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jjOL MANS, Bone Ointment. nnilIS Ointmknt stands at the hcad of all rcJL medies fóx the foUowing diöeases-whicli naturéis helr too, Viz:-1U1EUMATISM both Chronic and innaniitory- Gout- Sprains- Bruises and contracted TEiNDONS of long standi n I ït discusses all lumourR- renders stifl' joints limbcr by producing a healtliy umscuhir action. It aa3tiues puins in Boils and Akcksses.- Nothing equala it in swelled and inflamed Brcasts in FeroahïB, if upplicd in early stage, prevenís snpperatïon or matter forming, and gtyea in al cases inimediate ease from pain. Cerfincátes o tbis tact could be given if heceisory; This remcdy ia offered tö the Publtc wtth the fuif aasurance thnt it far excels the O,.odeldoc s ■ nd Linimems of the pieeent day, for the above .lieeases. A t ial is only wanted. to gi ve jt the ■ Icciflcd prefeience to eveiy thing else. Many Pbysciona ot eminence have uscd this ointinent .nul cxtols its merits. "9 The above ointment is for sale wholesale and rtnil by BEKJLEY. An n Albor, (lowcr town) June lc-th, 1842 9TO PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY L MERCHANTS. ■ rilE subscriber invites the attcntion of Phy t eicians and Country Merchante, to bis . resent stock of Drugs, Miedicines, PainU, Ü8j Dye Stuffs, Viimish, Brushes, &c. &c. ' oniprisihg one of the jargèst and i lents brought '.o the country. In his pre&ent : tuclc will hc ibund: 100 oz Snlph. Quinine, superior Freuch and English, L0 oz. Öalph. Müiphia, 10 oz. Acct. du 50 oz. Carpenter's Witherill'a Extract oí Bark, l bbl. Powdered Rhubarb, 1 Cliest Rhubarb Root, 1 bbl. Powdered Jalap, 50 lbs. Cnlomel, 3 caske Epsom Salts, lDcnsksFall and Winter strained Sperm Oil, 40 boxes Sperm Cutidles, 2000 ibs. White Lead, dry and grnund, 4 caíks Linsèed Oi!, Denthts Instnnnrnts and Stock Gold, Slijter I una Tin Foil Platina Wart, Pot c:lain Ttelh. A general aasortrnent of Palent Medicines, all of which will be soldon the most leasonuble terms. PIERRE TELLER. 139 Jeöerson Avenue, sign of the Gilt March 13. Mortar, Detroit. TAÍLOHLNG BUSIiNESS ! AM. NOBLE, wouldrespdctfuüy inform the citizens of Arm Arborand its viciuity, thnt hu has opened a shop n tlieLower Town. imme(iiatcly over the late merlán til e stanó rf Ltrnd & Gibson, and opposite the 6iore öf J. Beckley & Co., whare he is prèpttred at all times todo work in his line, with prompincss, and in a íieat and uiable innnner. Particular aitcntion will be p.'iid to cuttinff faricnts. Produce will be taken at the usiiui pri es, for work done at his shop. These who have ash to pny for services of thts kind, are pariicuarly invited to calí. Ann Arbor, April 27. 1342. tfDR BANïSTKP'a OATBARTIC P22.&. TUIS pill bas not onlybeen used by myself, but by a number of PhysicianB of ïijrh staudingj both in ibis and other States, to jreat ad van ta ge. By the frequent and repented solicitationsof my friends, I have consented 10 offer them t# tho niblie as a most cilicacious reniedy Tor all thoae )illious diseosces originating in a new country- The above pill is for sale wholesale and retsil y h. BFXKLF.Y. Ann Albor. (íower lown) Juno 1 5th 1H4'J. 9 f O CLOTIHERS. THE subscriber is just in receipt of a further sunply of Clotliier's stock, consistini of Ui ACHÍN F: GARDS tif itwy d, scripion; CLOTHIEIVS JACKS, AT TINETWARP, CAKD CLEANSERS and PICKERS SHUTTLES. REEDS, KETTLES, FCREWS. PARSON'S SHEARLXG MACHINE. EMERY, (erery size,) TENTER HOOKS, PRESS PAPER, togetlibr with a wel', seUccted asióríment. oj'DYE WOODÜ.aud DYE STUFFS of the very best growth and manufacture. Those gootls (coming as they do direct from first liands) tlie subscriber is enablcd to scll lower than any other house west ol'2ítw York, he therefore solicits the attemion of firma in inc clothiiig business, to thcexatnination ofhis stock and prieës before going east or purcháiing elsewliere. FIERRE TELLER, Wholesale and Retail Druegist, 139 Jeffersun Avenue, siyn of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit.TÉSTATE OF JACOB LAWTON DE , li CEASED. - Noticc is hcreby given. tlml e undersigned have proved the last wfll and , stáment of Jacob Lawton, deceased. and have ken letters Testnmentary tbereon, nnd have . ven bonds aceording to ïaw. All persons j bied to said estaie are requcsted to mnke payent without deloiy, and all persons having claims ' rainst said estáte are requested to present the 'me to the subscribcrs, wcü authenücated, for . iv mem. GEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM, Executors of the last will and Testament ol J acob Láwtori. Dated, Ann Arbor. May 7, 1842. 3m TEMPERANC HOTEL, BY IEORERT &■ TEKBÍUftE. CORNKR OF MICHIGÏN AND WASUUiGTO.f AVENUES, DETROIT.) THE above House is pleasantly situated nea the Central Riilro;:d Depot, and is now uj ergoing thorough repairs. The rcoirs are plea, ntrtho B'(ls nud Bedding nll nesv. and the Tabn vili besupplied with the choicest ol the market nd the proprie.tors assure those who will favoe hem vviih tlieir custom, that íi'1 pains shall be taen to make their stay with tlicm agreeable. F ARK, very low. and accommodation good. - ?arriagea to convey passengers to and. from the lotel free of expense. Detroit, Aprü?? 1R42. "ECONOMY IS WEALTII." TfIE Suoscribers will pny pay two cents per pound in Goods or Paper for nn quaniily of .■;oo(l clean SW1NGLE TOW, delivered at the Ann Arbor Paper Mili JONES &ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, April 27, 1842. ■ tf "NÏËV GÖO D sTl FDTïNISÓN Iws ust rèceived n complete stock ot DIlY-GOOnS. GltOCERIES ANO CROCKËRY, which will be sold very chenp for inoney or most kinds of produce. Des criptiona and will ho given at theStore. Ann Arbor. June 1, 1842. SALAR ATUS- Aprime articlo in boxes o barróla, for salo at the lowest prices by F. DENISON. Sb?;. 24, 1842. A23


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