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Tliis august budy has been occupied for ometime, wilh long and heavy discusionson ihe TariiF. Bcing very mueh faigued with business, boih houses a'ijmrned over firom Thursday to Monday on Christmas weck inurder to keep the holidays. And on New Years, the President receivcd an immense assemblage of visitors of all kinds, countries, and condiions. Efibrts are making to get the Bankrupt aw posponed to next July, wiih the calculation (hat it will thus be finally defeatcd. The fiácality is representcd na going ho way of iis predeecssors with great rajüjily. Il will probubly soo be cortsignod lo ilá last abude. A great number of private matters ïave been put into shape and set on thcir mssage through buth houses A member, (we forget his name,) sta ted hat ihere was a deficieney of $2b'O,OÜO n the treasury thnt very day, and nolhng tD pay the most trifling expenses with. Yet the Southern members talk hard of oing to war wilh England! Washington, Dec. 22, In the Senate. - Mr. Barruw of Luistana, presented the memorial of the New Drleulis Insurance Coinpany, staling ihat ihey bad iusüred a number uf slaves (3S) shipped in the Formosa from RichmoncJ, which vessel was wrecked and the slaves set al libeity by British authorities at Nassua; thtit they had paid the policy of inaurance; and now pray for relief froai the goveininent. Mr. Barrow m-ivcd ihe reference of the memorial to the commitie on Foreign ilelatiosj and made some excited remarks on the subject. He said the que?tion as to the right of the British government thus U take the propcriy of our cilizens must be settlcd. The Souíhern people would no longer subtui! to these aggressiuns. Mr. Calhuuu aid he had repeatedly raised hiá warning voice on this suljec and henow called ilieattentionofCungitss and of the country to if. The case of ihe Enterprise was fresh ir the memory of all, and the still graver case of the Creóle was to be considerod. - He spoke of iho courseof Great Brilain on this subject as a dangerous innovalion 01 our natural rihts ánd dignityj and con demned the feebiehéss of resistance vvhicl our Uovernnient had opposed lo it. Mr. King also spoke of the, ambition and huughty arrogance of England, and said it was high time to resorl to some othcr ajpöal than to her sene o justicc. Mr Preston, as chairman of the commit tee on Foreigu Affairsj said the commitiee would give ihe subject their attentiou. ! was now, and long had been, the subjec of ncgotiatiou wilh England. He though the position of England wholly untenable and could nol but believe that she wouk yet relinquish it. He could not believe thui any colusión could gruw out of it and he trusted that the enlightenod minis try of England would, afier ihe discussion of the questio. review their course in re latiou to it. Mr. Rives said ihere was no necessity fur a report on this subject, and no propri ety in the present discussion; for the sub ject was one of a pending negotiation. - It was truc ihat England tnight yield t our demanda and reverse her rulej buth thoughl it béfame us to pul the country ii a state of defeuce, instead of leaving ithonor and nteresta te ihe mercies of aov foreign power . He feltr in the lace of all these qnestions now pending between us ind Greút Britain, deeply impressedwjth Lho importance of preparation to assert and defend our national righls. He alliw od lo lho case of ihe Creóle as likely to roducc inuch cxciteinent and exasperaion in ihis country. Mr. Calhoun said theie would be no ünger of nny war, if the governineut ould tuke energetic st'eps to settle ihcse ueslions. Mr. Barrow insistod upon tho neceesitv fa report from the Cumnüttee on For. ign Relations upon this case. If , lóvernnient would not prutect the rih(8 filie Soulh, the Soníh would lake her glilsin her own hands and eend out fom ier ports cruisers whicii would destrov fássaúam) all ,hose places where ihesi bnoxious expiditioná were fi ted out' The pc(i:ion was referred-Leavittin his E;r.uncipator remarks: Iu all this debate, or rniher declarnaiion jritwas nll (.11 one side, uot a singló Torthcrn Sonaior utlered k word. Nol a oice from the fice States mutlered or ceped. ü:itcs and Choato, Premiss and4 helps, Evuiís, íluniington, Woodbridget II asinuin as scared Even Porer, who üared to vote alone on Calhoun1 üSulutions when hia party was in a miority, now that he is iri n majörity would ut risk the interesis of the party by ap earing to doubt wheher it was ihe tíuty f the naiion togoto warfor these slaves, r whether we had in fact any ground of ornplaint at all. lt wuuld be too disresx eclful to that learned body of Senators to uppose them so ignorant of ihe law as re lly to fall in withthe nsane pretensions f lho slaveh.ilders. VVhy, then, did ihcy lótspeak? Letihe peopleoftheirStutes, let thcir constituents, their neighbors, ask them l)y letter now, ond in person when they get homo, why ihey did not epeak. Wliy did they allow the'ncxt steamer (o carryout lo England the impréssión that the American Senate,'tn integral branchoí{the treaty niaking power i( ihis governmcnt, nu UNANIMOUS in the determination lo o to waríor those slaves, unless Great Britain will change her policy! Ciiange her pilic) ! It is not her policy ihat stands in tbc way, it is hor law - the fundamental law of personal liberty, ihchabeas corpijsj'and our Senate causes it to go forth that unlcss Great Britain will neuraüze and emascúlate habeos corpus, we will wage war! Horrid! Are (hese men content to rest under that responsibility, of thrustin this most unreasonable and intolerable claim into the already irritated mind of the British nation? And then to thiiik of ihe same men uttering theso 1 breáis of war, who the day beforo wero próclaiiniñg our utter un pre pa redn ess fwr war and our actual inability to make preparation for the want of available resources of inoney or credit in the treasury.