
The vote for laying on the table the ' roposition to cetsure Mr. Adaras stood ealOö- nays 93. Mr. A. gave notice hath. had rcceived iwo other pelitions br the dissolulion of the Union, from New Tork and Pennsylvania, which he should ereafier present. So the question will ome tip agiiin. Gilmer, Proffit, Rhett, Hunter and Coat 'ohnson having been excused by the â ouse in a contemptuous manner, because ïey were unwilling to serve with such. a man is Ji Q. Adams, Shepaid of N. C, Vhite of Lotiisiana, Holtne9 of S. ?., Coo per of Georgia and Chnpaian of Va., were appointed in theirstead, maki?g the ntj')rity of the committee slave holdcrs 'he three last asked to be excusod from erving for the game reasons that thcir )redecesfiors had resigned. They were xcused. Mr. Fessenden,of Maine,stand'a pledged o move a repeai of the 21st Rule the fÃrst pportunity. The House has spent some time on pri. ate claims. It is said that 14000 of these re uow pending. In the Senate brief debates on the subect of improving harbors, on the Western akes, and on the tarift', have occurred. - 'he only thing in the lalier wurth noting, vas the ussertion of Mr. Calhoun, in ilustrating the prosperity of South Carolina ince the compromiso act, that nkgroes were worth 50 per et. more than in 1828,ind that a whole gang had recently been oÃd for$500 a bead! The.prosperity of South Carolina is, then, to be judged of y ihe price of her cldldrm in the s hamöiesi A speech or twn has heen made respccing Mr. Clay's soft soder for stopping ihe eaksofthe constitution, and there the mat ter rests till other members get some speeches concocted. Mr. Clay is to resign his place, and retire to Ashland in April - so il is said. Feb. 21 - Mr. Buchanan presenl d a bout thirty memorials from women o Pennsylvania in regard to sluvery. TIic corresponiient of the Ballimore American says, 'Mheir presentation occasioned more merriinent than anv other feeling. Th motion to receive waa laid on ihe table. 4A report wus reccived from the Secre tary yf State in relalion to the Creóle offair, stuting the contente of a brief correspondence between Mr. Wr.bster, and the American minister at London. Theler of Mr. W. complains &trougiy of the offence commilted, and speaks of it ascalling loudly for rec'ress. The duty of the aulhorities at Bermuda as a friendly power shoutd have been to aid ibe cnptain and crew in bringing the offcnders to justice. The proceeding, it Ã3 also atated, has eau sed deep tceling in the United States. The American minister is requested to bring the subject befare Lord Aberdeen, as a clerir case of iridemnificutiun. The posscssion of the Slaves was legal, and satislaclion conaidtred proper and necessary.An argument ia also furnished the American Minister at London, why redresa should be demanded and given. The Slaves, in no form, if there 9 to be any regard to the law of uali ns, can be regarded as British cilizens. The reason afforded here is, that the British Government has no power to 6ay who are and who nre not the citizens of anothergovernment. After giving the fullest instructions to ihe minister at London, the report concluded wiih piesenti,, Ã!o subject to the Senate." It was iistened to with the greatest interest by all the Senators, and by a large number in the galleries. Mr. Calhoun moved to print 10Ã0 extra copieB of the report - referred to tho committee ou printing. Fel. 14. - Mr. Howard, of Michigan, presented the following anti-slavery peti tions :Amasa Gillett and 51 othera, of VYashtenaw coimty, Michigan, praying .such an amendment of the constitution of t4ie Uuitcd States as will release the free siates from uny obligation to support slavery. Llezekiah Rowky ana 26 olhers,. of Bloomfield, Oakland county, Michigan for the same puronro. J. II. Butterfield nnd 33 others, of Macomb couoiy, Michigan, for ti same object. Heman Barker and 29 othera, of Le Roy, Michigan, for the same object. [In preöentinxï these petitions Mr. H. remarked that the peiitiuners asked for such an alteralion of tho 4th 6öCikn of the 4ih arlicle of the constitution as wou Id reease the federal govcrninen' from its present obligatiun to suppress "domestic violenco" in Bny of the slateB - un olject in which he by no means concuned.]The question was raised on the receplion of said petitions, and laid on the table. Memorials against the 21 sà Rule qf the House. H. Parker and 20 others, of Le Roy, Michigan' J. B. Butterfield and 34 others, of JVJaomb county, Michigan. Hezckiah Rowky and 32 olber&, of ïloomfiekl, Oakland county, Michigan. Amasa Gillett and 52 others, of Washenaw county, Michigan. The question of their reception was laid n the tabie. The following pelitions for the repealof 11 laws authorizing the holding or transorting of slaves coastwise f rom one State o another in vessels of the United States; nd for law protecting the rights of slaves who, by such transportaron, are become onstitutiunally free. Amasa Gillett and 54 others, of Washenaw county, Michigan. Hernán Baker and 21) others, of Le Roy, kiichigan. II. Rowky and 27 others, of Bioomfield Vlichigan. J. H. Butterfield and 33 others, of Maomb county, Michigan. [Exoluded by the 21st rule.] Mr. H. also presented sundry petitions 'rom the same persons, praying the aboliion of slavery in the District of Columbia and in the Territury of Florida; which vero excluded by the 21st rule of the iuuse.
United States Congress
Dissolution of the Union
Brig Creole
Old News
Signal of Liberty
John Quincy Adams
Thomas Gilmer
George W. Proffit
Robert Rhett
Robert M. T. Hunter
William Cost Johnson
Augustine Shepperd
Edward White
Isaac E. Holmes
Mark Cooper
Reuben Chapman
William P. Fessenden
John C. Calhoun
Henry Clay
James Buchanan
George Hamilton-Gordon
Jacob M. Howard
Amasa Gillett
Hezekiah Rowky
J. H. Butterfield
Heman Baker
H. Parker
J. B. Butterfield
Henry A. Wise