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"03LOOK!!--ALL!!!-C0 THE undeisigned, havinL loancd two worka of Washington Irving (as he recollects,) tlie "Alkambra" and "Bracebridge Hall," ond not remcmbering ulio thcy were Joaned to, has lost track of their tvhereabouts. Tlie snine also being the case with vol. ö'd of Wihs liegüler. He ivould be very much accouirnodated indeed, ií those in whoso poBsession they may be, would relurn tliem. Or if any one knowing wlure lliey,or either of them are would inform hirn, he vvould endeavorlo reciprócate the favor. The. latter vvork he feelí parlicularly anx-. ous about; as it contains the most ut the debate in thc senattí of the U. L. sume ycars since in rcUtion to the Public Lands, wherein Gen'l. Haync of S. C. and Daniel Webster oí Mass., wcre the most prominent epeak ers. D WIG UT KELLOGG. Ann trbor, March 15, 1842. 47 3vvDÏS80LUTÏ0N. . TÍIE copartnership heretoíbro exisíing between llie subscribera, urwlor iho lirní of . JONES, &. SOA'S, wns day dissolved by mutual consent All business relfiting to said firm will be seitlad by Jameh JüskSj wbo is duly outhorised to sett.e lbo Baujc. JAMES JONES, S. K. JOiNES, G. CJONES. Ann A.bor; March 8, 1842. 47 tfCÖPAUTNERSH1P. TÍIE ündersigjped, James Jones & Ca ( I.KH N, OrmsbY, under the name and firin of JONES tx. OR.Y1SBY, have this day formed a copartnerahip for the '} facture and sale of PAPER, of variaus descriptions and quaüty. They have conuected with Iheir 31iU, a BOOK BINDERY, whcre all orders ir that line may be met with neatness and dispalch. Tlicy are now i creasing thúir machinery, by wliich they wil! be enubled more'promptly toans.ver orders for Paper, fcc. JAMES JONES, C. N. ORMSBV. Ann Arbor, March ü, 1842. 47-tf THRESHING MACHINES, HORSE POWER, M1LÍS, &.c. THE undersigned are manufacturng.and w i 1 1 keep constantly on hand at tneir shop two and a half" miles west of Aun Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POWÍÍRS and THRESHING MACHINES.- The horse power is a now invenlion by S. VV. Fostkr, and is docidedly superior lo any thing ut' the kind ever before ofJercd to ( lio Public. The pnco ofa Four Hor se Power, with a good l'kreshing Machine is 10 dollars, at Uie bhop; withuui Míe Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powera can be iist-d with two, ihree or four nortes to good advantage. Three men witíi i tv;o horses, can thresh one dundred busliels of wheat per day (if it yields middiing well,) and. it wiil not be hard work for the horses. The Horse Power and Thresher can botii be put in a cotnmon waggon box, and drawn any diütance by two horses. The Tico Horse Power wiil be sold at the shop, with the Thresher for one hundred dollars; with out the Thresher, for eeveniy-five dollar9. They also manufacture STRAW CÜTTERS, recently invented by S. VV. Poster, wiiicli are decidedly preterabre to any othcrs for cutiing slraw or corn etallts, by horse or water power. Thuy also work hy hand. - Price. fifteen dollars.- ALSO- CAST-IRON AilLLS tor grinding provender, at the rate of 8x to eignt busnels per hour, wit two horecs or by vvatir. - Also - {CSMUT MACHINES of superior construction. Invented by S. V. Fostük. - Price, eixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, k. Co. Scio, June 2á, 1841. 10-ly TAKKN UP WgY the stibscriber, on or about the fifJSiJ& leonth day of September last a smttU itEU CÜW, soine white on the back, belly and tail; no urtificial markö visible ,9Up.setl to be twelve or l'ourteen years old. The owni-r can have the same by'pruving properiy und payir.g charges. ELlbtlA B. PARKDR. Salem, Jan. 25, 1842 42 6w. MASSACHÜSETTS SCHOOL LIBRAUIES, Publishcd undcvthe dircclion qf lhettBoafd uf Kducalion. Fon sale by J. Lamb, of Ann Arbor. giJHIS LIBRARY is recommendcd by -" ihe Superiatendant of Public Instruotibij Jan. 25, 1842."ECONOMY IS WEALTI1." fgnHEaubscribers will pay two cenia per HJ pound in Goods or Paper for any qmntity ófgood clean SWINGLK TOW, delivoreJat lije Arm Arbor Paptr Mili. JONES &.ÜR31SBY. Ami Arbor, Jan. 12, 1842. S8-tf F O UK AND Wíl E AT wanted by F. Ukmson, Air wliich gooda or ïnouoy will be puid at fair ratea. Adu Arlior, Dec 21, 1841. 20 jT ProdBïcc oï vory Descríplíosa MECEIVED in poyment for Job work, Adverüsing and Subscriplions tu Uit iiïnal of Liberty," if dcln'cred at lijt Ofiict1, immediately over the stjre of J. Beckley, k Co fcpril 28 ANTI-SLAVERYALiMANACS FüR 134 - just received and for eale at tiik office. Price 6 ceif is piugk1 ;5fl ets poi dozen.