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Now in the courscof Publication. ________ l A DICTIUNARY OF ; A.RTS, MANUFACTURES AND MINES ; :ONT_INIKU A CLKAK L_POSITIO.V OF THEIR PJUN CIPÍ.K5 AND PKATCE. i By Andrao Ure. M. D., F. R. S. M. G. S., M. A.S. j Lond., Mem. Acatl. N. S. PMlad. S. Pi. Soc. X. Ge: m. Hunov.i M'di., Sfc. S,-c. fc. [llustrated with one thousamt two hundred and forty onc ehgrovings. TFIIS is unquestionab'.y il:e most popular work ( jf ilie kind ever pubüslied. an-i a look most adnirably adapted tó the van's of all classes ofihe ;ommutiity 'J'hc Ibllowingare the inipor'ant ' it:cts wlucb the learned author ehdeavors to t I ;ornplish. 1 3t To instruct the Manufacfurer, ' Tst, and Tradesiiia.i in ïhe piincijjles of their respective processes. as to render thrp, in reality. ;he mas'.eré of tlieir business; and, lo emancípate iiem iror.i a slaie of bonduge to such as ;ire too commonly governcd by blind prejudice and a ! cious routine. 2 lly. To aíFord Merchnnts, Brokers. Drysalters Oruggists. and ofticers of tho Revenue characterisiic desi-ripiionsof the commodities which pass t:ir tigh their hands 3dly. By exhibiiing soine of the finest developmeirsof Chemistry anil Physics, to lay open an excellent praciicil school to Studenis of these kindied sciences. 4ilily. Tu icnoli Capitaüsts. who mny be flesirous of placïng riitiir funda in Bome pfoducilvê branch oí indusuy. to stiecr, judicious-'y, atnong plausible claiirtanta 5thly. To enble i;fnilemen of the Law to become well acqminied with the natuie of those pntent suliemes which are so api to give rise to lit y gation. Ctlily. To present lo Legislators snch n clenr ex poition of ihe siaple nianu'acures, aa may dissuade them from eivic ing lawa which obstrtict industry. or cherish one branch of it, to the injury ol many oihers. k And Ims ly. to give the general reader, intern, enietly 0:1 Intellectnal Guliivation. views of many ' of the noblest ac!iievc:nen:s of Science, in 1 inii thi)se grnnd iiansforrnntions of matter to which j Great Britian and the United States owe their ! manent wealth. rank and power among tlie tioi'sof the earlh. The lntest Sïatisiics of every important object of Manufacture are given from thb lies!, and usinlly. tiom oííicial nu'.honty. at the end of cm h anicle. I 'I he work vvill be prnted from the 2d Lnndon ' Etütion. whicli sclls for $12 o.cipy It wil] leput on good pnpor, m new brtv;er type, and will make about 1400 8vo. pages, lt will be issucd in tweny-one scmi monihly numhers, in covers, at 25 cents encli payable on djlivery. "" O3 To any persnn. sendinr us five dollars, al one time, in advance. we will forward ilic nuniïers by mail, post paid? as so;m as they come from hc press. To suiiable Agents. thisaiFords a rare oppormnly. iis we can put ihe work t ) theni on ternis iwtrarcli nai il y favorable. In every manutncuring town, and every vitlage, throughout tlie Uniied States and Canada, suhscribers rnay be obtained svith tlifriireatest faciliiy, Address, post piid. Jn [ioy Sunderland, J2G Fulton street, New York. % To every editar who gives t'.iisadvertise nent eiiiire 12 insertions,. we will forward, to order, one copy of the whole work. pr vide(l the inpers comaining ibis notice be sent to the ÍSew Vork Wnichman. New Yo.-k. 12C1


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