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Just As It Should Be: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Pursuant to nolice, a meeting of the Liberty party was held in tho townshipof Napoleon on Saturday the 12ih inst., for ihe purpose of nominating tuwnship offi?.ers and such other ohjocts as ihe meeting should deern expedient. The meeting was organized by uppointing Wm. Hunt, chnirman, and Harve Austin Socretary upon wiiich the chnir announced the object of the meeting and declared it organized for business. R. B. Rexford briefiy addressed the meeting showing tlic importance of independent political acsion for theaccomplifehment of the objects of ihe fricnde of "LibEKTY ." He ihen presentod tho folkwing resoulions which were discussed and adoptcd vvith great unanimity of feeling. Resolved, That every elector is mornllyobligated to exercise ihe elective franchise for the promotion of tho general interest of the entiro community nftècted ihereby, and that no other oonskleratiou can be justifiabie. Resolved, That a just sonsc of the nghts of men, &a due regard for ihe same,shou!d bc regarded an essential quulificaüon for any civil station in town, county, or state ; and that no pcrson ia worthy ontrust ns n servant of the people, who is influenced by nny considtration to disregard or lran:ple upon the rights of the most huinble. Resolved, Tliat in comnliance with our conviciions of duty, we.y'ill nol give our suffrages to any tnan, for'any ofiicial station, vhose sense oj'justice does not impel him to denounco the praciice of holdiug men as property ; and whose patrielism and phiïanthropy do not prompt Inm tu wiibbuld his suffrages from every man who will notonDose theeysiero of síaverv,mil labor for the promotion of freedom. , Resolved, That the principies embraced l)y the "Liberty party," coinmetid themelves to every pcrsun 86 alttes of justice nd righteousnese; aud we beltevo that ie practical operation of those principies, s indispensibie to the preservation of oor ivil and religtous libertiee, and to the rosperity and happiness of this and evey othèr people. Resolved, That we wiil use cvery just mcans to aboüsh slavery and the slave rade, wherever the general government i:is jurisdiction; to protect every man Vom any infringement or violation of his 'inalienable rights,'" and to carry out pracically, the doctrine of our fathers of' the Ievolution "that taxation and representa ion are inseperable," and that no people can be safe"if thcir properiy may be taien without their consent." The meeting then made their nomina, ion of officers,and the spirit and unanimily which characterizcd all the prceeedings, v.ere expressive of a purity of purpose and a patriolic zeal, truly ommousofa ignal triumph over all ihe enemies of free )rinciples.R. B. Rexford, Morgan Case, Thomas Cotton, Joseph Townson, and Harvcy Auslin wereappointed a "town correaponding committee, with liberty to cali meetings and transactall other business svhich may e deetned necessary for the promuiion of he cause of jiumanitï". Resolved, That the Signal of Liberty," sjustly entitled to the patronage of every Viend and lover of freedom, and we cor dially piedle our cfforts to increaae tts circuhuion in this town. Resolved, That the prcceeding9 of this meeting be signed by the chairmnn and secretaiy nnd be publiahed ia the Sigaal of Liberty."