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FlHlMOTHY SEED AND HIDES- JL Ca9h wil! be paid at all times for Timüthy Seed, Hides snd Wheat, when delivered at ray store in Ann Arbor, (Upper Town.) F. DENISON. Deo. 29, 1&41. tf ANN ARBOR BOOK-STORE. ONE door west of the Lafayette House, to be sold on commisBion, at Detroit :ash prices, in addition to the Classical and bchool Books, aóvortised by others in tnis rillage, copies of claseical and school bc which cannot be found elsewhere in the vil lage, together with a good assortuaent of ntere6ting Booke, and Stationnry, kc. Any book wanted which I have not en hand if to be found ia city of Itetroit, will on short notice, be procured wthout CH A R LES MOSELEV Ann Arhor.Feb. 1G 184a 43-3w TAKEN UP JOY the eubscriber, on or aboot the fif-r J&9 leeiith dny of íáeplember laet a small RED COVV, soine white on the back, belly and tail; no artificial marks visible .supposed to be twelve or fourteen years old. Tho owuer can have the same by proving properly and payicg charges. ELÏSHA B. PARKER. Salem, Jan. 25, 1842 42-8w.MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL LIBRARÍES, Published under the direclion of th Board of Jblducation. Fob sale bt J. La.mb, o y Arm Arboh. fglHIS LIBRARY is recoramended by -"L ihe Siiperinteudant of Public Jnstruction Jan. 25, 1842. J "ECONOMY IS VEALTH. THE eubscribcrs will pay two centa per puund in Goods or Paper fot any qnau tity of good clean SWINGLE TOVV, dehvered at the Ann Arbor Paper Mili. J. JONES óf SONS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 12, 1842. 88tf PORK AND WHEAT wanted by F. Dkmson, for which goods or money will be paid at fair rates. Ann Arbor, Dec fll, 1841. L6 tf CASH FOR WHEAT. FDENISON wi!l pny cash for Wheal 0 on delivery at his store. ANTI-SLAVEUY ALMAN ACS FOR 1842 just received and for saJe at thia office. Price Sceïts eingle;50 ets pol doften. June 23, 1842THRESHUSG MACHINES, HÜKSU POWER, MILLS, &c. THE undersigned are manufacturingand will keep constantly on hand at their shop two and a halt miles west of Ann Arbor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POWERS anu THREHING MACHINES.- The horse power is a ncnv iovention b; S. W. Fosteb, and is d -cidedly superior to any thing uf the kind ever before offered to the Public. The pnce of a Four Horse Power, with a good Tkreshing Machine is 10 dollars, at the shop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Poworscan be used with two, ihres or foiiï horsed to good advantage. Three men witb two horses, can thresh one hundred bushela of vvkeat per day (if it yields middling wel),) and it will not be hard work tbr the horses. The Horse Poioer and Thresher can both be put n a common waggon box, and drawn any distance by two horses. The Two Horse Power will be sold at the shop, mth the Thresher for one hunJred dollars; without the Thresher, for seventy-fi ve dollars. Thcy also manufacture STRAW CCJTTERiS, recenily invented by S. W. Fostkb, which are decidedly preferable to any othera for cutting straw or corn 6talks, by horae or water power. They also work by hand. - Price, üfleen dollars. - ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding prorendur,-at the rate of six to eight bushuls per hour, with two horses or by water. -Also - 05=SMUT MxCHlNES of superior conI struction. Invented by ö. W. Fostbh. - Pnce, sixty dollars. S. VV. FOSTER, II Co. Scio, June 23, 1341. 10-lyMORTUAGE SALE. "EFAULT having been made in t _BlJt cooditiun of u Mortgago execute Itutus Crossman and Lucy lus wife, to tl undersigned, January tifteemh, hundred aud thirty eight, and recon the Register's Office, in thu county of Wa6h lenavvj in Liber number eeven, pugo thn hundred and oue, of thj equal uodivided half of the ''Scio mili properiy," incJudirig the v ater-power, Müls, and Machinerj, a bout twenty-ñve acres of Lund, adj the village of Scio, iu said county, and on both sides of the River Iiuroo, te svith the rights of fiowing lands covj the mili pond, (fur a more particular uel tion of the premises3 rcference s made lo the record of morigage,) andno proceedinga at law having been inslituted to collect tiio instalment which becarue due on the sixleenth day of November, in the yoar of ou Lor,d eighteen hundred and forty-one, or any part thereof. iïotice is hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgoged premises (or some part of them) at public vendue at tlie Court House in Ann Arbor, in said counly, on the the twentyfifth d,iy of April next, at noon. SAMUEL W. FOSTER, Mortgngee. Scio, J anuary 24, 1J42 . 