arhor, near ihe Rail Road, HORSE POW LRS and THRE3HING MACHINES- -The horse power is a now invention by S. VV. Fostku, and s d-cidedly superior to any thing of the kind ever before offered to the Public. The pnce of a Four Horse fower, with a good Threshing Machine is 10 dollars, at the shop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powers can be used with two, ihreu or four horses to good advantage. Three men with two horses, can th'esh one hundred bushels of wheat per day (if jt yields middling wel),) Hnd u will not be hard work for the horses. 1 he Horse Power and Thrtsher cnn both be put ín a common waggon box, and drawn any dist.mce hy two horses. The Tico Horse Poteer will be sold at the ehop, with the Thresker for one hum! red dollars; with out the Thresher, for seventy-five do'llars. They also manufacture STRAW CUTTEliS, recently invented by S. VV. Foster, which are decidedly preferable to any oihers tor cuttiog straw or corn stalks, by horse or water power. They also work ly hand.- Pnce, Gfteen dollars. - ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding provïnder, at the rate of six to eignt bushels per our, with two horses or by water. ' - Also - ' OTSMUT MACHINES of superior ' 'truction. Iovented by S. W. Foster - ( ■"ce, sixty dollars. ( S. W. FOSTER, k Co. ! _Jco, Juno ZS, 1841. io,lyJplLANKS oí every description neatb 'm"w executed at this office. The peculiarities of this Chemical Compound, are owring to its evtraordinai y elïects upon the animal fibre or nerves, ligaments and muscles, ts virtuee being carricd by thetn to the immediate seat of tliseaso, or of pain and weakness. However good any interna] remcdy may be this ;i8 8u external applieaiion, wiil prove a powerfuJ uxiüary, in removiog the disease and the cure, mease of Local Ioflammation, Scrofulo:'s Affectionp, King's Evií, Gout, Inflamatory, and.Chronic Rheu: matism, and in all casca vvliere eeated pain or weakness exists. A gentlemen travelling in the South of Europe, and Palestine, in 133O heerd so much said in the latter place, in praieo of Jew D;ivi(i'a Piaster; ar.doflhe (as lie considered) miraculous curus it performed, tha he was induced to try i on hia own peraon, for a Lung;nd Liver nfFcion, the removol ofwhich had been the cliiof object of hisjotirney, but whic!) had resisted ihe genial inílu. ence of tliat balmy nnd dclicious climate. He put over the región over the liver; in the rncnn time he drank freely af an herl tea of laxative qualities. líe soon found liis healih and in a few weeks hie coufih left him, the sallownees of hia skin disoppcared, his pain as removed, and his Iiealth became nermauently reinstated. It has likewise been vt-ry beneficial in cases of weitkness, euch ns weaknoss and pain in the etomach, weak limhs, Iániéhess, andaneclions of thespine, fernale wétjkñégs, cj-c. Na témale subject te pain or weakness ;i the back or side should ba without ir. Married ladies, io delicate situaiions fiad grep.t relief from con8tantly weering this piaster. No puifing, orgreat notonou3 cerlificatrn is ïotended. Those who wish (o eaiiofy themselves of the -fFicacy of Üm plnstcr, can obtain sufilicient to spread 6 or 8 plostenj ffir 50 cents, asura not half suSicient to poy fjr the insertion of a single ceriificate intu any of our most common prints, a single time. This trifiing price per box is placed iipon it, j in order that it may be within the rneans of j every afHictcd eon or daughter of ;hc cooi j muriity: thr.t all, whether rich or poor, ma'?, obtain the treasure of heallh, which rcüui-s íVotn its uso. Jew David'a or Hebrew Plasler, S3 a cers tain cure for cbrne. Directions accompany t-ach box. Price 50 CtMItS. Dl)olittle U Ray, agrents for Michino. Country egents snpplied by M. W. Birch. ard k, Co., Detroit. So!d by Dr. McLcnn Jaiikson ; Dewey k. Co., iVapoleon; D. D. Kief, Manchester; {gijn Pierson, CiintonF. HaJI, Laoni ; G. G. Gceweü, Grasa Lake; Koeler & Powor, Concord. Ann Arbor. May 12, 1841. tf WHICII SELLS IN THI8 COÜKTRT FOK $18 TO S25 riJU COPY. Every man, woman and child in the United States, tcho posscss a Bible, toiil surely fxtrnish themstlves tpith tha Jollowing beautiful stries of . Scripture Illuslralions. PICTORlAL ILLUSTRATI0N8 07 THB BIBLE, AND VIKV.' OF TnB H O L Y LAND. New, cheap and vahtahle publication.