Our Shipwrecked Slaves
'llieted States do not own any slaves at present, having sold these they bought in the Florida War for #4,600: but Uacle Sam haa to stand on the alert as slave catcher for the different States. He has had considerable talk with Kngland about payin for certain cargoes of human property that have been liberated in the British West lndiee, viz: the Cornet wrecked on Abaco in 1827: the Encomium, wrecked ncar Abaco in 1833: tho Enterprise, driven into Bermuda in 1835; the Formoaa, wrecked.on board ofwhich were 33 alavés insured in New Orleans.and now there is the Creóle case on hand, and perhaps one or two others not enumerated. These cases have been matter of perpetual negotiation since 1831. Mr. Vail, our Charge 'd Affairs at London, from July 15, 1832 to Nov. 15, 1835 sent to our Govornment no less than eeventeen Communications, showing the zeal with which thesuit waspresented. The British Governmentfinally agreed to pay for the slaves on board the Cornet and Examiner, on the greund that the owners were disturbed in the legal po9session of their slaves, by functionaries of that Government, but declining to pay for Ihose on the Euterprise, andgiving us to understand that no more claitna of the kind would be entertained. So the question remains open for discusaion, and negotiations are now pending on that subject.(JAttempts are making from varioua [juarters to procure an incrcase of the Navy and Army of the United Slatea. The Army and Navy Chronicle regards it ns absurb thai 12,000 men Bhould give any thing like ' protecticn to 50,000 miles of sea cnast and ( inland frontier. The editor thinks Ihat 25,000 would be few enough. One infallible ; consequence of a largft Nffvy, and a large Btanding Army, will be a large national debt and heavy taxlion. Such is the case the world throuffb. 0c5The number of white persons over 20 years of age, who cannot read or write, is 584,547. In Connecticut, are 526 of this class, or onein 574: in Maineonein 154, and 50 on downward, till we come to Virginia, South Carolina, Arkansas and Delaware, where the proportion is one to 12, in Tennessee, one toll, and in Norlh Carolina, i; ia one to 9. This last State has no Ie6s than 56,609 who cannot read and write their own naines! The blacks are not taken into account in this reckoning. Such is the re6ult of our "domestic instittaions." It is found impossible to eustain effeclive common 6choola in a State where there are many Blaves. Virginia is the oldest state in the Union, and were it not for the cur.e of slavery, the whole population would doubtles?, ot thig day be ae. v. ell educatcd as the peopleofNew England. Yet the southerner9 ineist upon it that elavery ia a practical blesBing, and an ordmation of Providence!" In Michigan, are 2173 who cannot read or rite, being 1 in 97. These are doubiless mostly foreigner3.
American Slave Trade
Great Britain
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Old News
Signal of Liberty