Classified Ads
C7-L00K!!- ALLÃI-CO THE undei signad, having loancd tw works of Washington Irving (as h recollects,) the "Alhambra" and "Brace bridge Hall," and not remembering wh they were loaned to, has lost track of the tohereabouts. The eame also being the cas with vol. S& of JYiles Register. He wou be very much accommodated indeed, if thos in whoïe posseesion they oaay bo, would re turn them. Or if any ono knowing wher ihey,or eithcr of theui are would ioforra him he would endeavorto reciprócate the favor The latter work he feels particularly anx ious about; a9 it contains the most of the de bate in the senate of the U. S. some year since in relntion to the Public Lands, where in Gen'l. Hayneof S. C. and Daniel Webs ter of Mués., were the most prominent epea ers. DVVIGHT KELLOGG. Ana rbor, March 15, 1842. 37-3 COPARTNERSHIP. THE undercigned, Jamb3 Jones Ãà Ca lbb N. Ormsb?, under the name an firm of JONES & ORMSBY, hare tb day formed a copartnership for the manu facture and sale of PAPER, of various de scriptions and qualily. They have connec ed with their Mili, a BOOK BÃNDERY, whcre oll orders in that line may be met wit neatne6s and dispatch. They are now in crasing their machinery, by which the will be enabled more promptly to answer o ders for Paper, fcc. JAMES JONES, C. N. ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, March 8, 1842. tf TWO DOLLARS IN3TEAD OF THREELTo the Patrons of the Signal:--A comnation of circumstancee of a pecuniary naure bee ioduced the eubscriber to make tu he patroi)8 of the Signal, one and all, ihe bllowing proposition, v2: That all those â who will remit to ns through their Postmw er, the amount of their indebteines to the Signal, be it muchor little, o thmt it reache3 8 by the FIKST DAY OF MAYnext, hall have their Paper at the rale of 'TH 'O DOLLARS per annum. This proposal re made witliiho hope that the subscribers to ie papir, generally, lhroughout the State, ill avail themselvea of ita advantage, and ïus benefit themselves and accomraodate 10 subacriber. N.BULLIVAN, PubÃsher. 0"N. B, Thoee who refuse this proposion, vül not of couree complain. if we â¦.xnct ie [publiihed] terms in every case.3 3 5 5 3 3 DISSOLUTÃON. TIIE copartnership heretofore existing betvveen the subecribers, under the rm of . JONES, fe S&JYS, wae thia ay dissolved by mutual consent. Ali busiess rolating to eaid firrn will be eeitled ty ambs Jünks, wlio ö duly Ãtuihorieed to scte tbe same. JAMES JONES, S. K. JONES, G. C. JONES. Aun Arbor, March 8, h842. 47-tf THRESHhNG MACHINES, HORSJá POWER, MILLS, he. THE uudorsigned are manufactfuring and will keep constantly on hand at iheir shop two and a half miles west of Ann Arbor, near ihe Rail Road, HORSE PO WERS and THRE3I1ING MACHINES The horee power ia a nw invenlion by S. W. Poster, and is docidedly superior to any thinuf the kind ever before offered to" he Public. The price of a Four Horst owert with a good Threshing Machine ie üU dollars, at tfie shop; without he Machine, ninety dollars. These Horsa 'owers cao be ueed with two, ihreo or four ïorseo to good udvantnge. Three men wikh two liorsec, can thresh ono hundred bushels of wheat per day (if it yielda middling well,) and it wÃl not be hard work for the horses. The Horse Power and Thresher can both be )ut in a common waggon box, and drawn any dietance by two horses. The Two Horse Power will be eold at the shop, with the Thresher for on e hundred dollars; without the Thresher, for seventy-five dollars. They also manufacture STRAW CÃTTERS, recenily invented by S. W. Fostbr, wbich are decidedly preferable to any otners for cutting straw or corn stalk, by horse or water power. They also worK by hand.- Price, fifteen dollars. - ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding propender, at the rate of six to eight bushels por hour, with two horses or by water. - Also - (tSMUT MACHINES of superior oodstmetion. Invented by S. W. Fostbb.- Price, sixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, fc Co. Scio, June #3, 1841. ., . 