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Selections: Educational Statistics

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Ri:v. C. E. Stowe, D. D. Dear Sir- The important u?e you latêly innqe of ihe slatisties ui Educr.tion, in a vrry interesting pubüc discourse, has proinplcd me to cut, irom the ainplu matenals ftirnished hy the late censu?, a new and more Tablè, exhiliiting, at the view, the numjer of wiiites'over 20 ycars of on-o in tach Statbj uho en rend nnd writc, nnd the nun:er v.ho canr.ol, with the ratio between tliem. [n the tablea v.hicli Jiave been published on Jus subjtct, even in thote of Mr. J. Orville Taylor, uil Ihc ivhilcchUdrtn have boen plnred on the fiide of the readers. Or Ihese, ;,bout two and a half miüions aro under five reare of nge, fourand a huif millions under 10 years, nnd in all 7,750,000 under 20 years. 6f 'he ability or inabiHty of (hese to rend and wrif, the census íjívs no account. But that they a!l read f rom ïnfancy up lo 0 .venrs,-and then boiind so suddenly over the óther si de, seenwmóre crcditabje U their nblliue?, thart o their subsequent wisdom! Ii must conoundthe ignorant philosophers wbo bclime that thore are no vniiicidcas! fn the eoiithem States , tJ:e proportion of chüdren is generally greater tfaan in thefirn; and in the new Statrp, thnn in the old. Georgia, with a white population of 400,000, has tibout CG,000 more undcr HO ycars of ne, than above; while Maítíucliusetts hes 78 ooó more above 20 ycnrs, than under. Indiana has 410, G00 under 20 ycar?, oml 2G8,000 above; beinír a cüíference of 145,600, or onlv about threc-fiftbs as many ndulLs afl childreii Of conree the deduction of the children froin the 1 ttblp mnkcs a ffreater difiérenco ti the cates ot Indiana and Georgia, than in thut of Massachui-etts. The remark jnffht bc made upon other States. One uso of snob statistics is, to show tlio tomyarative state of various parfs of the country. I have therefore divided the CJuion into tour natural sections, and placod those sections first, and those Stntea in each section, wñose cc'ucational aspect is the best. And na Ihree Territorios will doubtless. soon be States, I have given them a place in their respective .cetions; and also the District of Columbia. I s-noerely rerot flwt the fitcts, develoncd ly the late census, bear so hoavily ao-ainst some paris of the Union. And if theremarks upon the Tabln seom to be pointed, I hope ;,t will be pardoncd, in a friend, who wishes the South to soü its weakness, and arouRe to sclfunprovement. ] have sot down nan.rht in hntf-." Onr near sisters, Indiana and illinois, will also, I hope, strive tochane their unenvinblo position, tnkinn; exnmplé from thcir noble northern neighbor, Micbigan. Wisconsin is snid to bc already wakinfr up.?-I,et Oliio not la, r A TA BLE,Reewing thecxtentof Cnmmon Education m tlio U. S. amone: the White Popuht ion over L0 years of age. 1. N.ORTH EASTERN SECTION. Síates fcc. Cant read. Can reo d. Proportion Conn 526 igs,37 1 to 310.5 N. H. 942 143,039 1 " 158. Mass. 4,448 399,313 1 89.8 Mame, 3.241 2.-30,040 i 71 2 ;l'T 27ü I41.CÖÜ 1 C2.5 ■ 1614 54.9L1 l k 34. N. J. G,385 160,079 1 25.1 N. Y. 44,452 1,111,080 1 25 renn. 33,940 733,977 1 21.6 9 Siates, 97,818 S,144,43L l to Ü2.1 ir. NORTII-WESTERN SECTION. Mich. o,173 94.016 1 to 43.2 Ohio 35,394 603,346 l ' 17. Ioy-a T. 1TU8 1?,33C 1 1G.4 Wis. T. 1,701 15,0&2 1 " s.' Hl. 27,502 170,911 1 " 6.2 Id. S3.100 . L29,949 1 " 6. States, 6. 105,988 1,131,562 1 to 10.7 III. WESTERN SECTION. Ltl4,861 74,139 1 to 35.2 Miss. 8,360 65,473 1 , 7.8 Mo. 19,457 112.5ÍJ2 1 ff i.8 Kt. 40,010 L02,904 1 5.' Ala. 2,592 103.303 1 " 4.3 Ark. C.Í67 23.938 1 " S.6 Ten:). 58,31 . 190,S07 1 S.S 7 States, 1G0.373 ' 777,853 1 to 4.8 IV. SOUTH-EASTERN SECTION. C. ï,0S8 14,08L 1 to 13.G Md. 11,695 14,82 1 12.3 Flor. T. lfird 12,G4l 1 9. Öel4,832 22,797 1 " 4.7 Va. 58,787 271,231 1 " 4.6 S. C. 20,015 91,048 1 4.4 Ga. 30.717 130,240 1 " 4.2 N.C. 56,609 153,076 1 " 2.7 3 States, 135,501 837,647 1 to 4.5 If vo now unifethc two northeru, and the Iwo southren sections, we shall find in THE WIIOLE NORTÍI. State?, fcc. Cfin' Can read. Proporlion 15 203.306 4,27.% 9J4 1 to 21 Penn. is the average Stutp.THE WITOLE SOUTII. States, kc. Cnn't read. Can read. Proportion 15 845,870 1,015,203 1 to 4.7 Average State, Delmvcn?. TUE WI1OLE U. S. StatPEjgSic. Cr.n't read. Can tead. Proportion. 