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"ECONOMY IS VVEALTH." THE subscribers will pay two cents per pound in Goods or Paper for any quantity of good clean SWINGLE TOVV, dehveredat the Ann Arbor Paper MUI. J. JONES SONS. Ann Arbor, Jan. IL, 1842. 38-lfJASSACJHUSETTS SCHOOL LIBRARÍES, 'ublisheJ witter the direction of (ke Board of Education. "OR 8ALE BY J. LaMB, OF ASI AhBOII. rlUS LIBRARY ia recommended by tbe SuperinUndant of Public InstrucJ. 25, 1842. MORTGAGE SALE. WljfcEFAULT having been made in the MW conditinn of a Mortgago executed by Rufus Crossman and Lucy hia wife, to the undersigned, January fifteentb, eighteen bundred and thirty cight, and rccorded m the Register's Office, in the county of Wash tenaw, in Liber number scven, page three hundred and one, of the equal uüdivided halt of the "Scio raill propcrty," including tho v alcr-power, Mills, and Machinery, and about tweiJtv-ñve acres of Land, adjoining tlie viliege of Scio, in eaid county, and lying on both sides of the River Huron, togelher with the rights of flovving lands coveKd by the mil] pond, (fora more particular desenption of the premisos, roference is made to tho record of raortgage,) and no proceedings at law having been inslitutcd to collect the inetalruent wliich became due on the bïxteeuth day of November, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and forty-oqe, or any part thcreof. Nolice is htreby given, that said n-(ort-gage will be foreclosed by a sale of the rnortgaged premisos (or some part of them) at public endue at tho Court House in Ann Arbor, in said county, on the the twentjfifih day of April nex:, at r.oon. SAMUEL V. FOSTJEïi, Mortgagee. Scio,Janunry21J lü-12. 4013vrTHRBSHING MACHINES, HORSE POWER, MILLS, &.c. THE uudersigued are manufacturingand will keep constantly on hand at their shop twoanda half miles west of Ann Arbor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POWERS andTHRESHING MACHINES.- The horse power is a new inveniion by S. W. Foster, and is docided]y superior to any thitig of the kind ever before offered to the Public. The pnco of a Four Horto Power, with a good 2Vireshing Machine is lSSO dollars, at the shop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powers can be used with two, Ihree or fout horses to good advantage. Tbree men with two horses, can thresh one hundred bushels ot wheat per day (if it yields middling well,) and it wiil not be hard vork for thO horses. The Horse Power and Thresher can both be put in a common waggon box, and drawn any distance by two horses. The Two Horse Power will bc sold at the shop, with the Thresher for one hundred dollars; without ths Thresher, for Beventy-fivc dollar3. They a!so manufacture STItAW CUTTERS, recently invented by S. W. Foster, which are decidedly preferable to any others for cutting straw or corn stalks, by horse or water power. They also work by hand.-Price, fifteen dollars . - ALPO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding provender, at the rate of six to eight bushuls per hour, with two horses or by water. AL90 - OSMUT MACHINES of superior coustructïon. Invented by S. W. Foster. - Price, eixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, & Co. Scio, June 23, 1841. 10-lyMORTGAGE SALE. " gTJEFAULT having been raad m the )& paymenl of a certain sum ofcnonej, secured by indenture of mortgage. executed by Barney Davanny to Jacob L. Larzeleru and George B. Daniels, dated, July the 2l6t, A. D. 18S7, nnd recorded in the registers office in the county of VVashtenaw, Michigan, on the 28th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, in liber live of mongages at page two hundrtd and eighty-vtiree, whereon is due at the date of this notice two hundred and eight dollars and lorty four cents, which said mortgage bas been duly assigncd to the subsciiber. Noüce ia iheretore hereby given that on Thursday the thirü day of February next, at oue o'clock, y. MM at tiie Court House in li village of Ann Arbor, in the county of Waf; tenaw, wil! be sold at public auction tii premises in said mortgage described, bing all that certain piece or parcel of h. : sitúate in the couniy of Washtenaw, Staii.of Michigan and buundnd and desciibcd aa follovvb: it being the west half of the aoutbwest quarter of section number sevei, in townslup number ons