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In lbo House öf Representntives, the first subject of discusaion, andalmost the first business, was concerning Abolilion. Wni Cost Johnson moved "that ihe rules and order3 of the 26lh Congrcss be adoptedaá the rules of ihis Congress unlil oth. onvise ordered, or until the rules reponed by a comrntttee.whieh had heretofore been appointed, should bo taken up nnd dispos ed of." Mr. Adams snid Ij e had an arr.cndmcnt to offer to the proposition of the gcutloman from Mar) himl, (VIk. Juhnsun ) He (Mr. A ) was periectly willing to ndopt ihd rules of ihc 2Gth Congress as they existell nt tl:e close of the second scss'on of the 2öih Congress; with Ihe exceplion of ile 2i.-t rule. (Laughter.) [Note. - The rulo referred to is in the fiillcfwïng words:] "No petition, memoriül, rcsolution or oiher paper praying the abolition of slavefy 'm the District of Colurnbia or uny Slale or Terriiory, or the slave tradc between the States Terriloiies of ihe Uni ted Siates in which it novv exisls, shall be received bv ihis House, or entertainod in any wny wluüever."Mr. A. luid prepared a resolution, he saiJ, which he would no'.v offer as m aI mendment lo ihe resolution of ihe gentleI mun from Maryland, (Mr. Joiinon;) and j which was then rcud as fuüows: "Sirike out all after the word Resolved, and iusert: That the rules uud orders for : thetransactiou of business in llie House of ! Rcpresenlaíivtís in fureo nt the coSq of the socorid session of the 2(th Congress, except the 21 st rule of ihe Housc, be nnd are heroby ndnpted until the further order of the House. " Mr. W. C. JunNSOK modiGed hs proposition to read ns follows: "Resolved, Thai the rule3 and orders of tho 26h Congres?, as ihey were ut the close of tho said Congres?, bo the rules nd orders of this Congress until olhers are adopied." Mr. J. suggeslcd ihat tliero might be some difficulty if the niohon of ihe gentio man from Massachusetts (Mr. Adums) pre vailed. The course pursued at the last ses sion n relation to uholitiên petilions varied but very liitle from the course pursued under ihe rule tido'pted by the 2üih Con gress; because, at ihe lasl session, by a large vote of the House, the inotion to re ceive ihese peliüons was laid on the lable, thus culting them ufí. ly which means not a singlo pciiiion even reached tho table. ín subátance (Mr. J. was understood, to say) lhere was no variation between the pruposilion he made nnd the proposi lion to limit the tnolion lo the rules of the last Session of the 26h Congress for n few days. S;i far u3 the principie went there was nodiflu;rencc. All that he pro poted todo was lo udopt ihe rules refor red to, untii such lime as the rules and or ders of the House could bo regulurly re vised. Mr. Adams reminded the gentlen)n from Maryiand (Mr. Johnson,) ihat the i rule adopted at the lust Session of Con i gress extended lo all petilions. íl did no! i refer at all to abolition petitions; but ii provided that oljection should be consiJ ered as .made to nny petitions, wilh some I special exceptio!8. Mr.FiLMOBE said he foresaw that it was indicpaní-able that this queslion should now be settled; and ihe only point to be decided was, whnt was the best modo. - He had been ín hopes that some rule would have been adopted by which the House would havo brought under its govern ment anJ cor.rol tho débale which must arise on the adoption of ihe 21st rule of the last Congress. He had been n hopea that some rrtetnber would rise and propose some middling course or rule by which the debato might be controlled wilhin a liiniled time; nnd ihat thua the report of the committee of the last Session might be gone through wilh. and such rules be finally adopted as the House mightnpprove. Ho fores.iw tiiat if someliung of this kir:d we re not done - if the House went nlo the discusión now, scene3 of confusión and disorder, certainly nut bc coming ils digniiy nor the clmracter of the nntion, mïht probably nrioe. Mr. Stanlv, in order said, to carry out the views expressed by tbe gentleman from New York, [Mr. Filmore,] desired to offer the follawing resolution, which he hoped would rcceive the sanction of iho House, and which was read as follows: "Strike out all after the word that, and insertie (ollowing: Tho rules adopted by this House at the lastSession bc the rules for the government of this House for fifteen days, unlessothers shall be adopled before the e.xpiraiion of that time."Resolved, That tlic report of the Com mittee on Knie?, mode near tde close of 'ast sesáiun, be printed for the tno of (tijg House, and made thü special order of the day for lo morrow, and for ech succeed ingday until the same iádi?oed of." After making a speech on this rcsolution Mr. Stanley moved the previous ques tion. This led toa long and discursive de bate 13 to whether the motion for the previous question was in order. The Speaker's decisión that it waa in order was finally sustained. The question then caine up on tho adoption of the amendment of Mr. Stanley to the amendment offered by Mr. Adamd to tho motion of Wna Cost Jjhnson. Mr. Atiierton, said that, in adopting the rules of liie last session fox the govern ment of the House for a lirnited numberof days, they adopted a rule which di?posed of all petitions except on such suljccts as were referred to in the Presiden i'd mes sage of last.scsïion, nnd depri ved the people 'f the United States of ihc rihtof petition fuiiifiecn days. On tliis ground ho was opposed to the adopiion of the amendment. He calleil for tbc of the mie of the.:last sossion relutivc to pc tilions. [The rule was read ly the Clerk, and providi-8 that the quesiiou of reception should bc raiscd on all peütions excepl those on sulijects referred to in the Presi dent's message ofthe l;ist sessiun, and ihose praying fur a general bankrupl lav; and not to apply to business bcfore Commil tees of ElectKiis, Accounis, and Mileage.] Mr. Athukton called for the yeas and naysj vvhich were ordered, and, being taken, resulted as foilows: Yeas 83; Nays 8G. Su the amendment to the umendment was rt jected. The question then recurriníí on the amendment offered by Mr Adams - Mr. AiHERTONasked tne yeas and nays; which were ordcred, and being laken, wero a3 foilows: Yeas 84; Nays 87. So the amendment was rejectcd. The question now recurring on the original motion made by Mr. VV. C. Johnson - Mr. James called the yeas and nays; which were ordered. Pending which question - On motion of Ms. Wise, tho ilouso udjourned4


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