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Irishmen And Abolitionism

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Ata ír.eeiing of the IHfIi adopied ciuzens of Dcnborn. held pursnnnt to public notice. in tha.. Sch o] Houso nt Dfnrbonvillo. un Sutuiday even iñg ihe 30th ult. a stiingof lesoljons ñllir md a hnlf cl''3ely pnnted coldH Press, was adopted, and oidered lie Detroit papers. 'I'heMB I to t ike into eoriwdcration thc ad'iraM ':1 nnd tha ííO.000 oiher InshnienjiM i 'cgeni'iso' ii;e writer ld liindll thc enúre regions of spacc. Vc ihoHUind road specimens of ■ihstirt), bomhntiH on ihe sulijci im the South equnl to nny th:it cou!d 1 ■. pro Ijcod; but ihis Irish writer loavcs tlicni all bchiíid. H poinl of podantry nlso he exceltí ;!ici,i. IJis Latin quotations are ubundnnt. The Addres'sjH ís pucrilc and insignificant in itself, d9 ig ali its conscquencc from hnving the nain of an OXV.nnell and a Matthew attached to its hB In the fiHowiug exH o "corrodin i'iirat for vengecnci;" sexalted in'to lenndheroic virtue, md the wholu jiaesnge shofrl ie writer r-.vt-t have been very littleacquainteJ whh ianity. 'In coming hkher we brous;hti but those friundships and nñ cííoiir thart const ilio secret trensury ofendí imlividual hüart! thüt undying s:;!ici;ui]e for ihe banpine?3 nnd hnrior ;b wc!1 íis Ihat corrod'.ng ti si f ir vcn'scnnc nt'ierppreaso-.s' ofkU mil ve land, to'it'i o I. i ' m tu,wrl!nj ofl'tft nami can part from, l:.t uih. i ■■ jjarting lrr tk Wo hrouizlii no unworihy uHnn of dividcd allcKinnceto ihee'icicd altar of oitr adopted couni'y, from tho iTioment we pasasd ihe ponuls oí' ihe consiituríon we became as we have sworn to continue. Americans in heart nhdsriul "ñus etin cute." in love nnd in haired, for Weol or for we. and if it mny be adaed, as it is irnendud. witKom prolaniíy, Americans in íicaBjJi or HcUilself. We omit nearly two columns of the writero more etherial fl yhts of taney, and give the concluding reso'.utious. Resolved. That although none can entertain a deeper, or more sacruvl renard, thun we do for that Gosptl chafily, which the so beautifully, but alas inimitably illustraled in his mortal lite, that charityj which, starting from the central pjint oí dumestic duty well perlormod, becoming enlurgcd. as it becones expamltd into universal philanthropy. üèyer ceases :a it3 efforis for tho ímelioration of ihe condiiiin oí tlíe huninn kind, until. lüie the cueles produced hy a pehble cnat inm the trnnquil waier. it successtuüy takes in th whol.j ocean of huninn lile. Words are ir.sutiicient to expresa the contenipl we feel for that oppo8iie. more etherial and sublimatcd liind. tbnt, hke a peraon placed on some lofty and conimanding point ofview, cin discover nothin? in the landüc-ipe to interest its sympathies but wbat distante has shrouded in dim and picturesque obscurity. tha', instad of devoting tö the improvement and happiness ofthose around. whmi tho óond of .a ooinnion country jjives a iiijrand peculiar lairn on iisbenevoiunce. whtiever ph ilan-liropy ii could spare from the dutiesof the domesriu circle. gues vairnbondizina: over th.i world in search of objeets on which to exhiust 113 discursivo benevoience, occá' iorrallystopprng, like a biid of' pissige, after its ñiln over the great waters. tj ie,)ose and replume its weary wing amoriget thc weü-fed, welf. clad. well-clothed, well-hoiised, not over tasked, and until aboliiionism liad flúng its firebands a(i)Oti-íst them the proverbially contviited slavcs