Classified Ad
MORTGAGE SALE. BEFAULT Ãiáving been made in the conditiun of a Mortgage c.veculed by Uufus Crossman and Lucy hts wüv, io the undersigned, January iiftecndi, eighleen hundred and thirty eight, and recorded in , tho Registor's Office, in the county of Waslv tenaw, in Liber number sevm, page three hundred and one, of theequal UDdivided half of the uScio mili propeHy," including the v ator-p.iwer, Mills, and Machirierj, and about twenty-ïjve acres of Land, adjojniDg the village ofScio, in said county, andTying oi bofh sides of the River Huron, togelher with the rights of fln.ying landa covered by the milt pond, (fura more particular description of the promises, referentie is made to the record of mortgacre,) and no proceeding at law having been mstituted to collect the instalment which became due on the eix- teeinh day of November, in the yesr of óur Lord, eighteen hundred and forty-one, or auy part thercof. Notice is heréby given, that said mortgïgo vvill be foreciosed b a sale of the mortgared premisos (or some part of them) at public vendue at tho Court House in Ann' Arbor, Ãn said county, on tbe the tvventjfifth day of April npxt, at noon. SAMUEL W. FOSTER, Mortgaffee. Scio, January 24, 11)42. 40sl8w liijicsks '. BJaialts ! ! Blattk;! ! ! "HÃST PRINTED, on fine paper and LÃ? in a supCTiÃr sty!e, a large ssort ment of blank sumraons, subpoenas, Execu tiuna, &c. - For snle at this office. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17} 1R41. FjniMOTHy SEED AND HÃDES.-c Cash wïlj be pnid at all times for TijOTiiy SjÃed. Hides end Wueat, vvhen de-i linrod at my storo in Ann Arbor. (Upper T-.wnO F. DENISOW. CASH FOIt WHÃatT" FDENÃSON wül pay cash for Whl ö on delivery ht his store.