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The Tariff

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The following judiciuus remarks are irom Dr. B uly of ihe Philanthropist. VVe are about prepared to adopt thera as our own. On the twogreat queMion?, ihe Tariff, ar.d the Currency, it muy be more dtfficult lo act wisely and harmoniously. For one I thinii a high proteciive tariff, opposed to right principies, and of course, sound policy,tothe present condition of things; howcver !he Government must be supported by a systcm of itnports. Direct taxation is out of the question. The genius of the American people is repugnant to it andihe existence of southern slavery wouM render it impracticable. AU tlien wil! concur in the propiiaiy of a tarífT, to defray the economical expendieres of the Government. With this as a standard, we see o reason why discrimínale duties may not be ltid, so as without injiring the ninterest ofany particular clas8 to encour age home-industry. Such ground we thmk, tnight be wisely and safely taken by the Liberty Party; but only for a time. Free tr;de is most assuredly the true policy of all nations. Bit, we cannot acknowledge thesound policy of retalitory duties. The history of our Government, we think, would show,that negotiation wilh a view of obuiining reciprocity in trade has done more to enlarge the market for this country's productions, than any scheme of retaüatory duties. Negotiation, we know, has done a great deal for slaveholding producís - cotu;n,rice, tobáceo. Let ns have an administration which will as steadily negotiate for the intcrests of free labor, with a view to open markets for grain, pork,&,e. If this policy should fail, it will then be time enough to think of pun ishing ourselves, fnr the sake of bringing our people to theirsenses.Bui lor a tunlf, graduated stnctly according to the wants of ihe Government, and witnin the limit, discrimttive to such an extent, ns not to oppress greater interests, for the sake of exahing lesser, and not permanen'ly to tax the consufncr, for the benefit of ihe manufacturer, we think the Liberty Pirty shoold go. In truth, the truc principies of this party is, eqnal and exact juitice to all rnen- a regard for the equal rights of all ■=- and in the lightoflhis principie it must decide on modes of policy, pUp. it 3 false to its professions.