Oakland County Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty
1 he abolitiomsts of Oakland county met on Tuesday the 15th, in the basement story of the Baptist meeting house in Pontiac in pursuance of previous adjourmnent. - A respectable nutnber. of deiegates were present, taking into corisideration the condilion of Iho road; organizad by chooáing E. S. Fisb, for chairman and Wm. G. Stone öecretary. Prayer by tho Rev. Roberl MoKay of Jladtey. A curnmitiee of three, were then chosen lo. prepare business for the Converitions, w.horeported the following resolution, which were adopted with few dissenting voices. Resolved, That we view the present aspect of the anti slavery cause, as most oncouraging, caleulated to arouse evory abolitionist to renewed and vigorous action ; ii nd to cali forth our unfeignod graütude to the Great Ruler of events; who on this subject has most emphatically so ordered events and circumstances as to make the wrath of man to prnise him. Resolved, That it is with the deepest regret we are compelled to continue our lestimony against the pro-slavery spirit and feeling, maaifested by many professors of religión; churches and other ecciesiustical bodiesj and we do hcrebyexpresa u as our opinión, tnat we ought to withhold nllchristian fellowshipfrom such. Resolved, Thttt i ia expedieni and ndvieable for nbolittouists to organizo politi cally for the election of town officers. Resolved, Thut a committee oÃ' thrco be appointt-d to malte arrangetnents nnd procure speakers, for a general County meeting to be held at sumo future period not far distant. Time and place to be deignated, y said comniiltoe. Ou moiion, resolved, that we most hcartily appiovc of the course pursued by John QutiK'.y jddnms in defence of the righi of petition iri Congres9. Resolved, Tnut this convention tender their most cordial thntiks to the Hon. H. L. iVise of Virginia, for bis anti slavery Ãfurt in Cougrcss, in his recent tirado gainst the venerable J. Q. Adams. A State Convention for ihe.npminntion f congressionai candidates wna anticipaed by the convention and pÃx delégales ppointed to attend %vhenever the lime nd place, shall be designated. Voted that the above pteceedings be igned by the chuirman nnd secretary nd forwarded to the Signal of Liberty br publication.