Slavery Vs. The Constitution

-Thefollowing isa law of Alabnma: "And be itfurther enactcd, Tbat t shall be law ful fur any person to seize and imke a sluve for life to hia own use, üny free peraon of color who may have come into iho Siate of Alabamu eint-e the yëffr 1832; and be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for a person to 8cizupon and mako a elavo for lfe}any t frce person of color who may be found iñ the Stato of Alnbama after the passage of th3 act, ancl who shall huve come into the State since tts passage." - Approved Peb. à 1839. Constiiution of the United States Art. 4, Sec. 2 - "The citizens of each Statb shall be eotilled to uil the privileges and immunitie8 of citizens in the eevcral Siates."