Decision Of The Supreme Court
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Public Domain
OCR Text
Onepoint in this decisión we did not inention last week . Juoge Story decided tbat a clnld bom in a free State, of a woman who is a elave, is also aslave, and belongs to the owner of the mothcr. This decisión extends tslavery through the entire nation. A elavebreeder in Virginia may oirn 6laves in all the free states. He need not be in ha6te about getting theui home, because he can take theni when he pleases, and all theirchil dren, although bom in a free State! In this way, a family, supporling itself, and residing in a free State, may doublé its value in a few years without costing the owner any thing. Q"We have been requested to state that the Post Office address of W. M. Suilivan ie ftGrasa Like, Jackaon Co. Mich.