Classified Ad
DISSOLUTION, f myllE copartnership heretofore xiatinjf Ju. betvveen the subscribers, under tha urn of . JONES, fc S0.V8, waa tbia ley diesolved by mutual consent. All bueilees relating to said firrn will be seltlod by f ames Jokes, wbo is duly authorised to Bet!e tüa eame. J A AJES JONES, M S. K. JÃNES, S. C. JONES, á Ann Ai bor, March 8, 1842. 47-lf _ COPARTNESi HEKE undersigned, J ajÃes Jokbs St CaJB. leb N. Oiimsbv, onder tho name nd irm oà JON ES JB láy formod a copJà p for tho manuacture and salafl Ã, of varioua decriptions and qOà ty, They have connect:d wilh their AliljS BOOK BIN DER Y, vhere all orders in that line tnay bo roet with leatness and diepatcfêj Tfaey aro now inrcasing thcir maciiinery, by which they vifl be endbled more promptly lo ansvrcr or. era for Paper, Sic. JAMES I0XE8, C. N.öll Ann Arbor, Marcb U, 1842. ASSACHÃSETTS SCHOOL hl RIES, ublisked under'the dircction (Æ iAefcJ?oaiP of Education. on 8ALB by J. Lamb, of Anw AaBOR. 11HIS LIBRARY is recommended by â the Superintendant pf Public In9truoion Jan. 25, 1842. "ECONOMY IS TVEALTH." ' TIIEaubscriber9 will pay two centa per pound in Goods or Paper for any qimntity of good clean SWINGLE TOW, [elivered at the Ann Arbor Paper Mili. JONES & ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, Jan. 12, 1842. 88stf 1ORK AND WHEAT wanted by F. â Demsok, for which gooda or money vill be paid at fair rntes. Ann Arbor, Dec 2.1, 1841. 26 tf ProctBscc Ofi every Description7 WB ECEIVED in paymont for Job work, mMb Advertising and Ãt)scriptions to tha ' ignal op Liberty," if delivered at the )fiice, immedmtely over the 6t)re of 3. Jeckley, fc Co 4pril 28 4n tI-s lavery almatTacs for 1842- just received and for sale at th'u oiRce. Price 6 ceïts single ;50 ets pel ozejj.