10-lyTAKEN UP BY the sub8criber, on oFabouiTthe fl?leenth day of September last a small RED COW", eoiue white on the back, belly and tail; no artificial marks visible ,suppoeed to 6e twelve or fourteen years old. Tha owner can have the same by proving property and payir-g charg-es. ELISHA B. PARKHR. Salem, Jan. L5 184L 49 8w. MASSAOHUSETTS SCHOOL LIBRARÃES, Publislted widerthe direotion qf tkeBoitvd of Education. Fob salb by J. Lamb, of Akj Abbob. THIS LIBRARY is rocoramendcd the Superintcndant of P tion Jan. 25, ECONOMY IS WEALTH7 THEeubscribers will pay two conta pe pöund in Goods or Paper for any qimiu tity of good clean SWING LS TO1 delivered at the Ann Arbor Paper 1 JONES & ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, Jan. 12, 1841. PORK AWD WHEAT wbi â " Dïsnison, for which good will be paid at fair rates. Ann Arbor, 21, 1841. 2ötf Prodnce of every Jcscptioi, Sö ECE1VED in paymont for Job work, A& Advertising and Suliscriptions to U " ignal of Liberty," if delirered at tho Office, immediately over the etsre of J. Beckley, & Co 4pri 28CASH FOR WHEAT. FDENISON will pay caeh for Wheal on delivery at bis store. June 23, 1842 ANTI-SLAVERYALMANACS FOB 1342 - just received and for soje at thic office. Price 8 ces ts single ;50 ets pi dozen. "NO REPUDIATION-" ÃL5TTE CPvlP will be taken at par foi i5 Goods at the storo of tlie 6ubscribera a few daye. JONES & ORMSBY Ann Ak-bor.Jan 12. 1841 Wood5 Wootl! Wowl! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a fw cords of good hickory wood in cx change for the "ignal op Liberty." Ann Arbor, Ãfec.22, 1841. Ff IMOTHY SEED ÃÃü HIDÃiT- -- Cash will be paid at all times for Tjmothy Seed, Hidks und Wheat, wben delivered nt my ?tor iu Ann Arbor, (Upper TuTvn.) P. DENISON. Devoted to the iiiterests of protestant Christianity, Litoratiue, Science, Education, the Arts, Agiiculture, the ruoral enterprises of the age, and to the difi'usion of genera! inteUigencó. "Knowledge is as the lightof heaven : free, pure, pleasaut, exhaustless. It invites all to posaession; it admils óf rio preeinption, nu rights exclusive, no monopoly.' For eix years, ihis paper has been gaining in the confidence of the public, lts cbaracter as an independent, liteiaryend religious jotirna!, is nnw fully is evident l'roin its circulation hmong all classes of the community. Those who desire A GOOO FAMILY NEWSPAEER, Free from those features of scctarianism, which re tso offensive to the tjpïrit of Chriatianity - u paper which admita Buitable articlfr-s on all 8ubjectsupon which the corumuniiy need to be informed - a paper open, eapeciatly to the claims of Bufiering humanity, may be assured that no eflbrts will be apared to rend-r this acreptable nnd worlhy of ih. ir palroiiüge. It he a large number ofaMo and iolelligMit corresponiiants, whose communicationB will oirich its columna from üme ti) time, on natural and revealed theology, revÃvale, missione, liumon rigfits, temperance, education, sabbel h and comrnoii schools, moral reform, health, egriculture,. geology, phyaiology, natural ard meni.aà philosophy, niqsicj reviews of books, &c. - In a word, it occupies a field of usefulness, not appro)riated (y any otlier peiiodical in' this orany other countr%r. j The seventh Vulamo comtnenced January 1, 1842. The price is only two dollars ai year, in adcance; and this is süfficiently low to put it witliin tlie reach of all. Reader, you have a personal interest in the New York Watchman! For, he who hns a heart to know his whole duty, whose soul l!;irs:6 for mformation on all those subjects rnoet directly connectf d with man's highest happiness, will find assistance in the columns of this paper. ' The W aïchmvn is pubhshed frery Saturday. at 126, Fulton street, Ntw York, where subscriptions are respectfully solicited. Dec. 29, 1841. " 36. tf MORTGAGE SALE. KEFAULT having been made in th jBfLj& conditiun of u Mortgoge executed by liufus Crosöinan and Lucy lus wifr, to the undereigned, January fifteenth, eighteen bundred and tbirty eight, and recorded n the Regiator'ö Office, ia the county of Wash tenaw, in Liber nuraber eeven, page three hundred and ono, of the equal UDdivided half oà tho "Scio mili proporty," incJuding the 9 aier-powor, Mills, and Machinerj, and about twenty-ñve aerea of Land, adjoining ihe village of Scio, iu eaid county, and lying on both sides of the River Huron, together wih tbc rights of flowing lauds covered by â ihe tnill pond, (tora more particular descriptionoftbe prmnisesj reference ia made to the record of morlgage,) andno proceedings at law having been inslituted to collect the inatalment wliich becanie due on the sixleenth day of November, in the year of our Lord) eighteen hundred and forty-one, or any part thereof. Notice is hereby given, that said mortgage will bo foreclosed by a sale of the mortgoied premises (or eome part of them) at public vendue at the Court House in Ann Arbor, in eaid county, on the the twentyfifth day of April next, at noo. SAMUEL W. FOSTER, Mortgagee. Ãácio, Juuuary 24, 1842. 