- Four hundted pages, 8 vo. fine jwper,kandsomdy bound. Price only TWO DOL- LAKS. The eiihscribcr respeclfully inviles the atlemion of Clergymen, Teachers of Sabhath SchoolF, Heads of Families.and Booksellera thronghout the United Mates,to Ihe above New, Cte;ip and spleutiidiy lliustratetl work. Published and fpr sale at No. 122, Nassau street, New Fork city. lts features are better deíined by tho tille:- Tico hundred Piclorial lllustralions of the 8CKIPTCRE9, C0NSI8TIKG OP VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND; Together with many of the most retnarkable objects mentioned in the old and new testamentF, represeniing sacred hietorical events, copied froto celebrated pictures, principaily by the old masters. the landacape scènes, taken from original sketches made on the spot, with full and intereeting letter-press deECrÍDtionS. dfiVOtpd tn nn nvimln..; _rr , „„...u „„ UIJ cArtiuuiaiiün o the objecls mentioned in the 6acred text. Ou examinaiion this wili be found a very pleasant and profitab!e buok, especially for the perusal ofYouNG People, in the most vaJuable information, colk-cted wilh great care, Trom the best and latest sources lt may, very prupvrJy, be designa ted a cominon place buok for every ihing valuable reJating to oriental inanners, cusioms. Stc.and comprises within itself a complete librarv oficugiuus nnu useiuj KnowlecJge. A roiumc like ths present, is fur superior lp iho conimon Annuals- it wil] never be out of date. lt is beautifully printed in new long primer type- handsomely bound in Musün, gilt and lettered; and is deci(ledly,th8 beet and chea pest publictttion (for the price,) ever issued frorn thu American Prees. tlJTlie above yprk may ba had at the Buok store of Dea. Chas. Moscly, one door west of the Lafayette House, Aun Arbor. A liberal discount made to wholceale purchaeers. Persons in the country, wishing to act as agenta, may obtain oll the oecessary in formation, by addressing their letters to the eubsenber, No. 122, Nassau street, N Y ROBERT SEARS, Publisher. t-'iergymen, bupenntendants and Teachers of b-abbath schools, agents of rehgious newspapers and penodicals,postin:.sler3 and booktiellers, throughout the country, are respectiully requested to net as our agents. No letter will be taken from the office unlesa post paid.To Publishera of Papers ihroughout the United blates - Newspapers or Magazines, copying the above entire without any alteratie or abri(tirem.-nt (includin? this r.olice,) and givnigr t insi,je insertions, eliall tlceive a copy of the work, {subject to their order,) by sending directioiis to the PubliBter- 29-I2W WWood! Wood! Wood! ANTED IMMEDIATELY, a few cords of good hickory wood in excaonge for the. "Si mul o Liïxxrf or removing deseases ariaing from an abui ofMercury, cliromc and constituí., diseasea, such as scrofula or Kinc'8 e':, secondary syphilïis, ulcerations. cornï' siona oí Uie tbroat, nos?, cheeks, iiPs ea and otber parte oftUe body, erupties o thu skin, rheumatic affections, whie swe! lings, pains ia the bones and joints, feve" sores, obstinate, old Bores, scalied bead sult rheum, ring worm and other dis-asei.' aming trom aa impure eUle of the blood Also, habitual costiveness, piles, chron affeclions of the liver, lunga and chcst pains in the stomach and sideSjniglu 8Wea.j &c. It id likewiöe mueh recoramcnded 63 a cJeaneiMg spring medicine. Thia compound fltnd extract is Alter-ilvc Diumic Dianhoratic, Laxalive, AronW andslighlly stimiileat, and may be used suc' cessfuliy in scroñulus and syphil.iid diseases' and thal shatu-red siate of ihc Cunsiitutimí wím-h so ofiEii ollowa tj.eabusu of mercary exofoses or moraiü er.largement of thebonw supiginous inii3tulca of ringworm; oJce-a ttons general!