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VVül be pubüshed cvery Wednesday mom fiyrr in Ann Arbor, Wnshtenaw county, Michofin, by tho Exectitivc Committee, for the filichigan Slnlfi Anti-Slavenj Society. N. SULUVAN, PRINTER. Tkrmö. - S2,00 per ann urn, in advance. 82,50 in six months. L3,00, if payment bo del'iiycd to tlic close of the y car. A 6trct ndherciico to the abovc tbums willbe obseryed iu evory ense. OrNo pnper wül be discontinucd unlilall arrcaraes are paid.3) Advertisemests itinnkfully receivee! and ineerted at the usual pricee in this vicinity. Any friend oí' liumanity deeiring to ail the cause of IAhertij) is authorized to act as Agent. All BF.MITTAJÏCR3 and nll Communications Aesgi}cd for publication or in any manner peiatin to the "Sigiial of Liberty," wül be Jiereafter addresscd OJpost paidQ v&toSAit of LiBEarr; dnn Jlrbor, Mich." Out Ti'avcliisEs aud bocal Agenta, Thuoügiioüt the State, ase especiaM-y reqoested to not1cb the terms o.n wihcii thi3 paper is publisied. as 1t (9 KXECTSD TUET V. I LL 11 .ir.ii THEIR COLLRCTION9 ARD EEMÍTTANCE3 IN ACCORDACE. THKKP.TVITH, J.N EViïRT 1NSTA5CE. SÏGNAL OF HÏIERTY. Wcdneatíay FebrnarT 23, 1842.


Signal of Liberty
Old News