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Anti-slavery Publications

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The snbpcribPi informs the mcmliers of Anli-Slavory Soeietie.-, nnd all parsons who desire to lead the Slavery puMications that have isbued frotn the Aruerican prese, thot he ] line purchused nlj the books, panphlels, Iracis, prints etc. laiely belonging to ihe American Anti-Sluvery Society, auiounting to about eifrht ' thousand dollars, at'oid prices, which he offers ( for eale by his ngent in any quaniity, at loto ' prices j or cash only. Samples will be kept at ( Jiie office, corner of llanover and Exchannre ; tieete, and orders wilt be promtly attended to. ; A catalngue of the principal publications Hexed, and the prices put ugainst iliem are the ' pref ent (reduced) retail prices. By the dred or larger qunntity, llièy will be sold lowei ' - Fay for bound volume? 25 per cent. discount: t for pamph Iets. tracts ond pictures, 50 per cpnt. , discount. Wit h re-spert to mosi of tliem this S below t!e nctuz cost t me in cash. They were not purchased with a vi?v to sell at a ptofit, butio eubserve the Anti-S'avery cause. Such au opporlnnity has not nreviously to obtain Anti -Sloveiy publications at these Teduced prices, und piobably will not agnin. QEdUors ofïif-wEpnper are reqnested to torerlisi-ment at length fot three WÊx bilis will be paid in bookp, etc. Pirase send :ópy of the pm er containinr the advertisement. . LEW1S TAPPIN. New lork, Affli g;, 1P.4-2. BÜUND VOLUMES. American Slavery ns it i5, muölin . 50 Anti-Slnvery Manual L0 Ahon Riote, by Pres. B Kr, of 111. Coll. I2mo. 25 Alton Trials 25 Slavery Record, vol?. J, L an J 3 set 50 Appeal, by VI rs. Child S7é' Antl-Slnvery Kxaminer, bound vols. f' 50 Beauties ofPhi]:inihropy SS 1 3 Büurne's Picture of Slavery 50 Bnxton on the Slnve trado 50 Cebinet of Freedom (( Hon's history of the slave trade,) vol. 1, 2 and 3 set 1,00 Chloe Spear 25 Cbanninff on Slavery 25 Puncen un Slavery 25 Juman, in the W. i. by-Thome and Kitnball mueün 50 Do by do i ii boards w'tth map 25 Enpmies ot lonetifution discoveied 50 Pountain, plain binding, 64d.o. 12 1-2 Gustavcs Vassa 50 Grimke'í I-ouers to Miss Ieocher 37 1-2 7 1-2: J. ƒ 6 View 5 LightanyTiuth L0 Lire ofGranvillc Sharp ' 15 Wott's Biocraphicol Sketches 87 1-2 Memoir ot Rev. Lemuel Hanes 75 Do Vf Lovepy 62 1-a North St(TP, gilt etígea 63 1 -3 Penn&rlvcnia Hnll 75 Qüartérly Ant i-Sla very Mngnzine, 8vo. 1,00 Rankiii's Letterp, tnmo. A00 pp. 20 Right and il Boston L0 Star of Freedorn, hiiislii! 12 1-2 Blavery - containmg Declaratinn of Sentimentsend Coníiitution of the Arner. -A. S, Society: Wcsley's Thoughis on Slnvery: DrL iinBihie sanction Sl;ivery? AddrTesto thpSynod ofKentucky, Narntive of Amos Dresser, and Vhy work for llw Slave? bound in one vo). 25 Ölave's Friend, B2mo. vold. 1, 2 and 3 set 50 Songs oF the Freï 33 Í-3 Thornp3ons Reception in Great Britain, __I2mo. , 20 TTestimony of God nfrüinst Slavery, 18mo. .20 Vheaily,'PhilÜ3 Mernoir of 25 West Indiep, by Professor Hovey 50 ' West Indipp, by Hurvey nnd Sturge 75 Wetl' ' Thouglits on Slavery, in muslin, wit.i portrait 12 1-2 PAMPHLETS. Beta . S. Almanucs, trom 1836 to 1841 inclusive 37 1-2 Address to thp Free People of Color 1 Anciont Landmaiks 3 Apology for Abolitionistg S American Slsvery a lt Ie- tha Testimony ot'aThonsand Witnessee 25 Address on Right of Peiiri.on 2 Address to Senators and Representative3 ofthe free States . 