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■Our friend H. P.HoAo.writufrom Detroit, Nov. 29: "I have recently visited Canada, and I found the prpjudico ogainst color to b intolerable, nay hotter tiran the sun of África. Thdugh the slave he poiitically free in Canada, yet likc Noah's dove, he ha no rest in the drcle of hisadopted country, His low state of morala renders him un- fit for refiued society, and ihe great numbers migrating to that country are beconaing btirdensoine to the whites, and the necessity of coionizing appears to be urgent. Brother Wilson, the ogent for thal business, has succeeded in obtaining a grant of land on Sydenham rivor for that P'irpose, where he has settled a number of families, and is about opening a school. My prayer is that the day may soon coma when all mea may feel they nre tho children of one common Fatber.'lo the Mahommedan mosque, rank, ola tion, and color are entirely disregarded - mong the worshippera- the proud Pasha and the most abject bsggar kneel side by sida and together repeat, (There is bul ono God, and Mahomet is his Prophel." How does this fact compare with the practica of the followers of Cn riet among us, whopen up a portion of their brcthren in a particular part of the house, beca use they are not Judged worthy by iheir brethren to occupy 'the uppermost seats in the eynagogue,' bul ralher chooeo to occupy thom themselvflOi Whilo the Mendians were on their visil t Massachuaetts, there wero found some feílows baseenough to grosuly iosult and cbuie these harmle68 and unforlunate straDgerUi simply we suppose becausc they were bJack!; Such beinga are a diagraco to New Eng land. (L?The indtíbtednsa of the sevenil Stotet 'm eetinaated. at two bundred miliiouí of do lars.