Southern Bluster
At present, Southern pretensiona aro inferior to nolhing human - exeept the di vine Emperor of the Celestial Empire, Ching Chong. They yielJ to hhn, we beliove, and tu him only. With th3 exceptinn, they are the smartest men, the woraen are the handsotnest, their horses c;in outrun all creation, their institutions are the mo3t domestic, their Corn, Cotton, Rice, Hemp, Slaves, Bloodhounds, can eclipse any thing of the kind this side of the moon. Truly, were we to lake as nnüer of fact all thut they assert, weshould want Dean Swiffághost to write it out. They talk as if they could anuihüate Ecjgland wiih a squib. They'il brin this haughty power to verms, that will, if shc does not cease to declare their human chattles, human beings. Poor creatures! The Umted States nu more dare goto war about Stavery, than she dare free all the Slaves at once, for a war upon that questiun, would be the signal to .light Freedoni'sbeaconson every hill topandthrouyh every valley in the South. So brag on', my KiasterJ! 110 men are out of your clutches, and ifye will fight about it we will have 2,500,000. Fight away! Or if vou dare not fiüh, it s your privilege to
J. C. J.
American Slavery
North & South
Old News
Signal of Liberty