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M011TÜAGE SALE. MEFAULT having been made in the Í& conditicjn of n Mortgage executed by tufu8 Crossman and Lucy his wife, to the indersigned, January fifteenth, eighteen mndred and lliirty i'iglit, and recorded in he llegister'ö Office, in the county of Wash cnaw, in Libor number sevtn, page three jundred and one, of the eoual undivided half of the "Scio mili properiy," incJuding the v ater-power, Müls, und Machincry, and a)out twenty-iive acres of Land, adjoiniug he villogc of Scio, in said county, and ly'mg on both sides of the River Huron, together with the rights-of llowing lands covered by the rnill poiid, (fora more particular description of the promiöCSj reference ia made to the record of iHorigage,) and no proeccdings at law huving been insliluted to collect the netalment wliich becarae due on the sixeenth day of November, in the yeor of our Lordy eighteen hundrud and forty-one, or any part thereof. Nvtice is hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a eale of the mortiraged premises (or Bome part of them) at public vendue at Ihe Court House in Ann Arbor, iu said coun'.y, on the the twentyfilth day of April next, at noon. SAMUEL W. FOSTER, Mortgngee. Scio, January 21, 1842. 4üsi:3w JBiiistks ! JJlaiaUs ! ! ks ! ! ! WUST PRINTED, on line paper and %S? in a superior style, a largo assort ment of blank summons, subpeenas, Executions, k.c. - For sale at this office. Ann Albor, Nov. 17, 1S41. CASH FOR WIIEAT. FDENISON wül pny cash for Wheal 9 on dclivcry at his slore. June 23, 1842 Wood! Wootl! Wootl! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a few coids of good hickory wood in exehange for the "Sional of Libeuïy." Ann Arbor, Dcc. 22,1841.