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CLINTON SEMINARY. BHE above name is given lo an Engl6h "■ and Classical ectiool in the villngo of Cünlon, Lenawee county, Michigan; the 8cliool 13 conducted by George W.Uancroft, assieted by Airs Bancroft, and ie open f'or ihe youth of both eexea. The suaimer term will coninience on Monduy, Alay 2ud, and continue iweho weeks. Tuitiou is lo be paid in advance. For the 6tudiee ofthe young children in the Priuiury Departmeut, $2,00. For the ordin-iry Eoghsh Branches, including English Grammer, Geography, Ariib metic, atural Philosophy. Geography of the Heaens, Botnny, 8c. g3,00. For Latin and Greek, Mural and Intellectual Philopophy, Geometry, fcc. 4,00. Special attention given to young gentlemen preparing fur College. The Teachers will niakc no effbits to rernler thu öchool attractive lo the indolent, the refractory or Ihe ucious; but for thein dubtrious, thü teachabie and the goud, no pains will be spured lo nmke their ütay with us bolh pleasant and proGiablc. GEORGE W. BANCROFT, Principal. Clinton, April 6, 1Ö42. 5ü-Sw DISbOLUTlON. rHlHE copartnerehip hcretofore exiatmg M between the subscribers, under ihy finu of J. JONES, &. &OJYS, was this day disaolved by mutual consent. All busincos rclatingto eaid (irui wiil be BCttied by James Ju.ní:s, vvbo is duly outliorised to seu tle ihe same. JAMES JONES, S. K. JONES, G. C. JONES. Ann Arbor, March 8, 1842. 47-tf MASSACHÜSÊTTS SCHOOL LÏbÏÏARIES, Published under the direction of tkeBoard of ilducation. Por 8AX.E by J. Lamb, of Ank Akbob. fgíílS LIBRARY is recoramended by the Superintendam of Public Iuslructioo Jan. 25, 1842. "ECONOMY IS WEALTH." SHEsubscribers will pay two centa per ta pound in Goods or Paper for auy q'iautity of good clean SW1NGLE TOYV, delivered at the Ann Arbor Paper Mili. JONES & ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, Jan. 12, 1842. S8tf FORK AND VVHEAT wanted by F. Dk.msok, for which goods or monoy will be paid at fair rates. Ann Arbor, Dec 21, 1841. 26 tf