40-13w "Nü REPUDIAT1ON." gjTATE C RIP will be taken atparfor 3! Goods at the store of the subscriben for a lew days. . JONES, Sc SO.YS. Ann Avbor.Jan 12, 1841 J3ïaïtks ! JBlauks ! ! Blanks ! JUST PRINTED, on fine paper and in a superior style, a large - ssorl ment of blank sumraons, subpo3na5, Execudons, k.c. - For sale at this office. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17, 1841. Woodl Wood! Woodi WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a fnv cords of good hickory wood in exchnnetor the "Signal of Liberty." Ann Arbor, Dec. 22,1841. WHICH 8EH.9 IN THI3 COUNTRY ÏOU $18 TO $2.5 PER COPY. Every man, tcoman and child in the Ü7iitcd States, who posscss a Bible, toill surely furnish themselves with the Jollotoing beautifuL series of Scripture Illustrations. P1CT0RÍAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF THB BIBLE, AND VIEW OF THB HOLY LAND. JVcw, cheap and valuahle publication. - Four hundred pages, 8 vo. fine paper,handsomely bound. Price only TfVO DOL" LARS. The euhscriber respectfully invites the attention of Clergymen, Teachers of Sabbath School?, Heads of Families, and Büoksellere throngliout the Uuited States,to iheaboveNew, Cuenp and Bplendidly Illuetrnted work. Publisbed and fot sale at No. 122, .Nassau streel, New York city. lts features are better defined by the title:- Two hundred Piclorial Muslrations of the 8CRIPTÜKE8, CONSJSTINO OP VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND; Together witli many of the most remarkable objects raentioned in the oíd and now testamente, represent ing sacred historica! eventp, copied frorn celebrated pictures, principally by the old masters. the landscape scenee, taken from original sketcliee made on the spot, with full and interesting letterpress deecriptions, devoted to an examination of the objects mentioned in the sacred text. Oei examination thie will be found a very pleasant and profita'Je book, especialJy for the perusal of Yoüng People, ahoundingin the cnnst valuable informalion, collected with great care, from the beet and latest sourcee. Itmay, very properly, be designated acoramon place book for every thing valuable relating lo oriental manners, customs. &c.and comprisee within ïtself a complete library of rt'ligious agd useful knowledge. A rolume like the present, is far superior to the common Annuals - it will never be out of date. [t is beautifully printed in new long primer :ype - haucÏBomoly bonnd io Muslin, gilt and ettered; and is dHcidedly,the best imd chea3est publication (for the price,) ever issued iïom the American Prees. Clergymen, Superintendante and Teachers of sabbath schools, agente of religieus ïewepapers and periodicals,posttn;isters and )ooksellerB, througbout the country, are respectfully requested to act as our agenta. No letter will be taken from the office unlcss post paid. To Publishers of Papers throughoiit the United States - Ne w-spapers or .Magazines, copying the above entire without any alteration or abridgemr-at (including this notice,) and giving it la inside insertions, shalJ njcei%e a copy of the work, (subject to their order,) by sending directioná to the Publisher. 29 12v itThe abnve wnrk may be had at the Book store of Dea. Chas. Mosely, one door west tif the Laf.iyette House, Aun Arbor. A liberal dio'count made lo w holes;) lo purchaseii'. Persons in the country, wishing to act hs agents, may obtain all the necessary m formaiion, by addressing their letters to the subscriber, Ño. 122, Nassau street, N. Y. ROBEHT SEARS. Pnhlisbpr Devoted to the nterests of protestant Christianify, Literature, Science, Educntion, ihe Arts, Agriculture, the moral entrprises of the age, and to the difïusion of genera! intelligence. "Kmnvledge is as the lightof heaven; free, pure, pleatmnt, exhaustless. It invites all to posseseion; it admits ofnopreomption, no rights exclusive, no monopoly.' For six years, this paper has been gaining in the confidence of the