"the Time Has Not Yet Come.": For The Signal Of Liberty

Inmy intercommunication with my fellows, wbcn speaking of abolishing slavery, , I often meet with the remnrk, "The Umo )v3 not come when that subject should be taken up; it will arrive some fifiy or a huncirotj years henee, but at present t is idle, yen more, sinful and madness in the l treme! lo think of agitating ilmt vexed question, at the present time, under enl circuni3tances: it is an evil of the first ( magnitude, ns well moral and political as financial, hut I do not think the time has i yet arrived to agÃtate that all-absorbing i question." Now ido coufes3 frankly that 1 cannot discover tho ground of the argument. Would circumstnnces be more i vorable, if our poliiical aren, was more chaotic? Or is it necessary that we should have a few m re slaveholJing President?, ' Vico Presidente, Secretarios, Speakers, flnd ministers to foreign Courts? Is it in fact still necessary, that all our officers of ' State should longer be Ãilled, for the most 'part, with aiiuocralical slaveholders and slave dealera? â Have we not tried all those things to our heart's content? What then must first be done before this great question nuiy be agitated safely? Will the case be benefitied by longer sending, and if sn? how long must we continue to eend, such men as those fo vvhom that ecöcntric statesman, John Randolp!), som o thirty yeara eince, gave tho name of dough-fues! Oh, nstonishing! astonishing, that norlherncrs, yankees too, so füll of infeliigence and tact, should how the vassal knee and neck, and pander meanly to ihe tyrani's lusf,and in their Je#radation, lick the dost, and throw away lhir manhood, t tho beek of yhippers! They give ihe word, end we crouch, like a coop ofdmkes. iIj basncss! Oh degradation without n parallel! IIow will our chililreu blösh to reud the story of our alm me in coming time. Look which way you will, thereseema fo be nuthirtg on which to rest a hopo even, shat any future timo will bo more propilious, thm the present. Nofliing hut the will of ihe people in lini non-slavoholding Stntes, hindors the IVcedom ofevery plave in these Uniied SÃates. I vcry well know 4his will be thought high toned, and chiincricuL by sorne, but let ua look a moment and eeenf the future destioy, not ouly of the slive and the slaveholder, luf t!ie entire South, nn even thia whole natiën, may not de{end entirely on tlio contents of the Imtlot box of ihe Northern St-Ues. According to the apportionment of representition ngreed upon by the select committee unfler the census of 1840, which is 5S,000, we phall send to congress 132 roembors. The South, notwithstanding tho unrea?vinablo ndvanmge t!iey have by the three fifths constitution privilege, will have only 82 members, which maltes a majority of northern members of 55. - Now if the voters of ihe nonshiveholding States will be careful that the ballot box s fillcd with the numcs of th'i?o men who in all thoir offiitial conduct net wilh sn "uncompromising opposition" tn the nurture, advancemont,or perpetuation in any way of the horrid inst.Hution of slavery, we should soon beclearof it. Only reflect for one moment, and judge what a fatal blow would have heen given to slavery the winter past i f we had had but a few more men of the right etamp, when Giddings of Ohio presojiied a petition from his constiluonis ptaying for the repeal of all laws by which lho po'ople of the free States are bound to the support of slavcry. The vote stood 104 ngainsl it and 86 for it- we may roasonnbly suppoae that the slaveholding raember8 wore ftll on hand, as they have in the house 100 members, and it seemstbey had dough-fnces enough to increase ihe opposition to 104. Therc woro many votes taken about ihis time in nbout the same ratio, hut whore were the balance o( the northern membefs all this time? - Where were those other 52 dough-fitces who did'nüt vote? Perhaps if the brandy hnttle could speuk, it would tellofthcir being in other business ihnn that for which vc !nvc afreed to puy thcm eight dollars pèrduy. Now who doeH not boücvo that it' those fifty-two absent members had been where they ought to have been, nnd "uneömpromising opposers" to those negro-whippere!) those slave-brccdcrs would have beun confounded. Thousnnds and thousand?, vea, millionsupon millions of dollars do we pay every year for the support of slavery. Take, for insta nee, the Florida war. - Can any man Ãving teil why th.it war was waqed, and why prosecuted these len year., if&laverv riid not dernand il? Will any mnn in his sober senses lelieve thut these Uniied States must waste her blood, nnd sperid her treasures ten sucecssive years, in removini fiüecn htindrcd, all , told, poor, weak, feeble, unassisted Indians ncrosp the Mississippi, and last December President Tyler told Conrcss, in his fnéssagCj that the season past they, the Indians, had been liarrasscd ixcecdingly. It is for the benefit of Slavery Ihat this war has cost the United States at ihe last olficial account, some forty jnillions: very probably now the whole bilis will swallow fifty millions of dollars. Tbis is only ne item: WHEN WILL-TIIETIME AUUIVE?
Abolition of Slavery
Seminole Wars
Old News
Signal of Liberty
John Randolph
John Tyler