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The prevalcnce of defeotive te etli in tliis country is the general subject of remark by foreigners ; and whoever has truveLd in Spain and Portugal is struck witli the superior soundness and whiteness of teeth in those countries. Thougli not a cleanly peoplein otlier rcspecis they vyaah iheir teeth often, and Iy mearía of lóoth-picks, carefully remove all substances f rom between theni. aíter meáis. A linie si:vcrporcupine. wiih holes all over its back,to insert tooth-picks,ia a co ïnuon ornament on ihe diniiig tables of Spain and Portugal. The general use of them creates so large a demand, tiint students at Coitnbra sometinies support themselves by whitiling tooth-picks, vvhicli are sold, tied in sniall bunches. like matclies. They are rnade of willow, on accoun of 'its toughness and pliabiüry. Toothpicks ol metalare too hard, and are apt to in ja re the gums. There is the same objection, in a lesa degree, to quills. But willow tooih-picks are prefernble to all others; and they Inve the ndvantnge of being the most clennly ; for they usally break in thu using and are throwi away. Few sights are more oi'feruive loaperson ofay reliiiemeni. thanatooth piek that Ikis been ïmich used; it is morcover unctcanly. and not heulthy for the teeth. Food allowèd to reninin bctween the tecth. particularly animal food, is very destruciive, it should bc care fully removed after evcry nical, and the month thoroughly rinsed. Tliis ïnay seein to many like a great talk about small matter; but these are simple precoutions to take, and very slight trou ble, compáred with the agony ofnebing teeiii, or a breaifa so oflensive that your be.'t friénd does not wish to sit near you. I can sec no rcason why a man's complexión shuuld exclude hin from a dining tnble, bat I do sce a very gooc reoson why he should bc bnnished for ot taking proper cate of his teeth A bad breaih is sucl i a detestable thing, that it might be sufficient renson for not marrying a porson wiih othersvise t.greeahle qunlities. It is moreover. psrfectly inexcusable thus to trinsform ones self iuto n walking sepulchre. NoboJy needs to Inve'an oflensive lreath. A careful removal of substances from between the leeth, rinsing the month aftor iucals,and o bit of charcoal held in the mouthwill always cure a bad brcatli. Chíircoal used pa a dontifrice, (thatis, rubbed on in powdor, with a brush} s apt to injure the enamel; but a lump of it held in the mouth, two or three times a week. nnd slovvly chewed, has a wondcrful power to preserve the eeth. and purify Mie breath. - The action is purcly cliemicnl. It counteracts the acid froin a disordered stomach, or food decaying about tho gums; and it is the acid svhich destroys the teeih. A dear friend of ours liad, wlien about tweiity years of age, a front tooth lliai turned blnck gradually, crumbled and br.oke ofFpicccmeal: By frequcmly chewing charcoal, the progress of dëcoy was not only arrested, but nature eet vigerously to work to restore thebrench. and tho crumbled portion grew agtñn, UU the whole tooth was as sound us bofore! This 1 knovv to be a fact. Every one knows that charcoal is nn antiputroscent, nnd is used in boxing upanimiil or vegetable sulistances, lo keep ihem froin decay. Upon the same ehemical princicipte, it ténda to preserve ilie teeth. aud sweein the breath. Tliere is no danger in swallowing it; on the contrary, small qunntitics have a healthful cflect on the inward system. particularly when tho body is sutieiing fioni that class of complnints peculiarly incident to surnmer. It would not bc wise to ewallow that, or any gritty substancj, very frequently; but once or twice a week, a little would be salutary, rather thnn otherwise. A bit of charcoal, as big as a cherry, metely held in the mouth a few hours, without clíewing, has a good eflect. At first, most people, dislike to chew it. but use soon renders it lar rom diíngreeable. Those who are troubled with an ofiensive jrenth, might cliew it often, and swallow it but seidom. It is peculiarly important to clean and rinse the mouth thoroulily before goinij to bed: otherwise a great deal of the destructivo acid will form during the night. 1 these hints induce only one person to take botter care of the teeth, I ehall be more thnn rewardcJ for the trouble of writiiiK. I am coi-.tinu:i!ly pained to sec young peoplo losing their teeth merely lor want of a few simple precautions: nnd onn cannot enter stage or steam cnr without findihg the atmosphere polluted. and rendered a!)solulely nnhealthy for the lungs to brea the, when a proper use of water and charcoal might rentier it as wholnomcnnd nlensnnt nsa hranze of


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