Comparative Value Of The Cotton Crop

Connecticut State conventnm of the friends of prutection to American ïudiislry, on the 17ih u!t,, are introduced sorno cnrioiis facts, contrnsting the cotton erop wiih ihat of other productions of the country. I is here stated that the total annuul valuc of ihe productions of the United Stales nre at least 1G00 milüons of dollars. Réckoning cottun al ten cis. a pound, whicb is more than ils avérago value ufter bemg brought to the cifies for exportuüon, wo !mve 790,479.275 ibs. of cotton at ten ets. $79,017,927, which is less than one-twen t Lot h part of ihe vvhole annual productmns of the United States. If the whole cotton erop wero siruck out of existentie, ninetè'on twentieths of ihe annual iucome in the Uiii'erl Siates would remnin lo the people. The i'voo population of the States of Soulh Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mis8ssÃppi, Louisiana and Arkansas, wherc cotion is the paramount interest, nccord ing toihe last census, was 1,457,030 - while ihe p;pulaiion of the twenty States where cotton is nol ihe paramount interest, is 13,055,578. Tiius the States where cotton planting is the pnramount interest, coñ.tainÃ'ng a fraction but little more than one tenth of the tree populailon of the United States, claim that the intereso of this overwhelniing m LJorïtV should bc sacrifioed lo the intersts of the minoriiy - ihat cotton should be exported to Great Brit- ain, and sold in exchange fur her manufactures, to the great injury, if not the ru in, of tho non slaveholdtng States! - Mcrcantile Journal. Comment upon such facts is needless. They are thenwelves answers dciitiile and conclusivo to thequestion,"What has the North lo do with slavery?" It ia by governmGntal arrangements of speciu! iain isters, etc, to find markel for southern cottnn and tobáceo, let what will become of the wheat and wool raiserl by nnrthern industry ar.d free labori IIow lon bofore ihe farmera in Central New York will coma to understand thi3?
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