Fight Witt A Slaver

-The NewOrleans papers mentioneda fow dnys ago, the report of a fight off Havana, between a Brilish brig of war and a slaver, n whicl the former was beaten off. The piirticulars have since beea pübHshetf. The slaver wns full of staves and heavily arrneil. She beat oÃ]' ihe brig of war afle'r a ehort fiht. The Sülwaj', one f ihe West India mail steamers of the size of the Clyde fired up, on perceiving the engugemcnt, wilh the interninn of going to the aasistanco of the brig, hut reünquiahed her object on seeing the brig decline coming to close quarters wilh tho bold slaver. It is believod that the slaver is the formcr barque of J. E1Ã3 of New York, and is owned by tho captain and owner of the Clara, capturod in 1838 by H. B. M. brig Buzzard.
Slave Trade
The Solway
Great Britain
Old News
Signal of Liberty
J. Ellis
Havana Cuba