Liberty Ticket

It Snsquehannah county. Pennsyvania, 98 votes were given for a Congressional candidate nominated only eix dnys befifre eleclion. The vote last year was three. Lodi. - The liberty vote wns 1 8, last faJJ 4. Teot.- Oakland county. W. G. Stone writes, ''Tho Liberty vote n this (own last fall was about 20- this spring it is 46. - This is encouraging. The day waa unfevor. able - the whole vote being only one half the usual number. About 13. liberty men were out. Two more such defeate in ihis town will amount lo victory. But tbis process is two elow. I fear the whole will go over. board before we shall have time to try twice more. Ma tters are coming to a speody crisis." PÃymoütu, VVayne County, part of the Liberty ticket elected. Novi,Oakland county a part of the nornination clccted. In Rochcster city, New Yoik, the highest liberty vole vas 112 - last fall 55 - over 100 per cent gain in five monlhs. Thus the liberty ticket receives a 6teady and continual increase in all quarters of fronj Sö.to 100 per cent every year. The wholo liberty vote of 1841 was more than three times that of 1840, and the eleclions every where ibis year indÃcate a still lar&er increase. We commend these faqte to. certain politicians of thiB county, who eeem to think themselves called upon to prophesy Hgainst us, as Balaam was liircd to do aainst the children of Israel. They eay we are all but used up, and the nrxt (.') election will make an end ot' us. - We advise them to get ali possible consola lion out of this old song - for our prospects rvere never more encouruging.
Liberty Party
Liberty Votes
Old News
Signal of Liberty