State Legislature
n Sbn'ate, Jan. 19. - Sundry pet:üons flDd claiiiw were presented . Mr. Kingsley esented a petttion Cor iho extensión of jhe elective franchise. The repeal of the 0 thirdacts wasdebated. A bilà relaat to the assesment of property being ander consideration, it was so amended 88 to exclude mortgagcs, und include money loaned, and at interest, and all bliü slocks and secirities. The bill ,Va3aléo amen-.Jed so as to exclude Irom taxaiion all property oxempted by lasv from execution. Taxntion and Rcprcsentation. Itt the IIousk, Jiin. L0. - Mr. Lothrop moved that the eoüiinUtee oa taxaiion ringina bill to exeruptall persons from taxation who have no right to vote. MrTNorvell moved that tho commiitee ghould eimply mako the etujuiry as to the eipediency ol siich a measure. Mr. N.suid the principie is unfounded. Thero are many minors and widows who have not tho right to vote, but who should be.taxed. We lox property and not perrons. Mr. Lbthrop thought the gentleman ould not so grossly mistake the object of the resoluüon. It simply designed to exjsmpt colored persons, who have no.riyht to yole, from taxation, and this principio lie ustained. Mr. could not .concur in this j)rOposition. It would roach minors and tridows, and tha principio couid not be sustained.Mr. Stuart cqncurred in 4.h3 view of tho subject. Tie eleciive franchise wns j not the basis of taxation - but property. - Neilher widows nor minors have a rilt to .vote, y et they pay laxes, if thcy own ( ,erty. The principie of this resolution was iherefore fallacious. It would nol do lo let I sympathy take (he place of reasön and i judgment; nor would it doto say that persons who enjny every privilege under the ' government, bul the elective franchise, should be exempted frorn taxation. Mr. Littlejohn deemed the resolution too extended. It. would cover alien', as ' tvell as widows aud minors, which the mover, he was sure, did not wjsh to do. Mr. Anable suggested whether, if this 'reBolution passed, a man could not transfer hia properly into the hands ofone of thos.e exempted ? Mr. Lothrop's only object was toreach colored persons, who could never become voters under our constitution. 11e believd that representatioa und taxation should gotogether; and the object of the mover irnply was to carry out this well sctiled, but not new, democratie principie. Mr. Norvell withdrew bis atnendment; and the question was directl y on the resolution.Mr. White would vole in favor of the resolution becauso those who could not voto showld not be taxed. Htà believed in equal and exact justice lo all men. Mr. Lamo hoped thal evory man would vote as he feÃt. The resolution was understood, or the object of the mover was understood; and he should vote for it. Mr. Goodwin was of the opinión that the re6olution was too broad, ajid would exemplthe property bfevery onc, who could not vote in this State. Mr. Chipman opposed the resolution. Mr. Crary was of the opinión ihat the principie of taxation and representation was an impropcr one. Property was not the basis of voting. Il" it was, the rich shouïd have more votes than the oor man, and minors, vvidows and old maids, who own property, should have as many votes as the othcrs. The principie of free suffrago was the principie of the democratie party. But policy might exckide some particular class of persons from ihis principie. Policy, therefore, has excluded the colored populatiun from voting. But if this policy were abandoned, the State would be flooded with a class of peopie which we do not want. Mr. White moved to lay the resolution on the table. Lost.The resolution was then LOST- ayes 22- noes 34. The bill to abolish the ofiice of Couaty Coramissioner was rcporled . Trie House voted to adjourn Feb. 10. In a debate on the proposition to prohibit members Trom epeaking more t han once on a question, and not exceeding 15 minutes, Mk. Chapman alluded to the Wbig Gug-!aw of Congreso, and asked if the Democracy would udopt the same restrictivo law. Ho would not tolérate any such straight jacket on intellect. He would not hold a seat on this floor under such a restriction. Did members wish lo fall back on Whig gag-laws? he would not submit to such trammels. The mindeould not ggrasp its aspirations when so trammclled. [Did Mr C. ever hear of gag-lawa in Congress moved nnd carried Into operation by Democratie members? If not, he would do well to learn something on the subject. How many Demócrata voted for the last Gag? In this case certainly, it is the Pot that calis the Kettle black. Mr. C. would do well to go into the invesiigation which is the blackest.] In Senate, Jan. 21.- The Senate resolved itselfintoa committee of the whole, Mr. Warner in the Chair, on the bill to extend the right of trial by jury to Fugitive slaves . The committee after spending considerable time thereon, rose and reported progress. The commiltee of the whole wero then discharged frora its conïideratiorij and it was referred to the comsmitlee on Judiciary with instructions. Jan. 22 r- Mr. Kingsley, froni Judiciary Cornmittee, reported the bill to extend tho right of trial by jury to i ve slavea reported the same back wiihan amendment, "hich v8 adupted. The bilà afier undergoing a nuraber, of amendments, piiiicipully in phraseology, was ordered for a third reading. Ia the Hous8, the bill loabolish the office of Smte priater passed; ayes 29 noes 12. It will be seeu that a jury trial law is aow before the House of Representatives, and will pro'oably pass that body.
Michigan State Legislature
Old News
Signal of Liberty
James Kingsley
Edwin A. Lothrop
John Norvell
Charles Edward Stuart
Flavius J. Littlejohn
Fernando C. Annable
Orrin White
John Merritt Lamb
Justus Goodwin
John Smith Chipman
Isaac Edwin Crary
Elisha Power Champlin
Edward A. Warner