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MORTGAGE SALE. KEFAULT having been made in the u ontiitiun of a Mortgage executed by K.urus Lrossman and Lucy hls wife, to the undersigned, Januory iifteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty eight, and recorded in the Register's Office, in the county of Wash lenaw, in Libcr numbcr seven, page thre hundred and one, of theequal uudivided half of the "Scio rnill property," inc]udii)g the v atér-ppwer, Millq, and Machinery, and about twcnty-iivG acres of Land, adjoining the ?Ahge of Scio, in said county, and lying on both sides of the River Huron, togellier witli the rights of ilowing lands covered by the rnill pond, (fora more particular descriptiön of-thrè promises, relerence ia made to the record of mortgage.) and no proceedinga at law having been inslituted to coüect trre instalment whicli became due on the sixteenth day of November, ia the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and forty-one, or any part thereof. Notice is hereby given, that said morlgnge vvill be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises (or some part of them). at public vendue at the Court House in Ann Arbor, in eaid county, on the the twen tvfifth day of April next, at noon. SAMUEL W. POSTER, Morlgagee. Scio, Jamiary24, 1842. éOVÓwJBlasaks ! BïanJts ! i Bïanks ! : ! WUST PRÍNTED, on fine paper and. L? in a superior style, a large assort inent of blank sumrnons, subpcenas, Execu dons, bc. - For sale nt this office. Ann Albor, Nov. 17, 1841. FfpDlOTHY SEED AND HIDES.-0- Cash u-ill be p'id at all times for TimOTUY Seed, Hjdes tjnd Wheat, when delivered at my store in Ann Arbor, (Upper Town.) F. DENISON. CASFI FÖRWÏIEAT. FDENISON wil] for Wheat Q on delivery at nis store.