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Extracts From My Journal

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Priend Foster: - As every thing connected with the AntiSlavcy cntcrprisc is of interest to our readers, I have concluded to give them another chapter of my "sayings and doings." To be separated from the felicities of the domestic fireaide is ccrtainly a very great deprivation - lit to be thrown info the "wide world," surrounded by scores with whom yon can sympathize and change thoughts on the subject of slavery and iïs abolition, tcmperance, and various oth er topics of interest and importance to man - is a very rich and valuable treit. And this I am permitted to enjoy by way of compensation for my eacrifice of time- ease - and domestic pleasure. Dec. 12. Left Ann Arbor, and in three hours found myself at Plymouth Coméis in a spacious house, literally jammed with hearers for the purpose of listenirig to the story of our country's wronga. All was soriousness &t attention while I spoke for an hour and three fourtlis on the subject of slavery, aa connected wifh the financiul, commercial, mechanical, and agricultural interests of our country. It was here that I was called to fight the battle of liberty against slavery some two yearssince. Whe-e I ask, are Messrs. Shearer, Norris, Fralick, Janes, and Thompson, who appeared against me in defience of "Southem rigkts." Where, I ask are these men? Like Sampson, they are shorn of thcir strength, and so for as this enterprise is concerned, they and their arguments have long since gone to Ihe shadesj vhife abolitionism here livos and prospers. - Tarried with onr friend Miller, who has vhe Signal read Ihrough each week in bis family; by wliich nieans they are kept informed, and thoroughly indoctrinated in our enterprise.- Let oor friends generally adopt a similar practice.13. Lecturod at Livoma Center to an ovorwhelming audience - obtained a few subscriber? for the Sigi a], and have eince learned that converta to our cause were made. A spirit of-enguiry was waked up, and our principies here are beginning to be respectcd. I wna perfectly at home vvilli frieml Deni)ii, of tliis place. He has made himself'somewhat acquainted with our enterprise, and will do much to advonce the cause. Here, as in Nankin and PJyrrouth, much was lost at the election for want of tickets. YVhrn will our frtends learn to attend to these little matters" upon which our all in point of fact dependa. 14. NoríhyilJe - Here is the place where I debated the juLject of slavery and its aboüïion with Messrs. llowhna, Kniffiu, and Pu rdy some three years eince. I believe it was generally admiüed tbat tleg3 gatlemen bytiieir coficesdons n favor of Aboütionism neuiraüzcdall they eaid againstit, and in favor of slavery, and so, on the whole, lifce the "Kilknmy Cuts," cat up tlicmsclve?, and thus left all the arguments I employed against slavery aiid in favor of Abolí. ionistn to do their work, and advance our cautc, t' c result of wliirh is that some fifty Signáis are taken at thni office. Our friends Lerc are many and viluablc nowiihstaiulinj t lic assertion of a voul;l be Rulkr. who looks with a "single eye," that "aholiUonism should never have an en trance inlo JVorthvHlc." I have nevor ppoken to a tliin audienco in this plice nol withstanding the repeated lecfures I have ptven. 15. At Farmington - The weather cold, and winds boisteroi-s, but ajrespeetable congregation assemblecL I gave them a chapter of o!d but important facts. We have warm harted friends in this place, who are doing what ihey can to aid the cause of human right9. Mcssir. Cook aud Chapin, with hom I deba'.ed are both out of town. They rendered the cause of the slave an imdortant service while they resided here - not by advoealing hts clnims ho wever, but by keeping the svbject bef ore thepcoph: May they do us & like service where they now reside.16. Novi - I arrived with N. Ingerrioll who is a fearless and open advocate of moral and political rc'ion for the removal of slavery. - Wlien travelling, he makes it a practico to Lave the neighbors called together wherever night overtakes Jiim, and "lalks" to thein on the subject of onr enterprise and advocates ita claim?, which he isompetcnt to do. Would it not be for the ativancement of our cause, if our frienda who are blessed wUli tho "gift of the gab," should genorally adopt tiiis course. My leciure in t Ij place iu conscquence oF a 'inging ecbooj and some oïher opposing influences was ralher thinly attended. At the close a Mr. Basse', del.vered h;mself of n speech purpatíln to be in reply to what I had said. It was supposed ho wever, that he mised his roaf", bejpg1 in a stronge place, and wlien perfccily "sivamped,'' finally cor.ckided that our principies were right, but that w "cmCt do nolhing.'' So we parted in friendship. My advice to Mr. Basset is, that he, ínform himrelf before he aítempts lo make onother speech aganst abolitionism. 