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Selections: A Southern Paradise

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We cut the following from the Abo ist, being a part ol one of Dr. Cartwngli ters. This paradise is situated, we belie Louisiana. IJie description of t, and of habitante is quite amuaing. Note one o points. -There is no gunrd or patrol on dlUy, Tlien they do have guards and patrol? sometimes! "The slavesare all at liberty as aoon as their daya work is finished." So that they are under taekmasters during all the working hours. A delightful condition this! But auppose the day'tr work is not accomplished, Doctor, what thesis the "peace, quietude, plenty, and comfort" of the plantation nterrupted by nightly floggingsT Or what kind of government do you uae? Do the children that chase bu' and Btone birda ever go ta school? Aa to the dogs and piga, who owns them? Does not the n.astjr own the slave and all bis pigs? The locking. bolting and barring, which nightfall brings with :t in rfie manulauturing district of England, separating the employers from the peratives, contrasts strongly with the practice so general in the Southern States, of masters and overseers sleeping soundly and securely, unarmed and unguarded, often with wiudows open and doors unlocked.and at the same time.all the slave opera-ivesat perfect liberty to walk aboutand do18 they piense; a liberty denied to most of the operatives of Europe, or at least very much restricta ed by the guards. I have sought a few day's retirement from the city and ara writing this letter on the banks of the lake Concordia, in the midst of an extensive neighborhood, where the race of Canaan outnumber the white nearly an hundred to one. There is no guard or patrol on duty. The slaves are all at liberty as soon as their day's work is finished. The door of the cottage I oceupy, has no lock or fastening to it - yet I never feit safer in my liie. - [ have known this neighborhood nearly twenty years- -during all that time, the above inequality in numbers, betwen Japheth and Canaan. ha existed - yet peace, quietude, plenty nnd comfort have had an uninterrupted reign. Hither fancy would ever and anon transport mo during my sojourn in Europe. Whonever my feelings became exquisitely tortured by witnessing European tyranny end oppression, fancy kindly snatched me from sucli painful scènes and put me down on the shores of this quiec lnko. Here, instead of seeiiigchüdren worked until they could not walk, I enjoyed the more pleasing sight of seeing themcha8ingbutterflies.8toning the corn-pulling birde, or driving up the lowing herds. Here, inotead of men and women boing seen, as in Europer searching in the ashes nnd sweepings of kitchena for a crust, or a few crumbs of bread, or a bone to make soup for themsclves and their famished children, many dogs and pias are kept by thapcople called slaves, to consume their surplus I could discover in Lurope nopioof of the smallest germ of that reciproeil niiachment exisiing between the employers and the opera- uves, which I know to exisi almost universally (as far as my acquaintancc extends, which is very considerable,) between master and slave, and which is deeply rooted in an nstinctive consci ousness of mutual benefits and dentity of intercsrs. I say instinctive. because I do not think it depends on renson. In Enghnd, the old, infirm ind worn out Inborers. instead of being supported by those In wlns service ihey have wt.sted their energies and spent the prime of their iives, are almost universally 'hrown upon the cold hand ofchirity for bread, or shut uf. in workshops, breathing a pesiilent air- completely cut ofTfrom ihe ohief souroe oí happiness left to the naed- that of being wilh their children and fnends. The inference necessanly folio ws from these facts, that the operativeeof England do not overwork hemselv.s for any love they have for heir emi 1 yers, but merely from the terrors of the work-houses, piaching want and knawing ïunger.


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