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The New York Watchman

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lJeVo'tctt lo ílie intorests of Protestant 3liriti:initv, Lirer-Uutv, Sdf-ncp, E'ltication, he Arts, Ayricülrnre, rnirn] enterprises f the a-je, unA tó tlie di'.Tnsioii of Lfeeral ritcl'iírPiico. "Knowledfíe ís the liírht of Ik-hvn; nep, puro, pitvisüiir, exhanstle.os. Il invitps all to po-sessioii: it tulmits of n pre unp'ion, no rirriUs exclusive, no monopoly." For six vpiirs, thi.- pnp'er has hen crcininc in the cónfiilënct' cf the public. Hh clri'.'iotér as nn indepenilpnt, li'orary nnd rplinïotis juirnal, ir n-iw fnMy B3nriijwh!rtára i tfvM.n tV,,m its ciic. l.iiion nmo 'y nl' clns.-es of the comrnuuiiy. '!'lm.p wh rlosire A GO0Ü FAMILY NKVVXPAPER,Free trom thf fenfireg of seciariüriim, wliich ure po offepsive t the spirit of Chnstianity- n pnper whic.h udmits suitahln articles on 11 Riibjects upon wliich the comunnity need to be informed - .1 paper oppn, especia Hy to the claims of Mififcrinsr humapity, nny be assnred that no effiirts will be sparpd to render tliis acreptablp and wijrthy of tfieir It lias a large nnmïïRr of nble ènd intelligent coríespnndentK, whose cotninun cntions will enrich its columns frorh linu? ro linip, on iKitural :iik1 revpjiled tiieolocfr, revnnl, missions, lmman riirl)t-, frmpprnnciï édncntion, snbba'Ji and ommon school-, moral rrfu'in, liealrli airriculure, gonlogy, pJiyajioJóeV, and nvntnl philosoplij', mnsic, reviews of book-% Sic. (n a word, it occnpies a field of tjsefiilneBfj not apprdprjatcd by anv otiier eriodica'. in this or n any nther country. The seventli Volume commonced Jamiary lst 1 02 The pree is only two dollars a ycir. in advnnu". nnd this i.s sufficiently low to put it withiii tho reach o oll. Rpnder. voii lyiye 11 personal interest in the New York Watchmnn! Por, he who has a hoait to know his whole .lnfr whose oui liirítMlor informn'i'in on alJ those sübjcti most dir ctly connectod witli man'h hiirhest In piness, will find assisiouce in ihe columns of Uiis p'iiwr. The Watchman is pnblished eyery Snturday, 126, Fullon stroct, N(?w York, wliers 5iibForip:i'ns ure re-p1 etfully soliciled. December. 25 h. i4l. SGtf.


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