17 and 18. At Commerce- Was hospitably entertainedit A. Croemaji's. Had a pleasant interview with fricncls Farr, Comstock, Hoyt and otliers. ■ Lectured Saturday evening on political action to a respecfable audiencr. Received a vo!e of thanks at the close of my speech, moved by Dr. Hoyt, a practice by the way I do not ad mire. A subscriber to the Signal jvould be more acceptable. The friends ho wever in this place nre most of them subscribers. Sabbath, preached in the morning, atiended the Presbyterian meeting n the at'íernoon, and lectured in the evening at the Methodist Church, on tlie connec'.ion of the church with slavery. There was a general attendance and the ccngregation were deeply solemn and attentivc. I have no doubt good wns done. I was backed up by remarks nnd fervent prnyers at the close from Rev. Mr. Prince, of Farmington. Commerce wilt be rcdeemed I have no doubt. The Methodist preacher in this place, Rev. Mr. Steel, I believe, showcd his desvotion to Episcopal diclation and his scrvility to the slave poiver, by rcfusiug to publish my appojntment for the S..bbath. "Falher fjrguc them for thry know nol trhat they do." 19. Highiand - Ilere is a noble and highminded poople, who turned out in large ntitnber3 to hear. I was hoarse, and much fatigued, but did the be.-t I coul('. Some gooc was probably done. Whrn the people ii this place fully understand, as they most cer tainly willif they continue to investigate, that permanent relief to our country can never ho 33cured by the Whigs or Democrats - pledgoc and conlrolled as they are, by the ? lave power, ihey will give the Liberty Party a largo and permanent support. Our people here have begun well, Iet them persevere andsuccess ia certnin. 20th. Millbrd- But little eflbrt has boen made to advanee the Anti Slavery enterprise in this place. Still we have many valuable friends Iiere, in whose hands our cause wil be safe. My lectnre was well altendet), anci listended to, apparently, with the deepest attention. At the close of which, a Dr. Curtís, of Kensiugton, allempted to reply. it .was a fecble effort, but did much, I llnnk, to nd vanee our enterprise. The sublimity of our caiue never appearsto so good advantage nswhen an attempt is made to make it appear ridiculous.In every place, so far as [ know, where we Iiave been able to gel up a discussion, friends to our canse have been multiplied. It is very lesirable that during the winter, the subject be discussed every school district ín ihe State. Let it be thoroughly canvassed by the peoplc and we shnll have a righteous verdict, one in fact, that will telJ favorably upo the interest of the lave. 2lst. At Kensiugton, I received a hcnrty welcome by many a warm heart, cal led on Mr. Plaft at whose house I found friends Kenny and Carter. I was exceedinrly refreshed while in their presence. The union of kindrcd spirits is ono of the tleareat deIightsof cartb, never failing to remind us of those noblerjoys that wait the faitliful.- However, evcning carne, "and wilh it a densely crowded house of attentive hearers. They hung wilh breatliless attenlion for two hours and a half, while I attcmpted to establish thrcc noíiiioíH, ra'xTliat the institution of American Slavery, thrown upon ita own resoarces, ncver hns and never can tupport itsclf. 2nd. That the frec and industrióos north are laxed to nmke up the deficiencies of lije institulion, and t hns suslain Slavcry. Sd. That ït is the dufy of all frc;men to absolve themselves from all conneclion with the pro fl.ivory parlies of the land, and mukc a united cffort to overthrow the f-Iave power of ihó land, that now controla neorly uil the monied nterests of our country, and establish froe ins'.itutionF, rnaking our nterests one, that our country migiit enjoy a day of rest and prospenty. At the close, the same Dr. Curtis, that 1 met last éteniiig at Milfor(!,(a- vvell known perhaps by the iwmc of '-Professor Ilygeon,'') was ready to delivcr himselfofa speech. He had spoken but a few moments. when there vvere such evident indications of disapprotation that he desisted. The cohgregation retired to meet on Wednesdny cveniiig next, to listen to a discussion bctween the Doctor and myself on the followinfj questinn: Does the Congress of the United Stafrs possess tho X'onstitutional power to aboüsh Sl.ncry in the District of Cokimbia? How this discussion wil! end - and wliat will he its efibcts - remains to bc dete.'tnined. I have no fears liowevcr for the nierests of our cause. L2d. At Ann Arbor - Ist. There are manv pleatant village3 in Michigan - filled wiih n large amount of intellience anfl moral wnrlli. But in no part of the State d) I iiud more to mierest tho aUention than in our btloved vülag-e.. lts location - excellent water power - agricultura!, manufacturihif and mechauical inltrest - our schools and commerce, all combuie to make our place all ila name imports, Ann Jlrbor. Ld. Our prospectes a abclitionist are flatiering. More than twentv one íffl.NpaED votks have been pol.ed this fall in Uie State notwilhctandingall ihe embarrassments undor which wc labored. Let the friends of eqnal rigiits but do th.-ir duty, and when another clection shall come we will present to the enetny a front that will cause iiim to qiiail, and the fiiends of libeity to reju:ce in view of the rapid advancement of our holy enterprise.


Signal of Liberty
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