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First Fruits Of The Western Rail-road

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7 he daily Advcrtiser says the gentlemen from ítochester, N. Y. brought with them a barrel offlour gror.nd on Monday from vheat taken frmn I he bheaf and thrushed that morning. The barrel was also made from staveu laken from a tree which was growing o the forest at Roeheater on monday raornig. The flour was used at the dinner at Boston on Thursday. The Transcript of Thursday acknowiedges as a remembrance of the glorious eveut, tho receiving of a loafof bread and a package oí fine lable salt. The wheut frorn which the former was made was ground on VVednesüay morning at Cnnanduigua, N. Y., and the latter was made ni the eame time at Syracuseil Álso, some fine rolls, made from grain that was in the sheaf on Monday, and was bolled on Wedíesday in Rockester! The Mercantile Journal says that candles made at New-Bedford on Monday morning, wére burning in Albany on the evetiin of Jhe same day - also that fom threshed and ground at Itochester ou Mo'öday morning, vvus made into bread, and u?ed at the festival on Thursday, :'-t tl. e United States Hotel! The barrel of fiour was accompanied with a barrel of salt from Syracuse, which was made from saline water that teas bubbling in the srring on Monday morning. The si!t was also used at the festival. A friend inform9 us that he saw at Albany, on Tuesday last, a lond ol cod-fish selling at the rate of four cents n pound. This fih was conveyed thiiher over the Great Wesieru rail road from this city.