}-; carias of th bonos; curUlegcs ol'lhe noif, mouth, wali the otiierdisv oases abovewicntioned, and alJ disoases anV in i'i 0111 a morbid state of the blood. There is fardly a phyeician who has nol had occasion to observe tvitb pain, the phag edenic variety of h(bs; and u spiieafalk thcir remedies he cou!d bring againsl thi cruul disease, was cumpelied to acknowledO. thcir ineiKcKcy nnd ollow tho monster to, corrode id dentro the nosi-, cheejjF, hp?fc eyelids ears anti temples; paris of which ihi aialady generaliy afíecis a prefereocG. Bul, lö Uiia extract, vv:l bo.foand a perfect r;medy, m all eur.h cases, anü vhére the disease has uot produced a vcry grctt dctangement uf strucüise, il wil] even yield to thid remedy. iu a very short time. Withina very short poriod, there hasbeeo. great impro vemen !s in Francc, on ihe plwrmaccutica! and chemical trcattnent of Sarsa. pariHo, and it hsa been fuliy proved that nine-te;hs of tho active principies of that valuahle root ia actual ly lost i'j the usuul mode of preparing it fo'r medical usa. The compound extract beiog a very nice frhartnaceuliLal proparalion, requires tho most rigid careaudskiliful management, m notwithout etnet refarenca to the peculiar active principio of each of its conatituents. Tije French Chemists have ascertained by actual experhnent, that the ective principie of Sasapürilla is ekher deslroyed by cicmi-calcharige, or driven offby the heatofboiliig water; ci.nsequqntiy iha preparations irom tliig root in ge:: eral uae, (ivhicii are also ftvquenlly prepared by persons unacquain ted wiih pliurmacy, and írom raaterials ren dered inert by cgu or otherwise,) eau ha?8 litt'jior noetlect upon the sy stem. ü. W. M. tnking advnnlage of these facts has adupted en improvid prucees for extracting the medical virtues from the ac-. live ingredients of this compound fluid extract, which are nine in number, without hc:ii; thut is to say, neitber coucuction, infusión or maceralioa are made uso of; nor is the temperatura of the monstrum aüoived io esceed 80 deg. fnh. üátil every particc of active principie is exliauated, loovinga tast; lees ma63 behiud; thereby ob(ttiuini thowhuleofihe soiüble active principie in a htgbly concentrated state, leaving out the fécula vvoody Ubre, tic. which encnmSers tf;o extract ubtained by decoeiion. The proprietur, therefore, has not only the s&listacticn of assuriog the medical faculty and th public, that this remedy ia preparetl accordv nL to slrict chemical and pliarmaceaticafr rules, but that he also united 6omo of' tbo officinale va!uab!e and activo vegetables, all ofilie t-hoicest eelectiou whicb naaterially el;aiice8 ita valno ia ihe treatment of the diseaaes nbove named. lic is therefore in duced to offer tbis fluid extract to physiciaua and others, undcr the fuliest convictiou oí ita superiorityover thot iucommon use. Phyeicians wijl ficd great advantage ín the use f thia extract, and a great relief" from tbe perplexities attendant upon th treatment of ihoso obstinate cases which bj I defiance to every renaedy; their confiden'. prompts them to prescribe sucb a diet a; régimen aa in their judgenient the case ve i 8eem lo indícale; there giving the extrae, .ti íull influence.This extract is propared frora the bot' - lected materials, wilhoiit heat, by an ,.. proved procesa } on account of whicb, i! pieferred by physiciana aa being more acth than any othernow bcbre the public. Prcpared at tho Chemical Laboratory - f G. VV. Merchant, Chemist, Lockport, N.YN. B. A liberal discount made lo deak. and Physieians. Tlio above orlicle may le had nt the ster of J. McLean, Jackson; Hale & Smi:ls Graes Lakerand by the principie Drugoi througbout the State. W. S. tf J. V. Maynard, and; agenta, Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor, Nov. 24, 1841. Sli