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Threshing Machines. THE undersigned would infurm tho public ilmt they continue to nicnufncture Horsk PowRsnnd Thrf.shíng Mai-hikks. tivo .-nd a bnlf mil es frona the village of Ann Arbtir. on the Wil, i rond. The Horse l'owor isa late inveniion by S. ! V. Foster, and is decidedly. superior to any oilier ever ofiered to tlie public, os will appear by ihe statements of those who have useil ihem düiin the last year. li is Iight in weight and small in compasa, being cáriied together wilh ihe Thresher, in a comisión waggon box, nnd drawn witt ease by two liorses. Jt is as Inde liable to break! orget out of repair, as any oiher Jlorse Power) and will wok as easy and ilirnsh ns nuich wiih j fmir horses i Kachfd to it as any other power wih JJbz horses, as will appcar froni the recoimnendntions below. New patterns have been made for lie cast Iron, and ndditional weight and siiengüi applied wherever t hnd nppcarcd to be necessary ' t'rom ove year's use of the machine. ' The subseribers deern it proper to s'totb, that a ' numbf r of horse powers were sold last year in he village of Ann Arbor whioh wcre beüeved by the purchiscrs to be those nvented by S. W. ' ter. and that m -st or all ofthem were ei i her made ' materiilly diHcient. or altered belbre sold, so as to be niateriaüy different f rom those made and sold by the subseribers. Such alterations being ! decidedly detr. menta' to the utility ofthe machine I ; They have jrood re.ison to beüeve thnt cveiy one ' of tliose returne;! by the purchasers as ' tory were of t.iis clnss. They are not awarr ün; any Power that wët from tlioir shop, and wos put , ; in use, as they made it. has been condtmned 01 ' ] laid asideas a bnd machine. All who st ibuy areinvlted toeamine them ' and to enquire of those wlio have used them - I : There will beonr tbr -ixaminntion at -V. FI.Wixo's, Dexter r'dlazc; nnd one at Martin Wili.son's J storetiiuse ii Dl-óit-Uoih these gentlemen beinir ai-cnts for the s.ile ofthem. ' The price wil! be $I'2O for n four horse power, with B thresliing: machín", wiih a síave or wooden bar cylinder; and jöRJO f..r a horse power with a ' threshing machine widi an iron bar cyünder. The attention ofthe reader is invited to tlie following recomniendations. 8. W. FOSTKR & CO. Seto. April 20. I84'2. ""■-■' RECOMB1ENDA TIONS. Thia Í3 to certify ihat ws have used one of S W. Fostcr's newly invented Horse Powers for about five room ha, nnd tlueshcd with it about 3100 bueliels, and belieye it s construcied on etter principies any other Horse Power. One of the undevsined 'has cwnedand nsedeii;ht i different kindsof Horse Powrrí.nnd we belieye tímt four horses will thrash as mnc'f) with ihis Power ! , as Jirc will witli'any other power with which we , areacquainted. , " ■ H. CA SR. ' S. G. IV ES. Scio. January, 12, 1S-J2. J Ti:is is to inform the public that I have r ed, and hnve now iu use, one ofthe Horse J ers rccfiuly mventcd by S W. Foster, made by J L S. V. Foster, it Ci., and believe it be construct u' ed upon better principies, and requres ess I slraizti of korse's tháli any other power witi, n. which 1 am acquainted. ,T o. A. WEEKS. % Mount Ciemens. Sept. 8. 111. f} Thisis to inform lbo pn!,lic thnt I have ;' ed onef ihe Jlorso Powers. recenUy invented bj j, S. W. I;oSter. and us d it for a number ofn.onths Í uul -encveULsthebrsl power in üse. workin with less sircngih of horsns that. any other power - with wlnch I am acquainted. and bein" small T( in compás?, is ensily moved from one place to hother. I believe 4 horses will thresl. as much ' with t iis power as 5 will with anv other power n The plan and ihe worJrfng of this power hnvo leen univerally approvod ofby tonners for vrhom ,0 l have thrashed. y Scio. April n,,,o E-S'SMITH. nn.lvriihs'Cr'1Prs m;lkcvery potffl SMUT MAn CM NF.S whfch they will soll for 30. Thií U machine was invented l.y one of the subscribcr?. bïïmZ w a"y 'c;ir'scxI'cnencein the miiling - bubincss. We mv.te those who wiefa to buy a T stood machme for a fair price tohuy of na. It is f e a f -■ S' FSTER & CO. th cio, April, 18, 1842. g Woolen IHanufactory 9' The subseribers have put in operation ar i woollon manufactory for mnnufacturing woollen all doth by power looms, two and a half miles west m rom Ann Arbor vilJage, on the raüroud. wheir ie Msh u iuuuu:aciurc woul_ ii:v3 cluih üü2 áhr.rea, or for psy hy the yurd, on reasonubh erins. They lmo umployed cxpeiicnced uuik tr IICI1 111(1 ll'C'i rnlliitloPl lliiit WO ik VVi.