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rit WALKER respectfully inf orm hia friends and the public in gen eral, tha as recently commencetl business, in the tailor ng linu,one door enst ofBower's dry goodssto-te ■here bo is prepnred to execute orders in the entest ond most fashionable style. Gannents will be made to order, in strictcon jrmity with tlie present prevailing fashion nd jste ol the day, and warranted to fit oí no hargc. Ladies' Riding Habite made in the latestlVsw fork or Philadephia fnshions. Friends, or Quakers' gannents will be maden the neatest and plainest style. Cuttingdone at shortest notice. All kinds of Military Uniform and undreey :oats and pantaloons, made aarccable to thepres :nt military or regimental order. J. R. WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 25th. 1842. nl4- 3m. LUMBER constamly on hand and for aale by F. DENISON. June 10, 1842. tf PARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES." -Theo. H. Eaton & Co. 138, JeíTerson avenue, areihe eole agents of these vcry celcbrated machines. 12-8w SATTINETT WARPS1 ON BEAMS - Thko. II. Eaton & Co., 138, JefTerson Avenue, offer for sale a large stock of Sattinett Warps, from the New York milis. TheseVarps are considered superior to any other in1 the country, and will be sold, for cash, at a small i advnnce. 12-Sw I Yol Cardingr and Cloth Dressing. fTHE Subscriber8 respectluily announce to thJL citizens Ann Arbor and vicinity. that theare prepared to envd wool and dress clo:h for cus tomers, in the best style, and at the shortest noticu. Ilaving good ïnachinery, experienced workmen, and long practice in the business, they havothe utmost contidence that they shall give complete satisfaction. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor. April, 25, 1F42."33c ïiaijs of fcrfnïtfnfl E&ine forfiet" TEMPEHANCE HOUSJT,. AND BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, With Kot and Cold Bathsr Br. J. T WS1SON, East end of Main Street, Jackson, Mich. Hiver ETaisin 4 K s I 1 1 tJ XJti THIS lnstitution is located in the town ! Raisin, ncar the nortli bank of the beautiful I river whosn name it bears, one mile east of ik direct rond trom Teciimseh to Adrián. This eligiblè site has been selected for it quiet seclusion. ilie fertility and elevation of it soil, its pure and healthi'ul atmosphere, aud plea. ant scenery. i00MS. There are now on the premisea auitble rooms ior the accoinmodation of lorty studente; whrch are designed to be occupied for private siudy and lodging. Other necessary builde iiiir areprovided for reciiatinns nnd boarding. S EXPENSES. Tuition per Term of eleven weeks, .QO1 Board ;' with 4 hours work each Tvack, v,W Room Rent, Incidental, Toti.1, 12.95There will be an additional charge of onf dollar for those pursaing the higher branches as Phir losophv, Algebra, Geometry, Artronomy, &c. For Ch.cmisuy, Latín or Greek an addition of two dollars will be made. Scholars are expectetf to próvido theniselves with what furm.ure they 1 will need in their rooms, also, with ighte, fuelr ' and washing-none will hereaftcr board then selvcs. Bills to be scZZ in advance. The school is open to all appiicants of ïtóble ' age and moral character irrespective ot cotapU. iun or condition. (ETT second term of this nimmer wül t, mence Wedncsday Julij 20th. ■ It is very desirable that all who design to at i tendtheschooh should be on the gJrNEW N.Y. CHE AP STORE. THE subscriber has just returned from New York wilh the largest and best selcoied uwrtment of DRY GOODS, GROCBRlEb, CROCKERY, BOOTS SHOES, AAD YANKEE NOTIONS. ever brought ntoths market, purchascd prcvious to the tnnffwhicU will enoble him to sell for cash, as cheap as mijt establishment west of Buffalo. As we do business on the Readt Pav System we will uot be underaold by any one in this market, wbioh wülbe for the interest of the purchnsor and dea - er We vvould say to the farmers that we sell .roods in proportion to the pnce of wneat- ■ , bushol of wheat will purchase as rnany goods at the present !ow prices as it did las f all. New the time for people to buy goods U they want buy ihem cheap. The ossortmcnt consiet 10 "yanCtSfe „.. BEAVERd ISNSï''jFSbcLOTHS, lirSfoaYS1,1 uS&1ei.las, ÍsSIíe shawls victoria .. VICTORIA do. CARLISEdo. CANTÓN FLANNELS, GINGHAMS, ffiSAïï;;x.oïïwTTEN3. CALICÓES, (of all kinds,) LADIESDRESS IID'KFS, GLOVES. (of all kinds,) LOOKING GLASSES, &c. &o. A choice nssontnent ot Groccnes. Bucb ai cos, Suenrs, Molnisea, &c. &c, all of whicli ill hp sold at wholesnle or retnil. l'edlars can bc snpplied at thi. establ.shment low as to astonish them. The subscriber deerns it uselees U .go intofnr her detail, but asks them to cal! and kxaue or themselves. d p WATERMAtf. Ann Arbor, Sopt. SO.JHtó. T J. B. BARNES, PHTS1CIAN AND D SURGEON.-House and Office, fevr doorssouth of the Lafnyette House, where heca. be found niglitand day. Ann Arbor April 20th, 1842 WOOL, Wheat, Flour, Graas Sejd, Buttcr Cheeso, Pork, &c. wanted; atao, Wck Salts and Ashes. DENI&OW., Sept. 24, 1842.


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