30 540,635 5,391,407 1 to 10.7 Average the ennie ns the North Western States. Majority of Nor' hem readers, 2,660,500, or 2 6 to !. Mnjonty of Southern tton tenders, 112,000, or 'l.7 to ï. [f the colored popnlation were auled, the picture would bc muct; blncker, and probahly t wonld befound, that little more thnn haJf the Southern adult pnpulatión can read. Rernarke.- 1. But tico out of tli thirfy State?, &.C. reckon their readers by hnndreds, or at less than one per cent. of the readers; all the rest By thoxtsands. 2. The North has bnt Iwo élatea helow the general average. The south hrs bot two ! above, and ihoso wonld bo sent below, nt once, by. addjng the colorod populaiion, whose dar!: skin rnafce it uulawfn!, )f not impossible fur them to acquire a cnlig-htened nüud. 2. More than hatf a iniílion of grown wJiifc person?, in evir heloved land, wlio cannot read! -A miübn of children and minors, whoucpu rails cannot read! to whoin the Bible is a seaied book! In ftopfi frozen lands, Swe-(Ikh ;md Ireland, the luw prohibits the - riage of stichpeople. 4. What Irisare, what facilities, whatstirnuIup, does slaverv furñkh to E(!'ication? ïf anv, oug!)l tho "little "Bay Statfi," with nn orea only one ninth os large as the "üJd Dominion." to nouri.h more inlei!i?cnt freffnen than Viroinin, S. GaroJicaand ArJcansns, when these last are servcd and waited npon by 790,000 slavea? Tlie free States improve byae. The Sfayes States po bark. The N. E. States are in ndvance of th i N. W. But the S. E. fi re behind the S. W. 5. Tlie South, l&b Franco, keeps lts knowl ■ edgo in its cides. Tho Stntep, whose cities are fewest and smollest, are the most backward. Baltimore ard N. Orleans put the nverage of tíieir rcsppclive Status lar anead of North Carolina und Tennessec. C. Though ïgnornnco, Sancho Panzo-like, is fond of wíeldirjw governments, and of extendüig its eniightened sway over the land; yet, since in theory. wo hold lliat iotelli gence is o safer master, it may be interesting to Lec what would be distribution of power'KM in Congress, if intelligence were made the basis ofrepresentüiipn. In the next. Congress tberc are ?o be 223 RepréWfitatiiei, boingr one for 70,680 popnlntion, niul nn nd,lktional m.mber to eacli State, whöao fractiön exceeds the tnoiety of this ratio. An apportionment nccording to the nmnber of' readers gives one to every 20,020, and an addilional momberforthe ]argc froctions. P'all tho peoplo wcre freo and intelligent, the ratio should be oneto 74,400, and ndditiuns for tho fractions, as béföre. The follöwihff table exhibit8 the apportionment by each of these ratios. An (f) denotes that one of the members w for the ƒ ïaction. Asan index to the hipher Ulcrature, particularly in the older Slatts, I have pivn' n the last column of the tablc, the number of Authors, who had died4 previous to ia-10 - Theirmmosmaybe found in the American Almanac for thnt year. NORTIÏERN STATES. States. Reps. by Rep?, by Repa. by Auth. Law. readers. Populatión. Conn 4 o 4 N H 4 6 f 4 f -i Maas 10 15 10 f 309 ' Mame 7 9 f 7 f n Xr , 4 5 4f 11 Mich y 4 f 3 f RI 2f 2 ! 15 N J 5 e 5 f 19 '2 Y ■ 4SI 33 JJ Penn L4 L3 as f 85 Olno 21 23 20 111 7 f 7 f G o Ind 10 f Of 9 o 13 Stat e.s 135 163 19 633 II. SOUTHERN STATES, btates. Rep. by Reps. by Reps by Auth Law. Readers, Populatión 4 sf 5f 5 jid e 5 6 ,; M38 4 sf 5 o Mo 5-4 5i Ky 10 s f 10 8 Ala 7 f 4 8 f o Del if lf if 5 C 7f 3 8f42 5 0 f 4 Ark 1 lf 1 0 lenu 11 f 7 n 2 NC _a 6 10 s 13 States. 88 Co! 94 1J5 Northern ) .„ Majties. 17 103!! 35 508 1!Rkmarks.- Though noi wishing to be invidrous, we cannot help seeiiM-, that if knotcialge is poteer" the North haa 'the power. Unumbers give power, tlie North Ims it. if frvrdom, the Nortli hos it. But oo what ground can the South Iiave it.? Induatrv? Commerce? Mnniifiictuios? Africulture? No! Bynïl these, the Nonh hos it! 2. If the South would bc wise. and increasaite real politica] and moral power to the utmost, the quickest and stirest way to do it is, evidnntly, to libérate, edticate, and elévate the whole niass of ts people. Let it hear its ovvn Jelttirson, ond otliers, who saw ita downward march, and most auxiously advised to a more enlih tened policy, Anü let not oniv the South, bat the Middlo State?, and the VVestern Slntes biush to Ije outdone by despots even by Catholics, n the cause of universal education; a cause which we profeas to beJieve is lije to us and dealli to tiirm. W1M1 much graütuiJe, Dear Sir, for your own enlightened and ligia giving eñbrís in ihis good cause, I am yonrs, respectftilly,


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