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Extract Of A Letter From A Young Lady...

Extract Of A Letter From A Young Lady... image
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"1 commenced teaching in Mrs. W's famüy in a week after my arrival, and conlujue hre slili, but such ure the cruclties practiccd by her thnt I am resolved not to renwin wi;h her. She is a northern lady with souihern principies and habita. - Whilo on ihe passage and afier her atrival home, she appeared to be a very umiablo woraan. JFor eotne time vny preeence servêJ as u check, bul of late her cruelty ktiuwd no bounds. My heahh would be excellent, vere it not Tur ihe sigla of crueity which wouid desiroy the health and huppiness of any but tiinse whoáe heavis are made of slee!. Charlotte, Mrs. W's waiter, is whiter than 1 arn. Seated at the table i cast tny eyo upon her; she stood submissive, lame and ulrnost blind, one eye so swollen that she haa not opened it for three daye, perfecily black, with matter contmunlly running down her face. This wad done with a hiow fnóni a stick of I was so wrought upon that 1 rose without tasting a morse Ij arul escáped tu my roorn to weep tor tho sutForer. This gave ofFence. "Charlutto is beaten every day moicor lees. Shewaa beaten three times in ono hour ; first, with tfuï broom huudle over the head and facej second, with the table sticks; t seetned as if every blow would take hie; tiiird, w.ith adust brudh. Sho is beaten with a ruw liidu upun the bare ñosh, but Mrs. V. suya that dues nol hurt her any. 'Yho cook works niglit and day wilh little intermitision. The tongs have been uscd for her coriection. She has u little babe, not a year old, which ha9 already beguu. tu teel the blows of the lyranl mistress. O! whal agony filis that mother's heart. Oicoultl theadvocaleaof slavery see whal 1 huve 6een, and hear whal J I have heard, they would pity the slave. The horrors of sluvery can qovpr bo told; ink wül refuse tu eonuuii lo pujiercruelties suoii as I huve soen."1 arn af'raid tlia t ihe aboiiiionit-ts of Middlescx are reluxing their effuris. O, teli ihern to labor utid pray, spend mi be spent for the !ave; for it 'is a noble cau6e O what mnckery to send nuesionariss and Bibles lu ihe tiettthen, whiitsi three milüónö of our own countrymun are in he&lhcniah daikncss, uiui auifferiog more limo lieathen oruelti6. Wliilei wutucn nre groaning uu Í havo heRid ihem groan, whe ihey thot{ibt noear but tlutt of God could hear, - lO God, have mercy, O may my Ufe be short,' will woiiien at the NortU look on and be indifferenl? "Maria 6,iys ehe once repented of all ïer eins and was about to commit tho falal deed, when she Uioughi owe sin could not be repeoted of. This ws uil ihat saved her "1 will not attempt to rriie any more; en and paper cannot convey ny idea oí what I will teil you when kind Providencie permiía mtj to see your loved ftcea aa in."