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RomemliPi (viten ir. cines - on Vpne?dny ilie c-ig!it!) duy of Pebmary. 'J'iie Temporáneo Society meéis liie precreding day. Siíall e líiiye, a general pnihormi:? What Fny yon, frientís? Ítuhave'a représenla: ion fioni all parts :f llie S ae, ajmi not Icavo t!io ivbole business to be despatclied by i emú 11 eection fifLibíTty inen. {.ctall aboíilionisfs cóiriè. - Oor fiieiids fiom n (].-ilaice will receive llie Iiospilaü'.y pfonr qituens. VVc nre told tiiere iré a few in t!ie State wlio yet donbt tíiepoÜcy of separare rumin:!tions. Come np to lilis mcetinjr, fiiends, and !et us lliis rnntter, Jns). bul not least we snVi ld the Lidies co:iiï! No causa can 'og -prosppr W'ithout tliéir apprbbátidn: an;l wlien all í!e ladies are enü.-teJ ni beinlt' o!' an pnterprize, who can succeásfíilly opp'ose it? Rv. J. 1'. Cleveland U to open the Tempetanoe meeting wit!i an nddress'; pncl ve appreliend '.bat bot I anniversnriés vill briiVg to gel her ai) amo int ófs'tafent aníl mon.l wortli, which few ocen-ionsenn canse 1o as-einb!p. - TíiPn'I.eri' ae L b'.'.rtj n :nrn . ns (o b nsd' . VVhq Jocs no: vih t' scï önr best tnon pu: up fur Govemór and ICüínrint Governor? - Wesnv to llp tuon'y oüc hundri'tl vo'ers cf' lIiís yer, comeand chon.-e ilirdi; and witíi a strung ie;nn for ne.t fil, :md a w'u'e cirquli'ion fur, tin. Kifü.-i!, up íkihk Mleíiigan uiü n t bo beliiiifl Biíy "lier St;;ir. Mr. Brá.NEY niay be éxpectéd 'o be --present at tlie State inee;iii,imlvssprovid:níiíilly hindrpd, W'c have jtist seen a leiter fruin Ijini to tliat cíK-c-t.


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