
{TA petition for the aboüiiou of sluvrry ttnd iño slave trade in ihe District of , lioibia, "becausoit isa ein against God, and f a foul etain upon our national character," i signed by Lysandcr Barrel and 92 others, citizena of Lewis County, Virginia, has i been forwarded to Mr.Botts, Representativo h trom that 6tate, lor presenlation. Mr Botts ] has addressed them a letter througji the Na ji tional Inteliigencer, admitting their rightto I peution, but declimng to be their organ in prosenttrig it. lle beseeches them in the name of all that is dear to the American , people, to desisl from iheir piirpose; forthey : fcnovv not what thcy do. Messrs üilmer, Uunter, Rhett,an d Proffit of Indiana, asked leuve of the House to be excu6ed from 6erving on the Commillee of Foreign Affiúrs,of whieh Mr Adams 3 chairrnan, as thcy were unwilling to woi k with a Chairinan who had shown tmnself 'ah unsafe dopoeitory of the public trust, and who had pot the coufidence of the committee. They were excudod,ns was aleo Ar VY C Jolin6on, at bis reqnest. Mr. Adame moved that the I ppeaker select others to fill their places, ivhich was agreed to. In the House, Feb. 7.- The resolutions lor cer.suring Mt Aá&ms, on tnolion of Air. })ütis of Virginia were laid on the tablc by a srnall mnjority, after a discuesion of iwo weeks.' A similar mulion lied been made three limes before, and aa often rtjecled. The dissolution petition was Uien r'ejected- uyea 166 - nayB 4ü. Ah Howard ofM'ichigan voted with thu nays. He is pointed at tiylheFiee Press for so doing, doubtlees with the hupe of making political capital out of it. But the people of this state will eustaiD him in that act. Mr Adanis Lhéd fiuish. sd the presentaüon of ÃiÃs pttiiions, which were disposed of in the usual manner; nearly all refused or laid on the table. 7i the Senate, the controversy botween ew York ad Virginia carne up, by way of 1 report from the commiuee on Federal Re ations. Mv Calhoun said he apprnved the Pólice Act of Virginia and South Carolina, md all the South would stand by her in reii8ting the Norlh. Abolition would lead to lieunion. There was no safety for the south ut in resisting ïnterference. Virginia had ommenced with the restricción of inter:our3e, and this would bectmie geaeral and oniplete. and dissolution would tollow. N Mr. Andrews, in the house, Feb. 4. cal ed on the epeaker to have two abuliüuu eporlera who vero takirig notes wiihin he bar, turnecl out of their sents. He jad not notifiüd the proper oflicer of the act, but he had refused lo cxpel them. it does not appeur ihai any pruceedings .vero had on ihe sulject. ui it is wurih ïoticing liow jculous ihe slaveholders are if free discussie-a. They are üj uccustura ed lo a ej'stem of espionaje over their ?l&ves, that they have no idea of meeting m adversary wiih fair, man ly, a ad straight 'orward argumenis. The fact is, the long delayed cri?iá 3 haÃtening on with giant pace. The fuun lains of the great deep of {.-tiblic feeling begin to break. '1 he discusión on the censure of Mr. Adams, involvitig as lliey do, the fundamental principies of our go vernment, are already publishing in a thousaud paper?, hnd wil) he read by hundreds otyhousands in all parts of the land. Mr. Alams lus cvime off victo rious, and h eustained by a large portiun of the Northern press. The Sviuiherners nre confoutided, and know not what todo. The repeal of the 21st rule has been tulked of, and a rnember hos givcn notire that he ahall make a inotiem lo that cffÃÃCl the first opportunily. The nonslavcholding pr.pulation of Ma ryland are holding meeting? in óppoéition to the proceedings of the sluvcholder'd con vention. A man narned Tolman, nn gent fir va rioua papers (one or two of which are au ti slavery) was latelyarrestcd in Washiiïg ton, and thrnst i.ito jiil for the crime of circulating thetn, by a magistrate who holds hiscnintnissiondircft from President Tyler. He wassubsequehtly admittcd to bail in the sum of "250 condilioned that he will appear at the next court, anti keep the peace. The other clay on the floor of the repre pcntative's chamber at Washington, Mr Undcrwood f Kentucky in the midstof a matily and thilliug speech on the arraign ment' of Mr Adifms, said, that, if there were nny Abolitionists in ihat house he would appenl tothem! Instantly Mr. Giddings, ofOhio, sprong opon his feel aad avnwed himself n öbolitinnïsi to the iiill extent of the term as IVë wndersiood it. (USocne of our meinber9 of Congreee are Buid to be hard cases. Some are aleo hard drinkers. Mr W.C.Johnson is said by some of the papers to use the bottle very freely. Mi. Spriggs, Df Tennessee, lately spe wed into his desk, and went to 6lcep in hischair. Mr. Marshall, of Kentucky, has reformed. A Congre8s:onal Ternpeiance society has been formed.
United States Congress
Anti Slavery Petitions
Dissolution of the Union
Freedom Of The Press
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Lysander Barret
John Botts
Thomas Gilmer
Robert M. T. Hunter
Robert Rhett
George W. Proffit
John Quincy Adams
William Cost Johnson
Jacob M. Howard
John C. Calhoun
Sherlock Andrews
John Tyler
Joshua Reed Giddings
Joseph R. Underwood
James Sprigg
Thomas F. Marshall