eouth of range number four east, containing eighty one and thir ty one hundredth acres of land. FRANCIS Al'COMN, Assigneo. L. H. Hkvett. Attorney. Dated Nov. lst 1841. TAi LORING BUSINESS! AM. NOBLE, would respectfully fa form the citizens of Aun Arbor and its vicinity, that he has recently Jopened a shop in the Lower Town, immediately over the late mercantile stand of Lund Gibson, and opposite the shoe store of J. Becklej , & Co., vvhere Ite ia prepared at all times"! do work in his line, with promplness, and i; a ueat and durable manner. Particular attention will be paid to cultin ; garments. Produce will be taken at ti usual prices, fur work done at his shop.- . Those who have cash to pay Tor services c this kind, are particular invited to cali. Ann Arbor, October C, 1S41. tf FORK AND WHEAT wanted by F. Dkniso?{, for which goods or monc1 will be paid at fair rates. Ann Arbor, 21, 1841. L6 tf flIMOTHY SEED AND HIDES.-BL Cash will be paid at all times for Tik 0TU7 Seed, Hipes vnd Wheat, whon dflivered at my store in Ann Arbor, (Uppt . Town.) F. DKNISON. Dec. 29, 1841. 30 .tf "NO REPUDIATION-" TATE SCRIP will bo laken at par fv.--. J Goods at the store of the subecribe;.. for a few daye. J. JONES, & SO.VS An Airbor, Jan 12, 1841 GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, FOR 1842. The most splendid and valuable Monthly Periodical ever pubüshed. The only magazine devotecl to Ladies and conducled hy . nemoers of their own sex. Composed en-i tirely of original articles, by the most eminent writers of the age; and embellished witli a larger number and a greater variety of costly, "elegant and attracuve pictorial ilustrations, than any similar publication. ED1TED BY VIrs. Sarah J. Hale, Morton M'Michael, VIrs. L, H, Sigourney,L. A. Godey. CONTRIBUTORS TO EACH NUMBER. Miss. C.M. Sedgwick, N. P. Willis, Miss E. Leslie, Mrs.C. Lee Henez,1 Mrs. E. C. Embury, T. S.Arthur, Theodore S. Fay, Mrs. E. F. Ellet. In annuiincing to his numerou9 patrons and the public at Jarge, his arrangements 'or the year 1842, the proprietor of Godey 's! jady's Bookj lakes occasion to acknovl- edgethe unparallelec' and triumphantsuccess, uf his Magazine, which has now reached the extraordinary number offorty thousand nonlhly.he'wga. larger edition than has ev-l erheen printed of any other work of any description in America. This euccss he is aware has been ottaiued by the vast superi-, ority which the Lady's Book has always. maintained over thecontemporary magazines! which have attempted to rival ils me rits, a superiority which he is still determined to jreserve by keeping ir, in all its departments iterary, inleilectual and moral, as well as pictorial, emblematic, artistic, and mechanical. That this ia no ïdle boast, hc appeals to the experience of the past twelve years, in all wliich time, he has made no promise to the public which he has not strictly per-' formed, nor underiaken anylliing whicli his means did not enable hini to acconiplish to the utmost. Entering, as he is about to do, on the 24th Volume of the Lady's Book, with increased energy and accumulated resources :with an ampie knowlcdge of the bu1 sinoss in which he is engaged, acquired by long years of unremitted application: with a : subscription list unparalleled in thu annals of literature; with numerous facilities not possessed by any other publisher; with welldigested and wide-extended arguments; and above all, with a ateadfast purpose of main-, taining the lofty elevation his work has reached, the proprietor has not hesitated to ' incur expenses, which under other circum 6tancea might prove etartling, bnt by means of which he will be enabled to raake the Lady's Book, the richest, the rarest, the most attractive, and tho most valuable periodical, inlrinsical and extrinsically, ever offeied to the American public. Litekary DErARTMEMT. - It has ever been the aim of the proprietor to impart to the Lady's Book a high literary and moral tone, and for this purpose he ha.