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HAS BEEN CÖMJPILIiD F KOM T1IB LONDON PICTORIAL BIBLE; WHICH SELLS Itf TUIS CGÜNTRV FOK. O18 TO L25 PER COPÏ. Every man, tvoman and child in the Uniled States, ioho posscss a Biblh, iciil surely furnish themseives with the Jollowwg beautiful series of Scripture Illustrations. PICTURlAL ILLUSTJRATIOSS OF THB 131BLU, AND VIEW OF THB II O L Y LAND. JVeto, ckeap and valuable publicalhn.- Four hundred pages, 8 vo. fine pape r,handsomelj) bound. Price only TWO DOLr LARS. The suhseriber respectfully invites the attenlion of Clergyme, Teachers of SaljhaHi School.1--, Heads ofFamifies.and Euuksellers thronghoul Ihc United .tatos,to the above New, Ciieap and b-pleudiuly Illustruird vvork. PublisheJ and for aale at No. 122, .essau street, New ï'crk ciïy. lts features are better defined by the title: - Ttvo hundred Pictorial Illustralions of the SURIPTURRS, C0NSIí5TÍA?tr OP VrEWS IN THE HOLY LAND; Tügethcr with roany of the most romarliable objects menti(ed in the oíd and new testamentp, represen! iL sacrfid historical events, copiod from celebratod pictures, principally by the old masters. the andscape Goene telK't) froin original sketclms mude on tliti spot, with full sód interesting1 letter-press descriptioriB, devoted tu an ex;imination of' the object e irienlicined in the eacred text. On examination this will be found a v ry pleasant and profitable book, especially for the perusal ofYóijsó People, abcundmg in the most valuable information, collocted with great en re, from the beet and latest sources. It may, very pr-iperly, he designated a cominon place book for every thing valuabie relating to oriental manners. customs. Scc.and comprises with in Uself a complete library of religioue and usoful knowledge. A volume like the present, is far superior to the co:nmoii Annuals - t wül never be out of date. It is beautifully prirfted in new long primer type - haridsomely bound in Muslin, gilt and lettered; and is drci(ledly,the bedt and chea pest publication (for the price,) ever issued from th American Prees. Clergyrnen, Superintendants and Teachers of fc-abbath schools, sgentB of religioii9 newspapera and periodicals,postmastei's and booksellers, throughout the country, are respectfully requested to act as our agents. No letter will be taken from the oilice unless post paid. To Publishcrs of Papers throughout the United States. - Ntiwspapers or Magazines, copying the above entire without any alteration or ábridgerpent (including this notice,) and giving it V inside insertions, shall recebe a copy of the work, (mbject to their order,) by sending directiona to the Publisher. S9-I2v (QThe abnve work may be had at the Book store of Dea. Chas. Mosely, one door west of the Lafayette House, Ann Arbor. A liberul discount :nade to wholesale purchaeers. Persons in the country, wishing to act ■ab ageBts, may ohtain all the necessary in-, formation, by uddressíñg their letters to the subscriber, No. 122, Nassau street, N. Y. ROBERT SEARS, Pubüsher.