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Horrors Of Indian Warfare

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-Thoyí. Y . Cointïttfcial pubiishcs the ihe folowing letter, from which ihc naluro of he enemy our troops in Florida havc to jncounter, may be seen. The uccurren:es alludcd to we have before noticcd. Fort White, E. F. Marck 16íA, 1842. Abuut the24ih oflost month a party of the red devils attacked a Mr. Tillis's family, in his absence, aboutthirty miles from :hÍ3 fort, shot his wife down in the yard, stabbed a young lady-, ehot an arrow into 3ach of his children, and aftcr plundering the house retired. As soon as nevvs was brought me ï repaired to ihe spot, uith what forcé I could inusier fr a portion of my command waa scouring ihe hammocks west of the Suawnee river, and found the mothcr and one clulddearf; a liüle boy of six years old, shot thrcugh witbnn arrow but alive; a littlc girl, of about seventeen, wilh an arrow sticking frotn her tack, a poor little boy, two years old, wilh on siicking from his left breast, anrl the young lady etabbed. Uvice, once on each sicie, ucarly undejl ihe arm, and appareatly wiih u bu'cUac knife, plunged up to the handle. I had tukeu our Burgefl last liutc boy diod under tj BXtracüug the arrowfl ihe nt-.M day. TbB rrow was exiracled, bul ihe barbed iua emaincd irnmovably fixtd in the buufl A litile babeH e weeks old hud beeji overlooked by tfl Bavages. Just iinagi A[ these in outi house, and faucy my feelingb in seoiny: thtift sulfer. I can see and istiet at culling n:en j iiocent children, toraB wuman. SiVango 3 i thiuk ihut the 3 uung lady &, tli kvhoso body the arrow vvafl tviü recover. y 11 the rest are ücad who wcre injured. Again, (since) a woman, near tnfl jral bridge, when stooping down to dif wattr, had an arrow shot by a lndiaSI ibüut fil'teen paces off', through her {rock ind uut ffirougli her bonnet. She fled for nur lii'c and eseaped. Again, four days nfter the first occurrence, ao old lady named ügsby, sent her son lo giind meal: ho feil in wuii another young man, and seeing 6moke proceed !rom the direction of bis inother's, they jruceeded in that direction, and eaw the yard full of Indians, and the houso on fire, ind afieralaruiing the neighborhood, and oing to the spot, the old lady's bonea ivere found amung the erribers, and the lniians gone. Thia was about fifty miles Vom this post. I1. is gratifving to know that by a rapid novetiicnt, the'dragoons crossiqg at Fort Fanning, these Indians wcre tiuilcd to heir CKmp, within about iwo miles of old Fort Baker, and 6even oi iheir wives and hltdren taken. The Indian warriors, auhors of this tragedy, were fired upon, axid )iv. of ihem si.ot down; bul owing to the larknuHS of the night, they fifiaüy tscaped n a state of nudity.