1 Address on Slavery (Germnn) 1 Address of Congregational Union of Scotland 1 I Address of National Convantion fëïerman) 1 I Ann. Rep; of N. Y. CommitU e of Vigilance 25 Do. of Mas?. A. S. Society 12 1-2 Appeal to Women in the nominilly free Statea 6 1 -4 Authentic Anecdoies on American Blavery 2 Aduress o the Church of Jesus Christ, by the Ev-uigt-licnl Union A. S. Society, New York city. 4 Anti-Slavery Cniechism, byBIrg. Child 6 1-4 Adnms', J. Q. Letters Tó his Constitnents 4 Adam9', J. Q.. Speech o?i the Texas Question 12 1-2 Annual Reporte of Am. A. S. Society, Sd, 4th, 5th and C'h 12 1-2 Annual Rpports of N. Y. city Ladies' A. S. Society 3 Appeal to the Christain Women ofthe South 3 Bible ngainst Slavery 6 Collection of Valuable Documents 6 1-4 Birney's Leners t the Churche3 2 Birney on Coloniíation 2 Chnttel Principie- a Summary of the New Testnment argument on Slavery, bv Boriali Green 6 Chipma.iV l)i.c(,..rsa 3 Channin'g l.etteis to Clay 6 Condition of Free People of Color 3 Reuben, Trial of 6 Di?sertaiifn on Servilade 12 1-2 D'ckinson's Sermón 3 Does the Bible f ;i nolion Slavery? 1 Deo. of Sent. and Constitution ofthe Am. A. S. Socieiy 1 Dimisión bet ween Tiiompsonand Breckinridge 25 Drp?s(vr"s Narrntive S Exlingiïisher Extingnished S Elinote Corrcsponilence C; do in sheets 4to. 2 Emancipatie) in West Indies. Thome and Kimball 12 1-2 Eniancipation in West Indies in 1838 3 Froe'J'Ws Defen?e 6 Gatr'wnn's Address at Broadway Tabernacle 6 Guardian Genius ofthe Federal Union 6 Genei ons Planter 3 Giiteit's Review of Bushnell'6 Discourse 6 Immediate, not Gradual Abohtion 12-2 Jayf6 Thoüghtö on the Duty ofthe Episcopal Church 3 Liberty, 8vo. 25; do; 12mo 15 Morris'e Speech in answer to Clay 9 Mahan's Rev. John B. Trial in Kenfucky 12 1-2 Martyr Age in America, by Harriet Martineau . 6 ÏJodcrn Eïipediency Considered C Tcwer of Congress over the District of Coiumbia 6 1-4 Plea f'or the Slave, N05. 1, 2 and 3 L Proceedmgs of fhe Meeting to form Broadway Tabarnacls Aati-Slavery Society 1 Pro-Slavery 1 Roralt?odeofHaiti Roper, Afoses, Narrativo of a Fugitive Slave 12 1-2 Rights of Coloreó Men 12 1-2 liuffgles's Antidote 6 Right and Wrong in Boston 12 1-2 Slavery Rhymes 6 Slade's Speech in Congress in 1838 3 Smith's Gerritt Letter to Jas. Smylio 6 Do. Letter lo Henry CJay 6 Slavcholding Invariably Sinful, "malura in se," 6 Southard's Manual 1 Star of Freedoni 4 Sehmucker and Smith's Letter 6 Slaveholder's Prayer 1 Slavcholding Weighed i Slavery in America (London); do. (Germany) 8 The Mnrtyr, by Beriah Green 6 Things fur No'rJiern Men to do 3 Views of Colonization, by Rev . J. Nourse 4 Views of Slavery and Emanciparon, by. Miss Martinean 6 Weslcyan Anti-Slavery Review L.' War iñ Te.vas, by Benjamin Lundy 6 Why work for the Slave 1 Wilsnn's Address on West India Emancipation . 4 TRACTS. No. 1. St. Domingo, No. 2,Caste, No. S, Colonization, NtJt 4, Moral CondiMon oftheSlav, No.' 5, What is Abolition? No. 6,The Ten Conimandments, No.7 Danger and Saf'ety, No. 8, Pro -Slavery Bible, No. 9, Prejudiee against Color, No. 10, Northern Dealers in Slaves, No. 11, Slavery and Mis?ions No. 12, Dr. Nelson's Lecture on Slavery. The above Tracls are sold at 1 cent each. PRINTS, etc. Illustrations of the Anti-Slavery Almanac for ia40 S The Emancipated Family 25 Slave Market of America 3 Correspondence between O'Connel and Stevenson 3 Do. do. Clay and Calhoun 12 1-2 Printer's Picture Gallery 2 Letter paper, tstamped with print of Lovejoy sheet 1 Do. with Kneeüng Slave eheet 1 Prayer for Sla ves, with Music, on cards 1-2 Potrait of Gerrit Smith &0 - In adtütion, are thc follcwing, the procecds of which will go mío the Mendian fund. Argument ofHon. J. Q. Adams in the case oí'the Amistad Africana 25 Argument of Roger S. Bahvin, Esq. lo do 12 1-2 Trial of the Captives of the Amistad G Congressional Document relatingdo. f Portrait of Clinquez 1,00 Marcli Sd, 1842.


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