public. lts chnractor as an independent, literary and religious journal, is now fully established,as is evident from it6 circulation amopg all classes of the community. Thoee vho desire A GOOD FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Free from those. features of eectarianism, which are so oflensive to the spirit of Christianity - a paper which admits suitable articles op all subject8upon which thecommunity need to be infonned - a paper open, eepecially to the claims of suffering humanity may bo assured that no efturts will be sparcd to rendnr this acceptable and wdrthy of thcir patronage. It has a large number ofable and intelligent correspondents, whose communications will enrich its columns from time to time, on natural and revealed theology, revivals, raissions, human rights, teraperance, education, sabbalh and common schools, moral reform, health, agriculture, geology, phyeiology, natural and mental philosophy, music, reviews of books, &c. - In a word, it occupies a field of usefulness, not-appropriated by any other periodical in this orany other country. The seventh Volume commenced January 1, 1842. The price is only two dollars a year, in advance; and this is sufficiently low to put it within ihe reach of all. Reader, you have a personal interest in the New York Watchrnan! For, he who has a heart to know his whole duty, whose soul thirsls for Information on all those subjects most directly connected with man's highest happiness, willfind assistance irj the columns of this paper. The W atchman is publisliod every Saturdny. at 12.6, Fulton street, New York, where subscriptione are respectfully solicited. Blanks ! JBlanks ! ! Blanks ! ! : H"UST. PRINTED, on fine paper and QÍP in a superior style, a Iarge assortj ment of blank summons, subpcenas, Executions, &c. - For sale at this office. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17, 1841. Wood! Wood! Wood! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a few cords of good hickory wood in ex change for the "Signal of Liberty." Ann Arbor, Dec. 22, 1841. Ann Avbor.Jan 12, 1841 SIflOTHy SEED AND HIDES-- -- Cash will be paid at all times for Tiar OTUY Besd, IIjdks und Wheat, when delivered at my etore in Ann Arbor, (Upper Town.) F. DENISON. Dec. 29,1841. 36-tf GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, FOR 1842. The most splendid and votuable Monthiy Periodical ever pubHshed. The only magazine devoted to Ladies and cooducted by meinbers of their own 8ex. Composed entirely of original articles, by the most eminent writera of the age; and embellished with a larger number and a greater variety of costly, elegant and attractive pictorial illustrations, than any similar publication. EDITED BY Mrs. Sarab J. Hale, Morton M'Michael, Mrs. L, H, Sigourney,L. A. Godey. CONTRIBOTOR8 TO EACH INUMBER. Miss. C. M. Sedgwick, N. P. Willis, Miss E. Leslie, Mrs. C. Lee Henez, Mrs. E. C. Etubury, T. S. Arthur, Tueodure S. Fuy, Mrs. E. F. Ellet. lu announcing to his numerous patrons and thti public at large, hts arrangemems for ihe yoar 1842, the pioprietor of Godey 'a Lady's Book, takes occaeiun to ackuowleJge the unparallelec' and triumphant success of his Magazine, which has now reached the extraordinary number offorty thousand monthly; beinga larger edition than hos ever been pnnted of any other work of any description in America.' This succes he Í8 aware hoa been attained by the vast superiority which the Lady's Book has ahvaye maintained over thecontemporary magazines which have attempted to rival its merite, a suporiority which he is still determined to preserve by keeping ir, in all its depaitments literary, inlellectual and moral, as well aspictoml, emblematic, artistie, and mechanical. Tliat this is no ïdle boast, lic appeals to the experience of the past tweive years, in all whicb time, he has made no promise to the public tvhich he has not strictly performeel, nor underiaken anything which his means did not enable him to ftccomplish to the utmost. Entering, as lie is about to do, on the 24th Volume of the Lady's Book, with increased energy and accumulated resources:wilh an ampie knowledge of the bu 8iness in which he is engaged, acquired by long years of unremitted application: with a subscription list