4013w ANN ARBOaBOOK-STORK. á pNE door west of tlie Lafayelte House, - to be sold on commission, at Detroit cash prices, in addition to the Classical and scliool Books, advertiaed by oihers in thie villago, copies of classical and school books whtch cannot be fotind elsewhere in the villagc, together with a good assortment of interesting Books, and Siationary, kc. Any book waoted which I have not en hand ïfto befound in the city of Detroit, will on tshort notice, be procured without extra charges. CHARLES M0SELEY Ann Arhor. Fcb. IC 1842 4á-3w O LANKS of every desetiption neally â -' executed at tliis office. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, FOR 184a. Tbc most splendid and valuable Monthly Periódica] ever pubüshed. The only magazine devoted to Ladies and conducted by raombers of their own sex. Composed en- tirely of original articles, by the mo3t eminent writers of the age; and embollisbed with a larger number and a greater variety of costly, elegant and attractive pictorial 1luatratiüUB, than any similar pubhcation. ED1TED BY Mra. Sarah J. Hale, Morton M'Micbael, Mrs. L, li, Sigourney,L. A. Godey. CONTRIBUTORS TO EACH NUMBER. Miss. C. M. Sedgwick, N. P. Willis, Mies E. Leslie, Mre.C. Lee Henea, Mrs. E. C. Eiubury, T. S. Arthur, Theodore S. Fay, Mre. E. F. Ellet. In announcing to hia nuuiérous patrons and the public at large, his arrangemenis for llie jear 1842, the proprietor of Godey's Lady's Book, takes occa6sin to acknowledgé the unparalleled Hnd triumphantsuccesa of hia Magazine, whiclj haa now reached the extraordinary number oïforty thousand monthly; boinga larger edition than has ever been printed of any other work of any descriptiun in Araerica. This eucess he is awnre lias been attained by the vasf ssuperiority which the Lady's Book has always maintained over the conteraporary magazines which have atlempted to rival its merits, a S'jporiority which he ig Btill determined to preserve by keeping it, in all its departmeots hlerary, intellectuts] and moral, uo well as pictoridl, emblenmtic, artistic, and mechanical. That thia is no ïdle boast, he appaals to the experience of the past tve!ve years, in all whicli time, he has made no promiae to the public which he has not striclly perfortned, nor underlaken anything which his mean8 did not enable him to accomplish to the utmost. Enterin.o-. as he is about to do.on the 24th Volume of the Lady's Book, with increased energy and accumulated re6ources:tvilh an ampie knöwledge of the business in whieh he is engaged, acquired by long years of unremitted application: wilh a eubscription list unparalleled in the annala of literature; with numerous factlities not poasessed by any other publisber; with welldigested and wideextended arguments; and nbove all, with a ateadfast purpose of maintaming the lofty elevation his work hae reached, the proprietor has not hesitated to incur expnnses, which under other circum stance8 might prove startling, but by means of which he will be enabled to moke the Lady's Book, the richest, the rarest, the most attractive, and the most valuabio periodical, intrinsical and 9Xtrinsically, ever offeied to the American public. Literart Departmbmt. - It hns ever been the nim of the proprietor to impart to the Lady's Book a high literary and moral tone, and for thia parpose he hu?, without regard to cost, procured the aid of the most eminent writere and, for several years past, hae committed its editorial supervisión to Mrs. J. Hale, Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney,and Mm E. Leslie, ladit-s of vi;om not on!y their own sex, bul the whole country, have reason to be proud. In thia respect, the Lady's Bnok enjoys a decided advantage over all other publications, as it is the only work devottd to iadies, ladies derive nn ad vantnge winch must be obvious to cvery parent, husband, brother, and weil na to eyery lady wlio properly appreciatcs tho diguity and itnportance of her sex. Ornamenial Department. - It is a source of no little pride to the Propriofor of thé Lady's Book, tliat he first introduced