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My First Impression Of Slavery

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Urulor ihis titlo a w.iier in the Vermoilt Telegrnpli givc5 the following sketch: My fellow-traveller and'erdismnuntimr nnd fa lening our horses, turned aside into the beautilul park. ond advanced to t!ie crowd that surrounded the Co'u'rt House, expecung to meet a fricad ihere which we did. Outsido and arnong tlic ïnultitude was a little oí the filling up ot the scenc in the 'after part' o( the dra ra of 'hasting to bc rich.' in the shape oflorses of all sorts, and cairinges, mulcs and wagons, oxen. cows, and cnrts. besides vnrious othergoods and cliattels to bc Bold to the higliest bidder fot cah, nol specie, lor tlint was almost a thing ot h Story - but for 'post notes' nnd 'promisc to pay.' In th interim of conversing with niy new acquaintance, I had mi eyeccasionally to the shorifl"'s stnnd, to exerciso my judgmeni a liule. and my cuiiosity nioic. in ihe matter of tlie sa!e; and how goes under tiie iiiiminer a splcndid cnvriaire fii ibr a rinbot, in wliich ita bankrupt ovvner a few wf-eks stnee. was ïolling arouiid in princt'Iy splcndor and ginnt. ideal uealth. but noir - r:o matter; and a yoke of oxen, and two mnlesaie bid - sonie fanning utensils, a horse. a cow aml n cart -all at good prices enough. I thought. nominally - counting the paper woith whot it was navicd. - but the next article - nnd whnt is il? "Rare chance, gentlemen." the shcrifl'ciics in ihe s'ylc of his calling; ".are chance, geni step np and give us a biel.' ';VVliat is it? - qne of Phillips' line draït mules?" TPhrougil the parting crowd I behold - what? a trxnuin! har ei-e is i;? - a rnoílíerJ and her childl Aa Í gazed on my eyes were dim, aiul ihrobbing wiili pain ;,s if siruL'gling froni tbeir sockeis. "SpJd separately the lot." cries the sheriff. 'liundrcd and lifiy ibr the woman, [yeá, ■tc.Mw.''j I dont want the child.' 'Two hmulred,' s:iys A connoisscur n sitch matters tokes höid ol her under lip orid draws it down to fin her teeth: another seizes her shoiilder and shnking her: let me see how sl]o stands on her stiinnps:' in(l tbe ieurfi git ál over her cïiecks as shé sista a hopeless look around her. 'Tv.'o hniidrod and tuenty-iive.' cries nnothcr - and ] feit the ice clogging up my veins, my bruin reeled, and I ' was stek. She was soon 'bid off.' And herchild tlien - a lright-eyed. dhfcy li tile girl - 'she waa'nt worth mucU' - shc was worlh morethan all the world else to her duik mothcr. I snw hor as she turned ïwny at the bidding of her new tnaster, and to leavc her child. The doughter'a moan brinksbnek one look: itwns a mothku's look, her soul biirs'tïhg froui her eyes, a mother! a daughter! an indescribable look of nnguish carne over her features: it swept like a chili deathspell over her whole frame; herbreath was chonkcd and heavy; ru tears ebbed that anguish. Shc icint aicay and my heart sunk down like lead in my bosom, and I tried to stagger away, gaeping and faint; it seenied that evcry pulse was crying out and 6houting me in every ear, an ABoi-tTiONisr! Those u-erë my firet impressions ofslnvery- I have had more experience since. My last impressions I will give hcreafter.


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