unparalleled in the nnnalB of literal ure; with numerous facilities not possessed by any ether pubHsher: with welldigested and wide-exlended arguments; and above all, with a öteadfast purpose of maintaining the lofty elevation his work has reached, the proprietor has not heeitated to incur expenses, which under other circum stance8 might prove etartling, but by means of which he will be enabled to mnke the Ludy's Book, the richest, the rareet, the most attractive, and the most yaluabie periódica!, intrinsical and extrinsically, ever offered to the American public. Liteuary DEPARTMEMT.It hae ever ieen the aim of the proprietor to impart to the Lady's Book a high literary and moral tone, and for ihis purpose he has, without regard to cost, procured the aid of the most eminent writers and, for eeveral yenrs past, lias committed its editorial supervisión to Mis. J. Hale, Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney,and Mihs E. Leslie, ladies of tvkom not only their own sex, but the whole country, have eason to be uroud. In this respect, the Lady's Book enjoye a decided advantage over all other pubiications, as it is the only vork devoU-d lo ladies, ladies derive an advantage wlneh must be obviou9 to every parent, husband, brother, and well is to every lady who properly appreciates he dignity and importance of her aex. He will be enabled to furnish iniciesrum Mrs F C Embury, Mrs H B Stowe, MraF S Osgood, Mrs. S. Sraitb, Mrs M H Parsons, Mrs. J. Thayer, Mrs A M F Annan, Mrs. L. Hentz, Mrs E F Eilet, Mrs. E. C. Sedman Mrs. Dupuy. Mrs M. Duncan, Mrs V E Howard, Mrs M St Loud, Msb E, Allen Mrs C H W Esling MrsSEPurley, Mise M, B. Snows Mies E. Leslie, Kale Franklin. Maria Edgworth, Mrs. S. C. Hall, Jkfary R. Milford, Mrs Hofland, JWrs C BWilson, Mary Howitt, and other English Iady-writers of distinction, some of whom have already published in the Lady's T$ook#he only original contributions they have ever made to American hterature. Nor has he omitted to pros cure the assistance of eminent writera of both sex. A ware of the universal and well deserved popularity of N. Willis, Eöq.; and confident that the productions of Iiis graceful and elegant pen will be highly acceptable 10 the readers of jthe Lady's Book, the proprietor has entered mlo an arrange. ment, by which he wjII be able to give in each nurnber of his work an exclusive article from the gentlt-man; and he has also retainall of the contributors whose writings have heretofore given such ampie satisfaction including Epes Sargent, W. G. Simms, E?q. Geo. P. Morris, Professor Ingruhani, Jos. R. Chandler, Professor Dimiiry, Robert Morris, Professor Frost, Finy Earle, M. D. Professor Waher, N. C. Brooks, A. M. Park Benjamin, Esq. E. Halden, R. S. Mackenzie, A. M'Makin, T. S. Author, Esq. L. F. Tasistro, H. W. Herbert, Rufus Dawes, Jos C. Neal, E. G. Squier, Hon.R. T. Conrnd, J. M'Lellan, Jr. Dr. J. K. Muchell, Jas. Aldnch. With such aid, it is not too much to say, that the Literary Department of the Lady's Book will surpass any thing that has ever been orean be attempted. Ornamen'ial Dkpartment. - It is a source of no little pride to the Proprietor of the Lady's Book, that he first introduced into this country the plan of furnishing, along with a monthly periodical of elegant hterature, embellishments of an attractive and costly characler. The first eteel engravinga accompanying such a work were given by him; the first mezzotint engravingwafi given by him; the first patterns of lace-vvork and embroidery were given by him; the first colored plates of fashion were given by him; the first music was given by him. These are things to which he vould not refer, f some of those who essayed to folio w in his footsteps, not content with mitating all his designs, even to the form of his book, the 8ize of his type, and the color of his cover, had not foolishly put forward claims to originality, and attempted to found a right to an exclusive merit on doing that which they have borrowed frona his eïample. But whathe has done heretofore in the way of pmfvi lishroents to his Book, though Ufar iJ. , ed any eflbrt of those who strove te do? nis movements, cannot compare with Jk ; he now rueans to do. His arrangeoenu flí this department of his work have beea