=, without regard tocost, procured the aid ot' the most eminent writere and, for several years past, bas commilled its editorial supervisión to Mrs. J. Hale, Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney,and Miss E. Leslie, ladies of wbom not only their own eex, but the whole country, have reason to be proud. In this respect, the Lady's Book enjoys a decided advantage over all other publications, as it is the only work devoted to ladies, ladies derive an advantnge which must be obvious to every parent, husband, brother, and well as to every lady who properly appreciates the dignity and importance of her sex. He will be enabled to furnish articles f"r om Jrs F C Embury, Mrs H B Stowe, Mrs F S Osgood, Mrs. S. Smitb, Airs M H Parsons, Mrs. J. Thayer, Mrs A M F AnnaD, Mrs. L. Hentz, .Mrs E F Ellet, Mrs. E. C. Sedman Mía. Dupuy. Mrs. M. Duncan, ! Ars V E Howard, Mrs M St Loud, Jlfiss E, Allen Mrs CHW Esling Mrs R E Parley, Miss M, B. Snowj Miss E. Leslie, Kate Franklin. Maria Edjrworth, Mrs. S. C. Hall, JMary R. Milford, Mrs Hofland, Mrs C BWilson, Mary Howitt, and other English lady-writers of distinction, some of whom have already published in the Lady's Book the only original contributions they have ever made to American iiterature. Nor has he omitted to pro-cure the assistance of eminent writers of soth sex. Aware of the universal and weir deserved popularity of N. P Willis, Eaq. ;: and conñdent that the productions of his! graceful and elegant pen will be highly ac- ceptable to the readers of the Lady's Book,' the proprietor has entered into an arrangement, by which he will be ablc to give in each number of his work an exclusive arlicle Torn the gentleman; and he has also retain-' all of the contributors whose writings have ïcretofore given such ampie satisfaction including Epes Sargeut, W. G. Siinms, Esq. Geo. P. Morris, Professor Ingraham, Jos. R. Chandler, Professor Dimitry, Robert Morris, Professor Frost, Finy Earle, M. D. Professor Waker, N. C. Brooks, A. M. Park Benjamin, Esq. E. Halden, fL. S. MacUenzie, A. M'Makin, T. S. Author, Esq. L. F. Tasistro, H. W. Herbert, Rufus Dawes, Jos. C. JSeal, E. G. Squier, Hon.R. T. Conrad, J. M'Lellan, Jr. Dr. J. K. Mitchell, Jas. Aldnch. With such aid, it is not too much to say, that tiie Literary Department of the Lady's Book will surpass any thing that has ever been orean be attempted. Ornamental Department. - It ia a source of no little pride to the Proprietor of the Lady's Book, that be first introduced into this country the plan uf furnishing, along with a monthly periodical of elegant literature, embellishments of an attractive and costly characler. The firet 6teel engravings accompanying such a work were given by him; thefírst mezaotint engraving was given by him ; the firet paiterns oí laoo-work andembroidery were given by him; the firsl colored plates of iashion were given by him ; the first muaic was given by him. These are thinga to which he would not refer, if some ofthose who have essayed to follow in his footsteps, not content vvtili inntating all bis designs, even to the form of his book, the 8ize of liis type, and the color of his cover, had not foolishly put forward claims to orig inalUy, and ettempted lo found aright to un exclusive raerit on doing that which they have borrowed from his example. But what he has done heretofore in the way uf cmbellishmcnls to his Dook, though itfarexceeded any effbrt of those who strove to copy bis movements, cannot compare with what henow means to do, His arrangements for this department of his work have been projected on the most liberal scale of expeuditure, involving an extent of outlay euch as has never before been dreamed of in any periodical, Ëuropean or American. As an evidence of hi! intentions, he now states that each number of the Lady's Book for the ensung year, will conlain at least three splendid engravings; embracing in the series every possible vanety of subjects. Historial,Landscape, Picturesque, Portraiture, Imaginativo and Emblematical, and execmed in every possible variety of the art; mezzotinr, lino and mczzotiut, stipple, mcdnlion, and that most chaste and expressive manner, the line and dot combi ned, which has given such world widecelebrity to the workaof modern arüsts. Splendidl colorcd plates of the fashions, wiil also bc given every month, containing at least four female figures, and embodying in every instance the latest costumes, receiv ed direclly from a correspondent at Paris. In order to give the greatest attracliveness to the subjects of his "mbellishments, the Proprietor has given orders to various American Painters, of cstablisïied