inlo this country the plan of furniihing, along witha inonthly periodical oi" elegant literature, etiibellislirnents of an attractive and costly characler. The first steel engravings accompanying euch a work were given by him; the firat mezzoliut engrtvmg was given by him; the first patterns of lace-work and embroidery were given by hivn; the first ëóK ored pintes of fashion ere given by him; the first inusic was given by him. These are thiugs to which he vould not refer, if some of those who have esssyed to follow in his footateps, not content with imitating all his designs, even to the form of his book, the size of his type, and the color of his cover, had not fooiishly put forward claims to orig inality, and uttempted to f'ound aright to an exclusive merit on doing that which iheyhave borrowed from nis example. Bnt what he has done heretofore in iba way of embelHslimenlB (o hid Book, though itfarexceedcd any effort of those who strove to copy bis niovements, cnnnot compare with what he now lueans to do. Ilis arrangcments for this department of kis work have been projected on the most liberal scale of expendilure, involving an extent of outlay such as has never before been dreamed of in any periodical, European or American. As an evidence of bis intentions, he now states tiiat each number of the Lady's Book for the ertsuing year, will coolain at least three splendid engravinge; ernbracing in the series evory possible vanety of enbjects. Historial, Landscape, Picturesque, Portraiture, Imaginativo and Emblematicul, and executed in every poaeible varicty of the art; mezzotinf, line and meKzotint, stipple, medalion, and that rnost chaste and expresaive rnannor, the line and dot combined, which bas given ench world widecelebrity to the works of modern artists. Splendidl colored platee of the fashions, wi 11 also bc given every month, containing at least four Ãcnial; figures, and cmbodying in every instance ihe latest costumes, receiv ed dirtctly from a correspondent at Paris. In order to give the greatest altractiveness to the subjects óf ïil-i pmbellishments, the Propi ietor has given orders to various American Painters, of cstablished reputation,who are now engraged in preparing expressly for the Lady's Look,numerous original pictures, on National and Historical events, sotne of vrhicb are nc-rly coinpleted, and eopn will le ia the hands of tbc engraver. Among the painters thus engaged hn may enmneratH J G Cbapman, Païnter of the. National Pio ture of the Baptism of Pocahontas. P P Rothermel, J P Frankenstein, S S Osgood,of Bost. ï Wjliiams, fcc. Transmiêsion by mail. - One advantnge the 6ubscribers of Ibis work vvill have, will bo its early reception. It will be received at the remotesi citios of the Union, by the iirst dny of the month of publication. Clubbino. - Lady's Book, 1 year, and Peoplft's Library, 1 yar, 85.00 Lady'e Book and Young People's Book, 5;Ã0Do Picturial Library, i year, and People's Library, 1 year. l0 _ Do and Young People's Book,lo!(X). Lord works; Thiers Historv of the French Revolution, and Waver ley's Novele, in 5 vol. oq Do Thiers Revolution and Scotts Works, complote in 10 vols. 5 on Business Dbparthemt.- The price'rir Ãns publicalion is three dollars per annnm two copies, , one year, in &dv&ace,five dolÃan 1 hose of our friends wanting to eubscr.h to the best Two Dollar Woekly Tam , Nmvspaper, published io this city, can l accotnmodated as follows: Two copies of the Saturdoy Courier on year, and Godey'a Lady's Book, oneiwr sent for 7' Five copiea of the'a Book 1'nrt copies of the Saturday Courier, i 'yr and Lady's Book, 1 year. 10' Eleven copie of the Lady's Book 1 yr Ln oo Thirleen copies of the Lady's Book 1 'r and VValter Scott's Novéis, complete, 'or hm miscellaneous works, whichever msv K preferrod. Q Jj In all cuses whero money is -emiited for 'Clnübing," the most liberal allowances wili be made. The money, In all case9, to'bs' posmvely recened before a number ia senf No letters ;vill be taken frora the Post Officeunless the postage on the.n i8 paid. Uniese positive ordera are givon at the time of sub scrihmg. the work wili be continued aftej the first year, and ïf not paid during tboyear, the pnce wili be increased to 4dollor Address L, A. GODEY, 1 Chesnut street, Philadelphm. WniCH BELLS IN TBI3 COCNTRT FOR $18 TO $25 PER COPY. Every man, woman and ckild in