For The Signal Of Liberty

NovÃ, Mnrcli3lst, 1842. Pursuant to public noüce, a meeting was held by the liberty men of our town this day to discuss the propriety of political action at our coming town meeting: whereupon JEraslus Ingcrsoll, was called lo the chair, and Samuel Blackwood was nppointed Secretary. In conning over our feelings, we found very littlo difference in sentiment, when motion was made and carried thit the chair should nppoint two comrnitteeö, one of ihree lo draft resoluiior.s expressive of the feelings of the meeting, talon fir data what they had heard expressed by tho inembers of tho meeting, tind nnother .ol'sevcn loproposc candidatea fur the various offices in the town, on wliom uoiitieal aholitionisls might consistently bcstow their sufifroges. The committee reported n list of nnmes Which were unanimously ndopied by tiie meeting. The cominiueu to dcafi rtsolunons reported the foHowing, which vcre rcad 6eparotely and adcpied. Resolved, 'i'hat wt-ihave full confilence in iheseruiinentcontiji.ieil in our dcclaralion of Independencc, lh;ii all men are crea-cd free and equal, affd havcan equa! and naüen ïtlo right to the pursui-t of happine?. 2J. Tfio-t e confesa wiih shante that aftcr maUing such high preiensin3 to tqual rihÃs ua a nut ion, we, the people of these United Sints, should still hold in bondage ncarly three milliuns of our fellow beings. 3J. Thai WtJ viqw Americnn Slavrry as a gross violation of our moral tharacter, a pernicious ingrediënt in our politieal uninn, and an expensive uppenduge in our operatïóns. 4th. Thai the appellation of dovghfacc given by Southern to nprlhern inembers in Congress, we adtnöwiede thejustnessof. but at the same time feel dograded by its upplieation, and do most sincerely deprécate itscontinuance. 5th. That we regard slavery as foundcd on principies of eeifishness, injaslice and might, wit ii a desire lo upbuüd private, on the ruins of pubüc interes', and altogether at variance wilh our repubiican instnulions.Gth. Thnt we know uf no way more ffcady and certuin to remove those nggr.'vated evils in our government timn ihruugh the ballot box. 7(h. That when enquircd of ly our pro slavery friends, how do you GXpect lo aboüsh Slavery, we answer in Iheir own words, have nolhing to dn willi t, and we wish toscnd to Congress frotn the norihern States a mnjotity of fifiy five in ihe House who will move in solid phalanx wilh an 'uncomproiniainoppositiori" to doing any thing which will help or in any way perpetúate slavery. The above after being scrupulously examined, we re unanimously adoptcd. The business fur which the assembly canio togelher being disposed of, a resulution was pasped requiring the cliairman and Secretary to sign the proceedings, and 8end them lo the Signal of Liberty for niihlir.ntioñ.