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Corruption Of The Liberty Party

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Men, who ndmk the correcfncss of onr principies, predicr, thnt our pnrty wil! soon become as corrupt as the olher politicnl pnrties and therefore thny stand nloof, and rather hope to see iheirprediction fulfilcd. J tbia a rifrht spirit; conduct t lint God will approve? Forbe it remembrred, (lint I nm nddrwsinp mrra! beinpe, incn. thnt must gwo nu account to God for tlieir polrical Feutirnents and conducf, ns wol! as for :ill their oiher en tions. That the Liberty Party moy hecoma ns fiorrupt as the ntlier pnrtie?, is, certainly. nn event not mnoísible. Men nro pu prnma to do evil, thnt we cnn havebut little oonfidoncp ín any combination wluch tlioy ferm. How oftpn do chnrches bocomc corrupt, missionnry fcocieties dcpiiernte and repabücs siuk into despofifnis?' Is this n resom, why e phould havenothinff todo with churche-s benevolent inst'tutions. and republran ffDvcrumpnls? If not, then the facf, ihat the Liborty Party may become corrupt is no renson, wliy we Bhould not give it our cordial support. And those wbp pnsh forvvard this objecfion, and act with other combinations which are corrupt, or miy become so, show but little consialency ofcharacler. The objection fiippo?efi, that the Liberty Party nre no', os yet, so corrupt as the other pnrtiee, why not then, leave the corrupt and join the party which is more pure, and by y our influence try to hepp it from degenerating? If in your heart yon love hurnau rig!ns, tvhvdo yoii nut tokf! liold with thofe, who re'tryinjr to sustain then: help them while they nre bonestly niminp to nccomplish n preat jjood? Should they hcrenfter bpcome corrupt. thoy wijl thon be as pond as the oiher partios are now. So thal you cnn lose noíhiug, but yon may have the pleasure of laboi inf for a e?ason with a party which is not soenrrupt. accordisifj to vonr own objection, as the old parties. Is it nt bettpr to fnrsake tlie evil, and join the pood? And would not chari'v teach tis to liope, that what is now pood will so contuiue. and hold on lo the end?


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