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Results Of The Election

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We have but tsvo or tliree rcmnrks to make repecting the resulta of the late election. The irst is thnt the democratie majorities are larger han was geneialiy expectcd. In 184l)thcre was n whig majority of some 1800 in the State. In 311, there was a democratie majority of five or six thousnnd. But this result was not consiclered any test of the actual strength of partiea, because the sum total of the votes demonstrated hal somo thousand whig3 stnid at homo. The present election was therefore looked forward to vuh interest by all as detennining for a certainy what the politics of the State shall be. Exerions were made by the whigs to get out their men. perhaps qn'uo as as were used by the 3e;nocrats. Supposing this 10 be so, this elecion shows how many men can be depended on br the support of both tickets, and that Michigan rmy now bo set down as a decidedly Democratie State. We are aware that the whigs wil! be very unwilling to come to this conclusión; ut the more reflecting among them cannot füil t; perceive its tru'.h. A review of the past 6hows that out of eight years for whieh a Governor hns been -elected, the office hna been fiüed by a whig incumbent only two j'ears; a Democratie administration is now sustained by doublé or treble the niajurity the Whigs have ever had: and when they look forward to the future, their faith must be greater thrm Daniel Webster' s, if they anticípate any future peiiod wheri their party prospect wil! be better thari they now are. Oursecond remark is that we do not anticípale frorn the ascendency of the democratie paitj in ibis Siate, (which, from present appearances will last a considerable time,) any material advantages to our cause. The party, os a whole. directly oppose U3. They are the supporters of gags. The Northern members of Congress of that party have generally been very servile to their masters. Think of Norvell, Crary and Lyon. We snppose we ehall have more snch to represent us at Washington. Our Democratie ' egislature last winter also manifested their unwillingness to carry out :heir own professed principies of equal riglus. Theie were, ho we ver, a few honorable exceptione; but they were overruled by their leaders, who were looking to the favor of the elave power. So it will be again. Neithcr have we lost any thing by the defeat of the Whigs. We see bnt little to choose betwecn the parties. lt matters little to us whether Mr. Clay or Mr. Calhoun sits in the Presidential chair, so long as he wou!d be but an automaton of the Slave Power. Gags are the order of the (iay with Whiga as well as Demócrata. Had ihey aucceeded in this State by five or six thousand majority, they would have been more ready than ever to denounco us as foolish, infatuated. following a wild goose chase, &c. We are daily strengthened in the conviction that we ennnever succeed but by independent poütical acion. This one measure has brought the anti-slavery cause before the minds of multiuidea, who could not have been interested in it in any other way. A friend who attended the polls two days in this place, remarked to us that that was the engrossing topic of conversation, whilo the diflerences between and democrats seemed Vj be quite forgotten. Of course. all kinds of opiniona are rxpicssed. Some think nbolitionists rght in the abstract - some wonder at their folly - some think they are enemiea of their coun'ry - some think it all a whig device - some are sure t is a loco foco trick- some think the leaders aro bent on office- eomo think they neve. will get it- some are opposed to carrying the qurstion iuto the churche - 3ome think it should not be carried to the polls - some think it 6hould bo Iet alone, &c, &c: but amidst all this chaos of sentiment, the truth isrnakingstcady prjgress; , and these views are expressed, compured, and argued among the mouof our citizem more in conequcncc of the politienl inovon:ei:t, ;hnn ibcj rvouldbo without tbat, from nll oiiior moanacomüned. Wc hove not vet. been ?.b!e to r?crr!n!n the in:reo of the Libcriy voie in tho Stnic. Nr will 't mote much dJíTérciíco in ?ur feeiinps whcthcr t has been much or linie. If much. then csa ietnnins to be done: nnd ii liide, we must apply auraelves to our'work with vigor - Ve are cnlisted for the war; end s!:all piusue our object ihrough good or cvil report. Qj Mr. Uptinm, of Monfpclier. Vermont, has been elncted Whig Sonntor in Congres? for six yftars. Tlie papers eay tlmt he s a man of lolent, nnd e.prcially remnrktible for hs open miuthed profanity .


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