oro jected on the most liberal Bcale of exoendí ture, mvolviog an extent of outlay such has never before been dreanaed of i aBv T nodieal, European or American. Af i an pví dence of his intentions, he now ata tes th.i each mimber of the Lady's Book for he en,, ing year, will comain at least three splenZ GDgravings; embracing ín ihe senájs eva! poesible vanety of subjeets. HistoHal,Lan7 scape, Picturesque, Portraiture, Im ag natv; and Emblemática!, and executed in e very ni? sible variety of the art; mezzotint, lino a mezzotint, stipple, medalion, and lUt moii chaete and expresaive rnanner, the line and düt cornbined, which has given snc h worlrf widecelebmy to the workaof modem artUu Splendidl colored platea of the í ashions' wi 11 also bog.ven every monih, coüta.nin; at least four female figures, and erabodyinf ir . every instance I he latest costumes, received directly frotn a correspondent at Taris. In order to give the greatest attrao tivenej to the subjecta of hia embellishmenta, ti Propnetor has given orders to varióos Ame. ncan Prnnters, of establfehed reputation,tvhoare now engnged m preparing éxpretisly for the Lady s Book,numerous original pictures on National and Historica! events, scme of which are nearly completed, and soan will !e in the hands of the engraver. Amo ng tha painters thus engaged lio mny enumérateJ (jt Chapman, PainteroflheNationaiPit, ture of the Baptism of Pocahontas. P F Rothermel, J P Frankenstein, - S S Osgood,o Bost.l Williams, Uc. In order to procure these various embeU lishments va season, the proprietor has nude permanent arrangements with tho followinjf eminent engravere, all of whom are not) engflged in executing steol piales for fa Lady's Book. New York. . Philadelphia. A L Dick, W E Tucker, N Gimberede, J B Neagle, W H Jackmao, J B Forrest J G Dunne], W H Ellis, A Jones, E Humphreys. TKANSMiesiON bt mail. - One advantal' the 6ubscñbers of thie workwill have, wjll be iteearly reception. It will be received at the remote3t crties of the Union, by tb a first day of the nitntli of publicatioo. Clubbing. - Lady'e Book, 1 year, and People's Library, 1 ycar, $&,(Jo Lady's Book and Young People's Book, 5,'00 Do Amateur's Musical Library, (containing 200 pages of new and beau. liful music.) 50(j Do Scott's Norel8 and People's Library, 1 year. iofw Do Scott's miscellaneous work3 and People's Library, 1 year. 10, 1)0 Do All Scot'ta Works, complete in 10 vol8. and People's Library, 15,0 Do Thier'a History of the Fr. Revolution. - io,ÖO Do Pictorial Library, 1 year, and People's Library, 1 year. io,oo Do and Young People's Book,10,00 Lord Bacon'-, works; Thiers HÏ9tory tf tho French Revolutioi;, and Waverley's Novéis, in 5vols. 2o,Oo Do Thiers Revolution and Scotts Works, complote in 10 vols. 25,00 Business Department. - The price of this publication is three dollars per anniim- two copies, oneyear, in advance,tt;e dollar. Those of our friends wanlingto subscribe to the best Two Dollar Weekly Family Newspaper, published in this city, can be aceommodated as follows:Two copies of the Saturday Courier, one year, and Godey's Lady's Book, oneyenr, sent for 5,00 Five copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr.10,00 Five copies of the Saturday Courier, 1 yr. and Lady's Book, 1 year. 10,00 Eleven copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr 20,00 Thirleen copies of the Lady's Book, 1 yr. and Waker Scott's Novéis, complete, or hia miscellaneous works, whichever rasy ba preferred. 30,00 In all cases where money is 'emittedfor ♦'Clubbing," the most liberal allowances witl be made. The money, in all cases, to be positively received before a number is sent, No letters vvill be taken frora the Post Offica unless the postage on them is paid. Unless pósitive orders are given at the time of eubscribing, the work wil] be continued after the first year, and ïf not paid during the vear, the price will be increased to 4 dollars. Address L. A. GODEY, ' 101 Chesnut strcet, Philadelphia. Pro tl nee oJf e ver y Dcscription, MECEIVED n payment for Job worft Advertising and Subscriptions totlia " ignal of Liberty," if deliyered at the Office, immediately over the stre of J Beckley, & Co kpri) 28 "K&LANKS ofevery description neatly -"- executed at this office.