Agents For The Signal
A. McFarrand, Detroit. H. II. Griffin, Ypsilcinti. Samuel Dutton, PitlsfielcJ. Thomas McGee, Concorti. J. S. Fitch, MarshallE. Cbild, Eaton. W. VV. Crane, E;ton Rápida. R. H. Ring, Rives, R. B. Ilexford, Napoleon. - L, H. Jones, Grass Lake. Rev. Sam'l. Bebens, PIyinoutb. Joseph H. Pebbles, Salem. Nathan Power, Fartnington. Joseph IVlorrison, Pontiac. J;tineá Noyes, Pavilion. N. M. Thomas, Schoolcraft. VV. Smith, Spring Arbor. U. Adams, Rochester. R. L. Hall, Tecuraseh. L. Noble, Pinckney. Dr. V. Mceker, Laslie. Clark Parsons, Manchester. Elias Vedder, Jackson. M. Aldin, Adrián. Josiah Sabine, Sharon. M. Lang, Northfield, Wash. Co. I. Ponninglon, Macón, Len. Co. Janus Ballaid, Grand Rapids. R. B. Bement, Litchfield, Hillsdale Co. Henry Brownson, Franklm, Oakland Co. S. B. Thoyer, Clima, Kal Co.
The Signal of Liberty
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Alexander McFarrand
H. H. Griffin
Samuel Dutton
Thomas McGee
Jabez S. Fitch
Elias Child
W. W. Crane
R. H. King
Roswell B. Rexford
L. H. Jones
Samuel Bebans
Joseph H. Peebles
Nathan Power
Joseph Morrison
James Noyes
N. M. Thomas
W. Smith
Uri Adams
R. L. Hall
Leonard Noble
Valorus Meeker
Clark Parsons
Elias Vedder
M. Aldin
Josiah Sabine
M. Lang
I. Pennington
Janus Ballard
R. B. Bement
Henry Brownson
S. B. Thayer