Ü bü Wtli g lone. They theicfüie respectfully :s a sliaic c i.fpublic p nr.iii-i;:. cspecially lïüii,tl.ose yvjio.aie ■ in favor ui' 1:1 m: ix!iLT.v. Wool may be lei; L atSeio vil;.Lc. j! S. W. FOSTBIl & Co. Scio. .piilIS. ]4i 4 'Tis fun ihBysny to gel will vith thcni, ü 1 A LI, mankind thtoiiL'hor.t thcir vi;!c nnd i:n;} jlJl nieuwe circiiliiiiou tint e er ;y ;hin concmue to bny ihem: beters' Puls ure" purely vc-f „ etable; tin y work no miraeUs. 1 1 . r ,Ju they piö Ic.-b ti cure uil diseases, BebHB'èè tny ffré iHi scie .lifi; oinpomul ol'a réglijnr phys'cnn. RiTO lias made his pn.fci-ioii lio s:if ■ ' l. l, ■.■'. Dr. Peters is i güiuuae f Y.ilc Cjü: ■;(■. alsu i Mussndin3its .Mi;!ic.; ('.;::■■, npd hïia èame6 what tls:iu:s!.'jJ iiiüsc!) ; s a man of sd 2,') and genuis . -inning the (auiily of the late (J v. q Peters; Peters' Yeguiable J'iils me simple i;i iheii j preaiatiun. mi!(i in tlioir ae;iun. thorui_'h :i their oper.itiim. nnd unnvaüed in iheir ns-ults. - i The town nnd country un: iilikc llilcti wiüi thcir 4 prui&e. The p:ilico nml ilie póor lioi:.-c al ke ocho willi viruica Jü ul cüninrcè tJu will i retain their wondorlul poweta and .ertt tlrcm unaliL-rod Lv ngfe or siuntion. nm! üiis the voiee of a gratefuJ cptntrtmity jiroel-ntned Peters' l'ills preven: - keep 1 1F ilisenses il' tir&eljl uscd, nd have ij riva! in curiitg biltíoua lever; j lever and fignelyspepsi.i. liver c ■ n p I ;: i j t s . {ï r o 1 1 p . ! sick lieadnche. jaiifüiice, usJiina.dio)sy. liit.uiiiatism, cnl i!Ke:nuit of t!ie epl.'en. pilö8, olie. irmale obstruction, henrt u:n. furred tongue, naitsen. d.s!ention of the stoin,-,c!i ;mdbowels. in:ipi ent diarriicca. il irnk-nce. !ui!iinnl eonstiveness. hissof appettte, bladieíl.or frfïnw co-nnluxíon, I f_, and n all c.iSL-s oftorjior of tlie bowely) whrrc i a cathariic or aperien a indien ted, produ neitlicr nan?'-i. gliping nor ;!di!i;y; ftfij m - pent all who buy ilietu eonrintu1 to try thein. The in tel triumph; ut success has over I ' $ IlhI thoir ie r:nil enongíi s riíroctíy knov.-n of ' 53 ihem to i;n normüze èrid hand ihem dfr'wn iö pos terity with the impmvon:enis ofthe nge in rned ical fccience. Dr. Peters was red ti th? ' g ing nn.üiid in order to suppiy deminds, he bos n )ririn?ucd nnd called to iiis 'ii the oiily stcani : '. Irive i niaehinery in the world for pili woikine. 'Tis petfer-, and ha protfees imparts to the fiill esseini.'d vutue. bocanse by beiii perfecih3 wrotiizhr. all the piils' hidden virtue ís revenled, ï wlun oalled inlo action. and here afso il is Peier? 1 2 e.vciLsiill tiie world and takes all the pretniun:s. r s niedols and diplomas. So ehar the trant lor iho j Engine - Petere' Pilis aré coming - a inillion of ■vit nessescan now be herd for ihem - resisth-ss , - do yoti heir th.-.t! while a hst can tístiíy r Irit they bolicvp tl. ey owe their sahation dom c liscase ,'íiid death to Petéis' Pili, nnd if calotnel t] and knivesarc getting partially in:o disuse we 1 ire only mistaken. I Ceijti:-ic .tj:s.- Tliis paper could be fillcd with them by rcsi(!ents of Michigan, by your friends ind neighbors- ask our.accñis. it s now wè'fl kiu.wn iliat the píople will iiave J'erers' Pilis, A and tu hinder would I e tosiop the rushing wind n] Price 2ó or 50 cents per box. The resis'less foree of these trutlis - their versal recepiion. r.dcVd to the t.'stimony of oí tons. '! e.p it before tl.e pcoplè'" nuistand wil; th bè henrd tliroughont this vale of tea; s. j Their happy mPboricé -on oung ladies while I situering nn'.'ir the usual changes of lile ns dilected by the laws of nature, they impart a buoyaney of h.eart, feeling and aetion, an elasric step, i ot velret chetk, lilly and carnn-ijn comulexion by in thcir action on the chyle, &c. and ladies in del ■ ar ica:e situations always admit their power and innocencc, and take thfitn two or three at a tm without in the süghtest degree incuirbjg the liazard of an abortion; vvhich facts are of the utm Bt ■ importance. Pimples: a yoórig lady sent her j loye to Dr. Peters, and g'ays slie fevU more j u' to him for the restoraiion of her beautythan i . il he had saved herlife. 