the VjjiU ted States, who posscss a Bible, wili aurely furnish themselve3 with the jollowing heanliful series of Scripture Illustration3. TiOTOKlAL II.LU8TRA.TI0N6 OJT TUB BIBLK, AND VIEW OF THB HOLY LAND. .Vete, cheap and valuable publicaiion.s Fotir hundred pages, 8 vo. fine paper,handsomely bound. Price only TWQ DOL- LARS. The subscriber respectfully invites the attention of Clergymen, Teachers of Sabbalh Schools, Heads ofFamilies.and Booksellers thronghout Uie Uuited b'tates,to theaboveNew, Cheap and splendidly lllus-troted vvork. Publishetl and for Hale at No, 122, .as3au street, New Fork city. It features are better defined by the tille:- Two hundred Pictorial Illuslralions of the SCR1FTURBS, CONSISTIKO OF VIEWS IN THB HOLY LAND; Together with many of the most romana object6 meiitioncd in the olcl andf nw {estamentp, representing sacröd hiötoficai events, copied from celebrated pictures, principally byihe old masters. the landscape scènes, taken from original 6ketches made ojj thu spot, with lull ;ind interesting letterpresg descriptione, devoted to nn examinarion of the objecfö ir.sntiDned in the sacred text. On examination this will be found a very pleasant nnd profitable book, especially for the perusal of Yuukg People, abouadmgin the most valuable information, collected with great care, from the best and latest sourcee. It rney, very properly, be designated acommon place book for e vei y l hing valuable relatir.g to oriental rnanners, customs. &c.and comprises within Hself a complete library of rHigious and useful knowledge. A volumo like the present, is far superior to the common Annualp - it will never be out of date It is beautifully printed in new long primer type - handeomely bonnd in Muslin, gilt andlettered; and is decidedly,the best and chea pest publication (for the price,) ever issued from th American Press. Clergymen, Superintendants and Teachers of sabbath schools, agente of religiou new8papers and penodicais,po8tmusters and booksellers, throughout the country, are respectfully requeeled to act as our agents. No letter will be taken frorn the officeunless poet paid. To Publishers of Papers throughout the United States. - Newspapers or Magazioes, copying the above entire without any alteration or abridgptnLnt (including this notice,) and giving it 1 inside insertions, ehall receive a copy of the work, (subject to their order,) by sending directiona to the Publisher. 29l2v (tThe ubove work may be had at theBook store of Dea. Chas, ftloaely, one door west of the Lafayette House, Aun Arbor. A liberal discount made lo wruilesalepur chasere, - Persons in the country, wishing to act as agente, may obtain all the necessary hi-v formation, by addressing their letters to the subscriber, Ão. 122, Nassau street, N. Y. R0BE11T SÃARS, Publishor.
Book Loans
Jones & Ormsby
Book Bindery
J. Jones & Sons
Threshing Machines
S. W. Foster & Co
Stray Cow
Massachusetts School Library
J. Beckley & Co.
Anti-Slavery Almanacs
The New York Watchman Publication
Mortgage Sale
Ann Arbor Book Store
London Pictorial Bible
Godey's Lady's Book
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Dwight Kellogg
Daniel Webster
James Jones
Charles N. Ormsby
N. Sullivan
S. K. Jones
G. C. Jones
Elisha B. Parker
F. Denison
Rufus Crosman
Lucy Crosman
Samuel W. Foster
Charles Mosely
Robert Sears
Sarah J. Hale
Mrs. L. H. Sigourney
Morton McMichael
L. A. Godley
Miss C. M. Sedgwick
E. Leslie
Mrs. E. C. Embury
Theodore S. Fay
N. P. Willis
C. Lee Henez
T. S. Arthur
Mrs. E. F. Ellet
Mrs. F. S. Osgood
Mrs. M. H. Parsons
Mrs. A. M. F. Annan
Mrs. Dupuy
Mrs. V. E. Howard
E. Allen
Mrs. S. E. Parley
Mrs. H. B. Stowe
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Mrs. S. Smith
Mrs. J. Thayer
Mrs. C. L. Hentz
Mrs. E. C. Sedman
Mrs. M. Duncan
Mrs. M. St. Loud
Mrs. C. H. W. Esling
M. B. Snow
Kate Franklin
Maria Edgworth
Mary R. Milford
Mrs. C. B. Wilson
Mrs. S. C. Hall
Mrs. Hofland
Mary Howitt
W. G. Simms
Park Benjamin
R. S. Mackenzie
H. W. Herbert
Joseph C. Neal
R. T. Conrad
J. K. Mitchell
Epes Sargent
George P. Morris
Joseph R. Chandler
Robert Morris
Finy Earle
N. C. Brooks
E. Halden
A. McMakin
L. F. Tasistro
Rufus Dawes
E. G. Squier
J. McLellan Jr.
James Aldrich
William E. Tucker
A. L. Dick
N. Gimberede
W. H. Jackman
J. G. Dunnel
A. Jones
J. B. Neagle
J. B. Forrest
W. H. Ellis
E. Humphreys
L. A. Godey
No 122 Nassau St New York NY