of the United Staies o. America. lleaolved, Tliut nlthouiih we know ihat slavery, disguise it as we mny, inüst, and we sincereiy trust, ever will be a better draught, we ;it tha sime time believe that ifsbitternesa muy becume iuap preciable to those. w:io. liko persons aceusron.ei -" 'lU "- "' iiied.ciiedspriiige, haveneverknown, nor dcsired any o.iuri :uj ü"i haserage, we ihiuk. that the habtt ol envisngeing slavery vith tho eyo ol one lKibituated to tlie most unbjundcd freedom of thought - ui supposing the s'ave who has never drea:nt ol niy other mde n{ exiatence, to bu nctua;eJ by the tiercé nnd maddining leolfiigs, which tliu freemnn must experience if iJuced to bondage, tbnt has surmumled bl.i.-ery with ilie exaggerated at least, il' not. in tiie gieat piftjority ot cases, uitogether iimgmary hiuors, un ler which abolitlofitsm dcligliisto view and present it to the svorld - ihat as long as the physical enjoyniems or privaiionsof üítr. as long as tating. driuking, iodging. and clptbing, s'.iall. howev. r. unpoetic -il the sseriion iimy sjund, un'ortunaicly constitute the sure3t crueriuii for de.errhining tho cúinpafative happinelsof the meiat lirge, it niay be assened without fés'r of rcnsonnble contradiction or disproof. ihat ihe cÖnd.tibh of tha sLivt-s of tlie United Staies of Americi so far Iroui oliering a suhject for tiie mnwkisii sentitnent.ility or comintserniion of Bntish soi-disant philanthropiss. presenta on the coiurary a source lor sorrowíul tepining. and bitter contrast lo the Inboring populuiion of Kuropein general, end lo ihc oor, sunüecí, öickTy, overt;;s:%eJ, ill-ruwnrde.J. ii clidj w.nfe ludged, lialfslaved, nnd periodlcally föioishfid operuüves of ineny Engíand,' in jjurticuíur. Heaolved, Thai vis a fui! inay nsk more qucstions in un iiour (han a phüosoplier cóuld unswcrin a yeáx. so nir.y an address, like tlio olio boíoie us. w.ili iiLiiiinr but iís signaiorea to reconi DCtld ít to our noticc. cjjsíjgute lije fiibjcota 'ii wnich it iauchBs in a way iliat vou!d lequiio id plice theni in tlieir irue cii'ors, more pnges ihan tln ihing itsulá'contriins Unes. Unwilling .iS wc are hou'cver to uxiendour iiiiiiie.and rciuctant us wc sliall ever be to erect ouiselvcs into in crjireters of t lie sacrctl órneles, still as thc contrtvjisy Jms been Forccd upon us. without íiny seelviiig oí our own. wc cnnrtut dismiss the subjeot without adding thnt alter the best considerntion we hnve been able to ííívo it, we catmot for ihe Uves ot' us discover that slavery in ony orm un.'ler wbich it evei exis'eil, muré pmticularly as ti is exercistí.l in these Unitei! otates, is either .ipposed to the lnw of God. us fnr :s that law can ;.e íiscertained through the mediu:n of the oíd or new testament. At ihe time the law wns promulguted froiii the ji'.dgenient sent f Mout tíin;u'i slavery eSisted in tl. e fórm of lierediiary honduge; siaves were used ns an nrticle of merchandizr, in every pnrt of the then knuwn worid. It Ï3 fieiuently al!u:led fo nnd írequently reoignized, ■is p;irt and parcel of the social pystem of the peopie to whom the senpturea were originally addressed. ond never onéc denounced as a crinie or n curse, by name or by dtfscriplion inone tingle, olitary pnssage of tho oíd or cw testaments. - .ror lo the l.iw of nöture as prnpoundüd by tho highest authorities of iru subject, as wo could ..nMly show if space pennitted, nor to the declartiion 'A íncepondonci on which wch sfcsw


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