reputation,who are now engaged m preparing expressly for the Lady's Book,numeroue original pictures, on National and Historical events, some of which are nearly completed, and eoon. will be in the hands of the eugraver. Arno og the painters tbua engaged he may enumérate J G Chapman, Painleroflhe National Picture of the Baptism of Pocahontas. P F Rothermel, J P Frankenstein, S S ösgood,of Bost.I Williams, &c He has also established a correspondence in London, through which he will receive early proof impressions of the fioest priote txecuted m that metropolis, and will thus be constantly supphed with an immense variety from which to make suitable selections as wel! as a series of pictorial illustratiuns of Shakespeare; two of which, AonaPnge and Master SJender by Leslie, and Katharine and Petruchio, by Cattermole, and are now nearly ready. AtnoDg the subjects at present io preparation for the Lady's Book, may be rnentioned Morning Devotion and Evening Devotion, - two superb pictures of domestic piety; the EfFects of Industry and the Effects of Idleness, - admirable illustrations of great moral tiuths; The Old Soldier and his Family, a beautiful transcript of patriutic feelingsi several of David Wilkie's most valued cornpositions. Departingfor the Fair and Returning from market, - charming specimens of rurul life;The Village Amanuensis,, Fortune Telling; The Secret Discovered, The Maiden's '.Jhamber, The Elopement of Bianca Capella, bc; and Edwin Landseer'ö last and greatest production. Youthful Innocence, of which the only copy in the country is that which belongs to the proprietor. Deternained to gratify every possible variety of taste, the proprietor has also made arrangements for a series of the most superb Mezzotints ever executed in this country, several of which are already engraved, and will be given to his subscribensr as eoon as a sufficient number of impre6sion can be taken to supply his immense Beeides the services of H . S. Sadd, of New York, who has now in hand a number c-f plates, the proprietor has secured the Eerviecs óf Mr. Humpuuet's of London: who is universally conceded to stand in the foremost rank of English Engravers, and whose splendid efforts in mezzotint have comm&nded the admiration of the most distinguished amateurs and critics. This eminent artist is now engaged in preparing expressly for the : Lady's Book, a number of mezzolint pictures, which the proprietor pledges himself wi.l be of an unsurpassed excellence; and of : the moet interesting and attractive 6nbjects. . To guard against all possibility of difficulty hereafter, he has likewise ordered from England, a complete mezzotint eetablishment, and itnmediately on its arrival, Mr. William E. Tucker, of this city, will corameneo operations, in that department ot art. In order to procure these various embellishments in season, the proprietor has made permanent arrangements with the foüowing eminent engravere, all of vvhom are now engaged in executing steel piates for the Lady's Book. New York. Philadelphia, A L Dick, W E Tucker, N Gimberede, J B Neagle, W H Jackman, J B Forrest, J G Dunne), W H Eljis, A Jones, E Humphreys. Transmission ny mail. - One advantage the subscriber8 of this work will have, will be its early reception. It will be received at the remotesi citics of the Union, by the first day of the month of publication. Clubding. - Lady's Book, 1 year, and People's Library, 1 year, $5,00 Lady's Book and Young People's Book, 5,00 . Do Amateui'ö Musical Library, (containing 200 rages of ne wand beautiful rausic.) 5,00 Do Scott's Novéis and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do Scott's miscellaneous works and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do All Scot'ts Works, complete in 10 vols. and People's Library, 10,00 Do Thier's History of the Fr. Revolution. 