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CLINTON SLáMINARY.THE fiftli term of thm institution will cominence ou Monday, Nov, 14, and continue 12 weeks. Having procured the nsüistance of iwo eiperienced and successful Teachers, the principnl is boiler prepared than meet the wnnts ol the coirmuniiy by givñig a thorough English and education. Tuition, foratudies pursued bysmall chüdren, in the Primary Department. $2,00 - for common English branches $3,uO - for the higher English branches, as Algebra, Geometry, Astromuny, Book-Keepíng. Chemistry, Moral andlniellectual Philosophy, Logic. Rhetoric &c. $4,00, Latin. nnd Greek, $5,00, Frcrtch, ond Iicbrcvv, $e.oo. Siudcms will bc charged tuition in advancc, from the time they enter till the close of che term. but t will be refunded to any who mny bo detaini'd by protrncted sickness. Board mny bc had in good families at a very ronsonaLle pricc. A iejv may oblain board wi;h the reachera. A short lcsson in the theorv and praclice of vocal Music will continue to l'orni a part of the daüy exercities. Nopnins will be sparcd to preserve the youtli. who may be intrusted to our cure, fronj Inimorol infiuenees, and to rcndcr them wiser and better. Other information will bo cheerfully given to such as nddress us by letter for thnt purposo. We would express our gratinide to tliose Editors who hnve fnvorably noticcd us. Those'who will insert thisadvertisement shall be cntitled to tuitioi] io the amount ofthcir bill. GEO. W. BANCROFT. Principal. JAS. S. SMEDLEV, Teacher of Frtnck ' aud Hcbrac. Miss IfARRIET DU BüIS, Atjstant. Clinton, Oct. 4, 1842. 25 tf FASM1ONABLE IIAIR DRESSING.- T. Freeman returns his sincere thaníva to the citizens of Ann Arhor and its vicinity for the liberal patronage they have extended to him. and etly solicits furthercontinuiinceof the same. Me also wishes to purchase a qunniity of false hair, lor which he will pay a libera.1 price, for the purposc of manufacturing ringlera. Mr. Freeman nopee not to give oflencc to his old custoniers, when he informa Thom, that hereafter his shop will be closed during the Snbbath day. He will be very anxious and happy to ticcommodate them. by working a little later and more industriously on Saturday evcninf. T. FREEMAN. OctoberS, 1842. tf.


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