'Tis fun to et wi II ' l with Peters Pül.s.for they cause the blood to course ! wil ns'tiiiipu) and genile through the veins as a 1 R fain ïivulet; 3 or 4 ia a eoninion dose, henee the patiënt is not cornpellëd to mnke a meal. TROüBLE IN PLUTO-3 CAMP. Quito astonished Oíd Pinto cniveto New YéVkl for Clearing Peiers had got his Pili Entine at work. s. To resign his coinniission, his hour glass and ?C] ... scythc; . fuc Uiave eoire to dellver thcin all tip to yo;; - Sir. my calüng s over- my biisyiess is ihnuigh; thc I have been ior 'hrceyears na terrible s'.cw, And Í really dou'i know wliat on carth J'am to j pai Xot ol vdnr n-igbiy sire do I coüic to cómpiain, Bui a tamal New ïbrker, one PICTKllS by name; The disrases i,iy aids, n this war of mr nkir.d, Are sul-dued by this l'eters. what help can we find? J would yield him N. York, bit, if there lie would siny: But, sir. Peters sill heve ihe wholc world for his ur, . hai ulule mnsingm conncd what course to pursue. Thru Kiigineof Pe'crsbroke forth into view. The Kinjr of terrors ookcd a while. As though his soul was tur cd to bile, PC At thnt unsparina; scource of i lis. . Byall men known as Peters' Pilis. 1f 'JMaese PilU ot Peters' stop thc hl.uighter. , lt And lea ves tlic blood as pure ns wiílt. suI Now Peie;s makes. I've beard him say, Ffve liundred thousnnd pills a d.'V, So that the chance is very small " Of people dying there at :U; For soon the checks. si mrrcd for doom, nz r.'izin Iike atiy rose to bloom. Lioh hrc! uil. n.hi try oonünue tobny. fhem. exl For sale as followp, by Meisrs. Eeaeh & Abel, 8UI G: fhvnville. F'. J. B. Crane. Maynard. & Co.. sw G. Wardr S. P. & J. C. Jewett, J. II. Lund, npj II. Becker. Dick.'nson & Cogswel!. mi.] S. K. Fn Jonre, Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. i Millerd & Son, Dextef, V?m. A. L. Shaw. Lina: .1. C. Winnns. Sylvnn. Hide, & Sn.iih. Srass Lake; W. Jaeksjn. Leoni; D. T. Merrinnn. Jaekson; M. A. Shuemaher. Micliigjp "entre; Brotherson &, Co.. L. B. Kiei '& Güert; Manchester; D. S. Ilaywood, Ssline; Snovv xvi t Keys. Clinton: J. Seattergood t?è Co., Plym'iith: Stone. li.-ibcock & Co., and Julins. xMoviis&Co.. Ypsilanti: Pierre Teller. Detroit; J. í J. Jïidwc'l. ;nd Dr. Underwood. Adrion; lak [art & Moslier, Springville; Ilarmen & Cook. ber 5iO(dUyii; Stnith & Co., Jonesville;, L. M'. !oyc(;. Ciiiengo - nnd almust cvery wher'c else. Oet. 19, 1.2 27-1 y 2 - . i crai 'O COUNTRY MERCFIANTS AND TIIE ! wit, rUBLIC GENERALLY. tha rlIE subscriber lias on lian.l and oflers for ai,n salo at low rato?, a largo and general as. irtinent of Drugs and Medicines. Pamts., Dy; Siufls. &c. fee, wth every arde ui the Drug and Pamt line. Persons wish i' to pinchase any anieles 'm the nbove lineare Ente equested, before pu-cliasinrelscwhere. to cali at á- PIERRE TELLER'S, B Vholesalc and Relnil Dnijroist 130. Jeflerson & Avenue, stgn ofthe Gilt Aíortar, Detroit. ft 't tha. GWf KA OF ELLEN WILMOTDECEA& Li TED. Notice is here by given that the be ] ndersipned .bas been nppointed by the Hon. goo jeorge Sedgwick, Judge of IVobate in aud for you lie County of Washtenaw, adminiKtrator on thc ,„,, siate of Ellen Wilmot, Inte of Saline in said .ounty, and hasgiven bondsaccording to law. - ui persons having demanda against said estáte _5 re requested to present them for adjustment, and l II persons indebted tosaid estáte are requested to T ïake payment without delay. ISRAEL WILLIAMS. -í__ Ann Arbor, June Z), 1812. ]','- üw '


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