10,00 Do Pictorial Library, 1 year, and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do and Young People's Book,10,00 Lord Bacon'- works; Thiers History of the French Revolution, and Waverley's Novéis, in 5 vol. 20,00 Do Thiors Revolution and Scotts Works, complete in 10 vols. 25,00 Business Department. - The price of this publication is three dollars per annum - two copies, one year, in advance,ïve dollars. Those of our friends wanting to subscribe to the be6i Two Dollar Weekly Family Nesropuper, pubiiahed in this city, pan beiccommodated as follows : Two copies of the Saturday Courier, 009 pear, and Godey'd Lady's Book, oneyeBr 3ent for 5 0(J Five copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr.lfj oo Five copies of the Saturday Courier, i 'yrr and Lady's Book, 1 year. 1 0 oó Eleven copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr so'oQ' Thirteen copies of the Lady's Book, 1 t and Walter Scott's Novela, completo, or hig miscellaniious works, whichever asy be preferreo. Sq a In all cases whero money isretnittedfor "Clubbing,1 the mest liberal al)o;wanQes v?il be made. The money, m all gases, to bÁ positively received before a number is sent No letters --v i 11 be laken frora the Post Office uniess the postage on them is paid. Unlesa positive orders are given at the time of sub scribing. the work will be cuntinued aftfcr the first year, and lï not paid durintr tha' year, ihe price will be inqreased lo 4 dollars Addréss L. A. GODEY ' 101 Chesnut street, Philadelphm WUICH 8ELLS IN TUIS CODNTRY TOK 1BTO S25 PER COPY. Everyman, woman and child in the UnK ted States, who posscss a Bible, wiU surelyfurnish themaelves with the Jullowing beuutiful series of S capture Illuslrations. riCTORlAL ILLUSTRATI0N8 OF TUS BIBLE, AND VIEW OF THB II O L Y LAND-. Af, cheup and valuable publication.-. Four hundred pages, C oo.finepaper,hund.. somely bound. Price only TfVO BOL LARS. The subscriben respectfully o. vites the attontion of Clergymen, Teachers of Sabbath Schools, Heads of Families.and Booksellers thronghout the United J'tates,to. th8 above New, Choap and splendidly lllustrated work. Published and for sale at No. 122, Nassau street, New York city. Its features are better defined by the title:- Tuxkhwdred Pictorial Illuslralions of tb SCRIPTUItES, C0NSI9TING OF VIEWS IN THE HOLY LANDj Together with many of the most remarkablö objects meiitioned in the old and new testament?, representing sacred historica] evente, copied from celebrated pictures, prfncipaJIy by tbe old tnasters. the landscape scènes,, taken from original sketches mado on tinspot, with full and interesting Ietter-pre58 descriptions, devoted to an examinatio of the objects mentioned in the sacred text. On examination this wil] befounda very pleasaut and profitable book, especially fot the perusa] of Young Pbople, aboundingia the most vaJuable information, collected witb great care, from the best and latest sourcea H roay, very properly, be designated a coramon place book for every thing valuable relating to oriental manners, customs. &c.andi comprises vvithin Uself a complete übrary of religious and useful knowledge. A volumelike the present, is far superior lo the coojmon Annuals - it will never be out of dale. It is beautifully printed in new long primer type- handsomely bound in Muslin, giitandi lettered; and is decidedly,tho best and cheapest publication (for the price,) ever Issued; from tbe American Press. Clergymen, Superintendants and Teachers of sabbath 'schools, egenta of religiouanewspapers and penodica]s,postm:istersand. booksellers, throughout the country, are raspecifully requested to act as our agente. No letter will be taken from the offioe unless post paid. To Publisliers of Papers throughout tht United States. - Newspapers or Magazines, eopying the above entire without any atteration or abridgement (including thia notice,) anó giving it 12 inside insertions, shall receive a copy of the work, (subject to their order,} by sending directions to the Publisher. L9-12w (TThe above work may be had at tb9 Book store of Dea. Chas. Mosely, one door west of the Lafayette House, Aun Arbor. A liberal discount made to wholesaleparchasers. Persons in the country, wishing to act as agenta, may obtain all the neceseary h formation, by addressing their letters totiw subscriber, No. 122, Nassau street, N. Y. ROBERT SEARS, Publisher. JBlauks JBlanks 1 1 Blanks ! ! ! TUST PRINTED, on fine paper and Q]0 in a superior style, a large assortj ment of blank sumraons, subpoBnas, Exccutions, Sic. - For sale at tina office. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17, 1841. Wood! Wood! Woodi WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a f cords of good hickory wood in & cliange for the "Signal of Libert." Ann Arbor, Dec. 22, 1841.